Lets say I break into your house...


boosted kraut
Mar 31, 2005
Nick M said:
Funny you whine about taking things out of context, then post an op-ed that does the same thing.
Sorry, what's an "op-ed" ?
I didn't post the link as a placeholder for my opinion, but to show how anything can be made to look different than how it was meant if you take it out of context. The author of the linked page did just that with quotes from the Bible and it kinda worked.

Supracentral said:
Hardly a unbiased resource. The very name of the site indicates the entire point is PRO islam...
Yep, that was intentional. Since I was under the impression that Chad's source (whatever his source was) was biased as well I figured I could as well show him a biased opinion from the other side of the fence. Just trying to bring in some diversity.
But as with every biased opinion, there mostly is some truth in it.

As for your very impressive data collected about violence in the name of Islam, I think no one was saying that there were no terrible acts of violence done by Islamists. My objection was simply triggered by Chad's generalization, making practically every believing muslim a potential terrorist.
And I also don't think that the amount of extremists' violence is directly connected to the religion itself. I'll elaborate a little further on this later on.

ChadMKIII said:
Obviously not every Muslims is out there bombing the hell out of Christians. There are lots of very peaceful Muslims who are actually very tolerant and nice to those of other faiths.
I'm glad you see it like that. I had a different impression from reading your previous post and there apparently are people who think that all muslims in general are evil. Sorry for misjudging you.

ChadMKIII said:
But this 'radical Islam' group is more than just a tiny super minority, they are a powerful group, and do lots of harm, as can be seen by Supracentral's post.
That's the sad thing about it, and I won't deny that.
But I think the fact that they are that unscrupulous and have means to cause serious damage is not due to their religion but to them being extremists and being organized.
See Christian crusades et al.

ChadMKIII said:
Anyway, its pretty funny that you pick out a small part of my post and then whine about it being off topic. Thats not all I said...
Well firstly I don't whink I "whined". Second, when stating that this is off-topic I was actually rather referring to my own writing, not to yours. Sorry if it came through differently.

Sometimes I'm under the impression that some people here think that just because someone does not agree completely with one of their opinions, that this someone completely disagrees with all of their opinions. Like "if you don't like everything I'm saying, you disagree with everything I'm saying". I hope I could make my position reasonably clear ;)
Oct 11, 2005
Thousand Oaks, CA
Not exactly what I would call a fair and balanced summary. Try this...


MDCmotorsports said:
Obviously you failed history class.

California was founded, settled, controlled by Californ'ios. The Mexican government took over the land owned by the Californ'ios and tried to force them to pay taxes.

I shall not go on and on, but yet you can do the reasearch.

Nick M

Black Rifles Matter
Sep 9, 2005
An op-ed is what I do daily in here. It isn't hard news. It is an opinion editorial. Think Limbaugh, O'Reilly, Mathews, Olberman, etc etc.

Back to border patrol.


Yup, Thats The G/F
Jul 14, 2006
Bay Area, Ca
No, I was just quoting things specifically in the Qur'an. That was all.

Yeah, like I said there are tons more good, peaceful Muslims than Jihadists. But they are a huge part of the religion in current times. Sorry if it sounded like and all-encompassing generalization.

Yes the terrorists are organized and powerful, but they're doing it because of their religion. They hate Jews and Christians, and want them dead. They just happen to be a major threat because they are so organized, and that they fight very dirty. If we were to use the same tactics they do, they would've been wiped out in mere months. Radical Jihadists (is there any other kind? lol) INTENTIONALLY aim at civilians, who have done nothing to them. (ie the recent/current bombings in Israel) Israel has not attacked them once: they are all COUNTER attacks, after Hezbollah, Hamas, et al has shot some rockets into a city or taken some soldiers captive.

As for the Crusades, those were Catholic. That explains a lot right there.


