

Aug 26, 2005
Quin said:
That was a very unfortunate thing to happen, but the cover up made it worse.

Very true, but it isn't the first time and it won't be the last :nono:

32 "Blue on Blue" incidents in the last 12 months in Iraq


Aug 26, 2005
honestabe said:
Only the Army/Navy/Air Force can't shoot. One more reason to join the Marine Corps. :D

So how many Blue kills would The Mighty Marine Corps have notched up by now then??

Read and digest what a British Flag looks like

American Government cover up, here is footage from an A10 that killed a british soldier, which doesn't exist (according to US sources) Story and Video
Last edited:


Happy as hell :D
Jan 15, 2006
Mount Vernon, WA, USA
The Marine Corps isn't perfect, but we are much better trained then the other branches in the U.S. As far as blue kills, not as many as the other branches I'm sure (don't quote me on that since I don't know the statistics). Besides, I'm picking on the other U.S. armed forces. It's a tradition of all branches.


Aug 26, 2005
honestabe said:
It's a tradition of all branches.

Same in the British forces, sorry to have a dig on here, but i feel a lot of this information doesn't get to the american public.

My posts on this subject arn't aimed at the normal people of the U.S. just the powers that mis-inform you


Supramania Contributor
honestabe said:
The Marine Corps isn't perfect, but we are much more brainwashed then the other branches in the U.S. As far as blue kills, not as many as the other branches I'm sure (don't quote me on that since I don't know the statistics). Besides, I'm picking on the other U.S. armed forces. It's a tradition of all branches.


Typical Marine, lol. I shoot expert everytime I qualify. Put a 10x scope on my m4 and I'll give you a light pellting at over 1000 meters. Give me a m24, or a barret... you better start looking for a place to dig.

Fyi, the marines and the army grunts receive the same damn training. I've seen training done by both army and marine, even trained with marines here in afghanland. Alot of things impressed me, and a lot did not. The one that stuck out the most is "positive contol of your weapon" - holy shit...

Watching the marines training was just like looking the mirrior.

Did you know that a survey was done on a platoon of marines that asked if given the order would they fire upon their battle buddies, or civilians? More than 80% answered, yes. :biglaugh:


New Member
Oct 15, 2006
Anacortes, WA
honestabe said:
Only the Army/Navy/Air Force can't shoot. One more reason to join the Marine Corps. :D

Lol, my dad was in the Marines. He has a bumper sticker that says,

"A Marine And His Rifle....It's a Beautiful Thing."


that's it!
Sep 30, 2006
Salem, Oregon
I am Air Force and I think that I am pretty good with the '16. I haven't quite made expert though:(..... I will shoot the Beretta 9 soon though. Hopefully I will do better on that one.


Happy as hell :D
Jan 15, 2006
Mount Vernon, WA, USA
CtSupra said:

Typical Marine, lol. I shoot expert everytime I qualify. Put a 10x scope on my m4 and I'll give you a light pellting at over 1000 meters. Give me a m24, or a barret... you better start looking for a place to dig.

Fyi, the marines and the army grunts receive the same damn training. I've seen training done by both army and marine, even trained with marines here in afghanland. Alot of things impressed me, and a lot did not. The one that stuck out the most is "positive contol of your weapon" - holy shit...

Watching the marines training was just like looking the mirrior.

Did you know that a survey was done on a platoon of marines that asked if given the order would they fire upon their battle buddies, or civilians? More than 80% answered, yes. :biglaugh:

With a scope almost anybody is good. Question is, how good are you on iron sights? And last I checked, Marines have a different course of fire for the M16, not sure about the M9 though.


Aug 26, 2005
2kV6 said:
Sorry, didn't hear that story. Guess accidents happen

And your in the Forces and you didn't hear about this????? Just goes to show just how cut off from the rest of the world the American Government has made you all.

And it wasn't an ACCIDENT it was a cowboy going in guns blazing without proper intel and clear confirmation of his targets, that my friend is murder


AKA Slient_sniper
Apr 24, 2006
haha i love it first thing your taght in CF is positive wepon control and enemy ID

a lot of the US militay guys iv been with or meet in person its shoot first count bodys later althought you guys seem to know were to point the right end.


Almost civilian status...
Jun 26, 2006
Fredericksburg, VA
bondie said:
And your in the Forces and you didn't hear about this????? Just goes to show just how cut off from the rest of the world the American Government has made you all.

