Machine work help & recommendations ???


Apr 3, 2005
I'm looking for some info on machine work that's commonly done or a good idea to have done.

I've been looking around and talking to some machine shops that were recommended but aren't familiar with Supra engines. Here are my questions:

-Is micro finish absolutely necessary if block and head material are ok and left as good finish from general machining? (shop didn't seem to think it would be necessary and uses metal gaskets on other engines)

-Is crank lightening or knife edging a big improvement, is it really necessary (shop mentioned it would really be needed)

-Is rod prep (shot peen, stress relief) a neccesity or an extra only if seeking beyond a certain power level?

-Should I only consider a shop that knows Toyota stuff and more specifically Toyota? I was recommended the shop I'm considering by some long time, very succesful drag guys but they don't seem to have much experience with Toyota stuff. I'm sure the bores and balancing would be done properly, more concerned with other items (surface for MHG, etc)

-Is there a list/FAQ of recommended shops? If not this might be a good idea to help others.

Thanks for reading, was about to drop the block/head off and wanted to get some opinions first. We'll be building the engine just need proper machine work done first.