I can't excuse them, they were wrong, and the people who were in the Crusades, IMHO, were not doing it to truly convert people to Christianity, or any other reason they claimed. I believe they participated in hopes of making a name for themselves as a powerful military leader. In short, using the idea of warring for God as a stepping-stone to glory.
But, no one really knows for sure so I suppose its a moot point.

So, glad we're both more on the same page, hope that cleared up my position a bit. I try not to generalize, but often times things will come out sounding like it when its not how I intended it. :)

So, I'm getting the feeling everything of importance about Illegals and Border Patrol has already been said, or else won't be, in this thread. Anyone have any more ideas?
Last edited:


Active Member
Mar 30, 2005
Wills7MGTE said:
This thread for some reason irritates me, I guess its the title, but I now plan to break into all of your houses, BE WARNED

Please don't Will, a sucking chest wound tends to offend... :evil2:


Supramania Contributor
Ok, here is where we screwed up a few years ago.

Mexico wanted NAFTA really, really bad. (SO bad, they were actually running ads here in the USA to try and build support for it.)

The treaty just about died. It was not a good deal for the USA then, and it's not a good deal for us now either.

Here is how it could have been made into a good deal for both sides with just one provision.

There are no fee's or tarrifs.

However, either country has to pay the other the cost of careing or dealing with any illegal citizens of the other country living illegally in the first country. (IE illegal aliens cost money, and the country they came from has to pay that bill.)

So, here's how it would have worked. The DAY that law was put into effect, Mexico would have placed their military on the border, and there would be NO illegals running over all the time. Why you ask? Because it would cost the Mexican government and companies money to let those people across where they can run up huge medical bills, education costs and all the other billions we spend caring for people who "broke into our house."

Now, don't get me wrong. I have quite a few mexican, and "Hispanic" friends, and many of them are more vocal on this than I am. (You guys all know that anyone who's here legally is pretty pissed off at the ones here causing problems for everyone else, regardless of what race they are, we should hate freeloaders equally.)

Imagine that, a Mexico that is worried about building a trade relationship with a very huge market to the North, and being stuck with the bill to cover the cost of illegal's from Mexico in the USA. (And this would work with anyone, of any background or ethnic group, your country is handed a bill, and if they don't pay it, the "costs" are added onto the items your shipping into this country. (SO it's like a tarrif, but only if your country has a illegal alien problem here in the USA.)

Somehow, I don't see a huge number of Germans, Poles or any other specific group coming over here and setting them selves up.

Ok, last part of the rant.

I used to work for a large potato fry plant. I was one of 4 guys in about 36 who did not speak Spanish as a primary language.

At the time, I was making about 28K a year, and so were my co-workers who just happened to be great guys to work with untill I found out the following:

Each one was not married in the USA. They were good catholic men, and had been married in Mexico, and have had the same wife for years, and 5, 6 or even 7 or more kids. Large families, and the kids are growing up great.

Here is where it goes wrong. Almost every single one of them had the wives and kids on welfare. (Since they are not married, the wife and kids go on public assistance, and they then live on the income of the "husband" and have everything else provided...)

Sucks right? Bet it's going on in your home town right now.

I paid for my house, car and everything I owned. I was also raising a daughter, and providing for my wife. But I was doing it on one income, and no welfare.

So, I was driving two old cars, had limited money to spend, and was barely making it.

They drove brand new cars, had ATV's and other stuff I could not afford, and to top it off, these guys would tell me that if my wife took some of my nices and my own daughter down to the public assistance place, told them she was single and had no money, and 5 hungry kids to feed, they would set here up in a free house, foodstamps and even cash money to cover the rest. And I could live with her as a "boyfriend" and the government could do nothing. (Just stay single in the eyes of the law, and your good to go.)

So, try and support the freedom to let people come here to get a better life, but the current setup is not working...

Anyone breaks into my house, and I'm with outofstep. They get a few rounds center of mass, and a final shot to the head to make sure they are not going to cause any more trouble in this life.