My car's current problems (Code 14, 42, and 43; weak, sputtery idle; oil sender unit)


Sep 30, 2011
Paonia, Colorado
Annnnd we're back with more problems.

Yesterday, I changed my air filter. In the process, somehow, my oil sender unit got unplugged. I noticed that last night as I was driving , and my oil pressure gauge wasn't working. So, I removed my air intake to get at the oil sender, and when I tried to reconnect the small, plastic, electrical clip to the unit, it broke off the wire. Any ideas where I can get new wiring for this?

Secondly, after I put my intake back together, and turned my car on, it displayed a especially weak, sputtery idle. It wanted to die several times. I couldn't figure it out, so I decided to jump E1 and TE1 to see if my car was throwing codes. Low and behold, it gave me three.

14 - Ignition coil, or ignition coil circuit
42 - Speed sensor signal
43 - Starter signal, ignition switch

I would like some help, tips, etc. on how to diagnose these codes before I start throwing parts at my car. I'll probably check for vacuum leaks tomorrow. If not that, I'm thinking it might be my ISC, or possibly my AFM, but the car threw no codes related to this. Could these codes be related to my idle problems? What else should I check and diagnose? Any help would be appreciated.
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Nick M

Black Rifles Matter
Sep 9, 2005
LunaVyohr;1814444 said:
Yesterday, I changed my air filter. In the process, somehow, my oil sender unit got unplugged. I noticed that last night as I was driving , and my oil pressure gauge wasn't working. So, I removed my air intake to get at the oil sender, and when I tried to reconnect the small, plastic, electrical clip to the unit, it broke off the wire. Any ideas where I can get new wiring for this?

I haven't had one in my hand in a while. Seems like it is a round end on the sender that the wire slides over and clips on. If you don't find the clip at Radio Shack, pull one off any Toyota in that range.

14 - Ignition coil, or ignition coil circuit

That will cause the stutter.

42 - Speed sensor signal

That would altar your fuel map a bit, but probably nothing you notice. Others here drive around with a broken speedo cable. The automatic trans needs it far more than the engine. The engine does need it.

43 - Starter signal, ignition switch

This makes for easier starting. Timing is retarded to mach starter rpm, and to turn on the fuel pump when the car is not running.

I would think of wiring for all of them before component replacement.


Sep 30, 2011
Paonia, Colorado
So, an update: I cleared my ECU of codes to be safe, retested, and now it's throwing no codes. Ugh. Where should I start now? Considering running a voltage test on my ignition coil and ISCV. Is there any way to test the fuel VSV system?

Also, the bent snorkel piping around my throttle body is degrading pretty bad. I'm guessing this is causing a vacuum leak. I want to replace the part, but it's $70 from Toyota for just the bent piping . Any alternatives to this? I know that some people have used a Civic aftermarket aluminum pipe and have adapted it to fit with the bent piping, but I'm not sure how well this would work considering how badly the piping is degrading.


Sep 30, 2011
Paonia, Colorado
Yes, I'm sure it's grounded. While the car was running today, I pressed down on that piping against the throttle body and pressed it forward to get a better connection, and my idle raised from about 600 to 750 and stabilized slightly. If the problem is that simple, I may just weld and make my own piping from aluminum. But, I still haven't tested my ignition coil. I haven't been able to find my ohm-meter.


New Member
Jan 19, 2012
Columbia, SC
I spent 5 bucks on a rubber pipe coupling from lowes. A little trimming and a torch and some lube you can get the 2 in to fit. If I could have found a 2 1/2 it would slip right on. I was just doing it because I didn't want to spend the money but it works. Go figure.