Never Forgive Never Forget 09/11/2001


Supramania Contributor
I casually talked to my fellow workers at work today and I must say that I was surprised how many people didn't even take note of the today's date. Some took a pacifist view and told me we must break the cycle of hate and make peace. I said to them that they should show the newscast in full length and never let us forget or take the event lightly. I was chastised!!

102 Minutes That Changed America

The video link above presents unfiltered video captured by nine different eyewitnesses from 10 locations around the World Trade Center on the morning of September 11th. Click on a location to begin. This video contains material of a graphic and disturbing nature, and may not be suitable for all viewers. Viewer discretion is advised. (


Jan 15, 2008
PDX (Oregon)
Makes me sick every time I see that... what makes it even worse was those Brazilian assholes that made that ad with 100 planes pointed at the Twin Towers a couple weeks back..


Dec 31, 1969
Richmond, BC, Canada
There are only 2 ways to deal with attacks of this nature.

First, you can turn your military might against them, and prove beyond the shadow of a doubt that you are not soft, you are not going to forget, you are not going to forgive. You stop when they are all dead. No second guessing, and if the press wants to paint a portrait of your servicemen as babykillers while they are doing this, they can stay the fuck home.

Obviously, this isn't an option that is available. So, there's the second option.

Walk away from what happened. Make your goodbyes, say your farewells, but put it in the past and never give anyone a reason to think that it has affected you, your friends, of your country. You need this act of theirs to look entirely ineffective.

Currently, the bad guys have won, and the only people who refuse to admit it is the American politicians, news, and the sheep portion of the public that listen to them. They invaded your country, killed 3000 men, women, and children, caused billions of dollars of damage to one of your largest cities, and struck fear into your hearts, as witnessed by the creation of Homeland Security, the fact that you can no longer take a bottle of water or nail clippers on board a plane, security requires that you remove your shoes so that they can be inspected before boarding, and so on. And exactly how many genuine terror attacks have these measures foiled? NONE.


New Member
Sep 17, 2007
Coastal Georgia
It says alot when our newly elected president puts their dick in his ass by appearing on muslim tv before any AMERICAN networks. While were at it, lets get them the keys to a few more Boeings.

Boosted Supra

AEM 7MGTE 6765
Apr 7, 2005
Valley Stream, New York, United States
I remember that day, I was a few blocks from the south tower. I actually saw that second plane hit, it was unbelieveable. I wont forget that day ever!

I've seen people jump trying to flap their arms (hoping to fly), I saw a person get crushed by the front landing gear because the dumbasses wanted to watch. I stayed about 3 blocks away watching.