Math V2.1.0


work in progress
Saw all these cool math problems, and just got asked one today. So, a big borat high five to whoever can figure it out!

Three guys are traveling together and need a hotel. They find the cheapest one they can and go in. It ends up being 30$ Total for the night, so they each pay 10$.

So, 3x10=30$

Now, after they have settled in there room, the clerk remembers that there is a late night special an that the room was only 25$ a night. So he sends the bell boy up to there room with 5$ to give back

He gets to there room, but realizes that he has no way to split it up evenly, so without telling the guests, he keeps 2$ and gives each of them 1$

So, that means each only paid 9$ Right?

So 9x3=27$
and 27+2= 29$!!! Where does this last Dollar go?!


Apr 9, 2005
In an Igloo
Following the timeline (Correctly):

3(10) - 5 + (3 + 2) [took 30 dollars, removed 5 from it while going to room, split the 5 into 2 + 3 than kept 2 and gave the group 3)
= 30 - 5 + 5
= 30

According to question:
3(10-1) + (5-3) [each man paid 9 dollars (totalling 27) then the clerk randomly took 2 dollars out of 5 that suddenly appeared]
=27 + 2 [aka. random, lack of order play on words that is just a different math problem.]
= 29

The question incorrectly orders the math. By stating that the group paid $9 in the first place, it is essentially creating a completely different problem. First each man paid $10 dollars, not 9. Without accounting for the order of operations the problem is fundamentally different.
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The Backseat Flyer
Sep 17, 2005
mkiiSupraMan18 said:
^ I was totally going to say that!

Yeah they paid $9

They paid $25 for the room... each man paid $8.33333333333 (approximately $8.33)

8.33 * 3 (is approximately) = 25

clerk gave them each a dollar back...(9.33 a person now accounted for)

9.33 * 3 (is approximately) = 28

Plus the $2 the clerk kept

$28 + $2 = $30

Jeff Lange

Staff member
Mar 29, 2005
Sunnyvale, CA
Combined they paid $25 to the hotel and $2 to the bell boy, and have $3 in their pockets, which means $27 was paid total, not $29. The bellboy's $2 came out of the $27, because they each paid $9 total, not $9 plus the tip for the bell boy.

The Hotel has $25, the clerk has $2, and the guests have $3, that is $30.

They mislead you by making a new equation of (9 * 3) + 2, when that wasn't what happened.

30 = 10 * 3 (What they paid)
30 = 25 + 5 ($5 given back)
30 = 25 + ((1 * 3) + 2)

The actual equation ends up looking like this:

9 * 3 = 27 (Total paid after they get their $1 each back, ie: $9 per person)
27 - 2 = 25 (Total paid to Hotel, minus what the Bellboy took)


10 * 3 = 30 (Total paid)
30 - 3 = 27 (Total paid after they get their $3 back)
27 - 2 = 25 (Total paid to the Hotel after the Bellboy took his $2)

PS: Ya bunch of n00bs.


The Backseat Flyer
Sep 17, 2005
Jeff Lange said:
PS: Ya bunch of n00bs.

That's basically the same thing I typed along with the other guy... except in mine the math was just how much each guy paid to the hotel. And then the rest was accounting for the rest of the money :naughty:

[after thought]It all depends on your "frame of reference." If you're looking at the hotel manager, they paid $8.33 each, if you're looking at the 3 men, they paid $9 each and if you're looking at the bell hop, they paid $9 each. (total amount paid that is)[/after thought]

SupraDerk said:
They paid $25 for the room... each man paid $8.33333333333 (approximately $8.33)

8.33 * 3 (is approximately) = 25

clerk gave them each a dollar back...(9.33 a person now accounted for)

9.33 * 3 (is approximately) = 28

Plus the $2 the clerk kept

$28 + $2 = $30

$8.33 (amount paid to hotel/person) + $2 * 1/3 (each person's share in bellhops small fortune) = $9

3 men * $9 paid = $27 total paid

$27 + $3 (dollar each they got back) = $30
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Senior Member
Mar 31, 2005
All of these math threads are for drop outs.

Duuuurrrrr, I can't figure out order of operations or basic algebra. How is this possible?!? I actually believe 1 = 2 or some other nonsense bullshit.


Apr 9, 2005
In an Igloo
I can post up some nice engineering calc if you really want (only basic first year stuff I did a while ago.) I just doubt anyone will do it: Those who can will want harder, actually challenging problems and those who can't will just say math blows.

These kinds of quesitons are more like a riddle than a math problem because they really just end up being a play on words.


work in progress
outofstep said:
All of these math threads are for drop outs.

Duuuurrrrr, I can't figure out order of operations or basic algebra. How is this possible?!? I actually believe 1 = 2 or some other nonsense bullshit.

Well somebodys a little grumpy:cry:

I just thought it was a fun little word problem if anything else.

As for the real math problems, I would be more than happy to post up some of my AP Statistics problems!

Cheers, and a happy easter!


Trans killer
Dec 5, 2006
Columbus, IN
Jeff Lange said:
PS: Quin baleeted his post, cause he got ownedzors.

(Just buggin' ya ;))

Damn right. I always do when I'm wrong, unless I think me being wrong will help someone else. No sense in having bad information out there. Post those problems up lol

Supra Blues

Virgin Booster
Mar 30, 2005
Jeff Lange said:
Combined they paid $25 to the hotel and $2 to the bell boy, and have $3 in their pockets, which means $27 was paid total, not $29. The bellboy's $2 came out of the $27, because they each paid $9 total, not $9 plus the tip for the bell boy.

The Hotel has $25, the clerk has $2, and the guests have $3, that is $30.

They mislead you by making a new equation of (9 * 3) + 2, when that wasn't what happened.

30 = 10 * 3 (What they paid)
30 = 25 + 5 ($5 given back)
30 = 25 + ((1 * 3) + 2)

The actual equation ends up looking like this:

9 * 3 = 27 (Total paid after they get their $1 each back, ie: $9 per person)
27 - 2 = 25 (Total paid to Hotel, minus what the Bellboy took)


10 * 3 = 30 (Total paid)
30 - 3 = 27 (Total paid after they get their $3 back)
27 - 2 = 25 (Total paid to the Hotel after the Bellboy took his $2)

PS: Ya bunch of n00bs.

I am late to the party on this but oh well. Very well put Jeff. I have had the same problem proposed to me only in different context.

But here is my take on this problem (varies a little from Jeff's):

3 guys pay $10 each for a hotel room = Gay

(who cares about the rest)