MAFT Pro into 2JZGE-T on 7M electronics with LC1 - New issues (shocking I know)


New Member
Jul 2, 2008
I dont know if you did but re install the stock o2 sensor. Only way around this is to use an o2 simulator. The maft pro works great but the tccs is stronger... it has to see a narrow band o2 sensor. no way around this. You will get funky cold starts or terrible hot starts. Vf is not a representation of the stock o2. The ecu will show Vf V. other then 0.00 even with the o2 removed. Removing the stock o2 sensor is a headache best avoided and easily worked around using ETPS. Once the stock o2 is installed, tune the whole "closed loop" map to get a 2.5v vf and call it good. Then move onto boost with the etps.

Ive seen many "solutions" to force the stock tccs into open loop. Nothing has worked as well or as reliably as etps