And it wasn't an ACCIDENT it was a cowboy going in guns blazing without proper intel and clear confirmation of his targets, that my friend is murder

Whoa, settle down. I wasn't flying the plane nor did I kill any of your military folk. So don't go screaming at me. I have my job in the US military and it doesn't consist of intelligence on targets. Go blame someone else who cares.


Aug 26, 2005
2kV6 said:
Whoa, settle down. I wasn't flying the plane nor did I kill any of your military folk. So don't go screaming at me. I have my job in the US military and it doesn't consist of intelligence on targets. Go blame someone else who cares.

Did i scream, i think not, but your last statement "Go blame someone else who cares" says it all.

Thankfully my eldest son has just returned safely from his 2nd tour of Iraq, but this time he was only fired upon twice by so called friendly forces.

don't get all defensive 2kV6 this is just a forum conversation not a flaming session, chill dude

Nick M

Black Rifles Matter
Sep 9, 2005
bondie said:
And it wasn't an ACCIDENT it was a cowboy going in guns blazing without proper intel and clear confirmation of his targets, that my friend is murder

Are you talking about the recent friendly fire, as in a week ago or so, with the video released?

If you are talking about the one I am thinking, you are full of shit.


Aug 26, 2005
Nick M said:
Are you talking about the recent friendly fire, as in a week ago or so, with the video released?

If you are talking about the one I am thinking, you are full of shit.

really have you watched it yourself, but thanks for lowering the tone of the conversation.

One of the pilots clearly says, they have orange markers on them (denotes friendy forces from the air) but the other pilot decides they look like rockets and decides to strafe the convoy, not once but twice.

The incdent was on March 28, 2003 not a couple of weeks ago.

Read the news story from CNN then come back and tell me i'm "full of shit"

CNN Coverage

Also watch the video Cockpit Video


Official SM Expert: Motor Oil, Lubricants & Fil
SM Expert
Feb 10, 2006
Valley of the Sun
Bondie - You ever been in a combat aircraft trying to ID ground vehicles from 10,000 feet or higher? Working a "kill box" in which no friendly forces are supposed to enter or be present? Ever have to make a combat decision to fire or not in seconds?

I a "fast mover"...a heck of a lot faster than an A-10.

There have been friendly fire incidents in every war ever fought...the differences today is the pace which combat occurs. In Iraq and Afghanistan it's compounded by the nature of the conflict...the enemy gets in close and a bomb (no matter how "smart") and cannon fire is not very discriminate. Just to illustrate the point, 24% of the 148 Americans killed in Desert Storm resulted from fratricide:

bondie said:
So how many Blue kills would The Mighty Marine Corps have notched up by now then??

Read and digest what a British Flag looks like

American Government cover up, here is footage from an A10 that killed a british soldier, which doesn't exist (according to US sources) Story and Video

And how many Americans have been killed in Iraq compared to British?

It's pretty easy for the media to throw you that the folks writing these articles have never served. This is especially true of the British tabloids like the Sun (like these guys are credible)...sensationalism is the name of the game. Ever consider that a video like this is a compromise? Weapons symbology, sensor imagery and weapon ranges are all very useful to an enemy...ever thought that's why this kind of video is not made public? The media wants to sell papers...they pine for this kind of thing...they have no regard for the reasons that the US military (or the British military) has to keep this info from being made public.

And here is another thing to consider. It is American jets providing close air support to ground forces that include British and Canadian units. Ever considered how many times these jets have saved lives by preventing the enemy from getting in close enough to kill coalition soldiers? You won't hear about that in the doesn't sell papers. American troops make up the overwhelming majority of combat forces around the world, and are therefore more likely to be involved in friendly-fire incidents.

The US DoD provided info and this video to the British MoD concerning this incident...that is done in an effort to keep it from happening again. We do not make the names of the individuals serves no purpose other than to satisfy the media and it opens up these individuals to lawsuits. You can call it "stonewalling" if you like, but there is a big difference between a crime and a mistake. If these two pilots had violated the rules of engagement, they would have been punished...they knew that. Maybe you should consider that these pilots will have to live with that mistake the rest of their life.

bondie said:
And it wasn't an ACCIDENT it was a cowboy going in guns blazing without proper intel and clear confirmation of his targets, that my friend is murder

If you think for one second that these American officers intentionally and knowingly attacked British APC's...then you are full of shit.
