Last R154 question before i do the swap.


New Member
Oct 22, 2005
-The wing brackets that i need, i've got em, but i didnt get any bolts with, are there reusable bolts on the AT? if not what length/thread do i need?

-Will the AT speedo cable work with the MT?

-What are the 2 plugs for on the clutch pedal assembley i got?

-How is the car going to read that its in park? wont it only start if it reads that its in park since i have the AT computer? or what? explain this to me, most guides out there are to vauge.

-Any other things that arent on the big list of parts needed that i am missing.

-Any other advice.

I have: clutch master cylinder, clutch slave cylinder, main hardline, intermediate hose, slave cylinder hardline, 4 quarts of tranny fluid, R154, dual friction clutch, flywheel bolts, brake pedal assembley, clutch pedal assembley, flywheel, MT front section of driveshaft with new u-joint and carrier bearing, pilot bearing, throwout bearing, rear tranny seal, rear main seal, new shift knob, new driveshaft bolts, clutch fork, MT crossmember, 2 wing brackets(no bolts?)..........
Last edited:


Mar 31, 2005
Spokane, Wa
89Turbo said:
-What are the 2 plugs for on the clutch pedal assembly i got?

Clutch safety switch, and cruise control kill.

89Turbo said:
-How is the car going to read that its in park? wont it only start if it reads that its in park since i have the AT computer? or what? explain this to me, most guides out there are to vague.

I cannot tell you exactly how to do it wire for wire but the jist of it is you're going to have to bypass that sensor. More than likely jumper a two pin plug. (chances are)


Picture Me Rollin
Apr 4, 2005
Corpus Christi, TX
I did the swap, its pretty straight foward. The holes for the clutch pedal assembly and master cylinder are even already there for you.

When messing with the brake pedals, do not remove the entire bracket, they are the same. Just unbolt the pedal itself, leave the bracket and put the smaller manual brake pedal in.

All the bolts should be the same, the guy I bought it from sent me everything with NO BOLTS AT ALL. I still got it done.

I dont remember wire for wire like Justin said, but I know you use a plug off of the auto tranny wire harness and splice it into the neutral safety plug somehow (search through threads, thats how I found the answer) to make a "loop". This is to bypass it, to where you DONT have to have the clutch depressed to start the car. Theres a way to wire it so the clutch safety switch works, but I dont know how. Theres also a way to wire up for the reverse lights, which I also didnt do.

I didnt do anything with my computer, still run the auto ECU, no probs. Everynow and then, the "OD OFF" light will flash on my dash, but thats about it.

I used the same speedo cable. No probs either.

HTH, remember to search, thats how I found most of my answer. Look for Dr. Jonez thread, I believe he has a link to his website showing a detailed explanation on how to do the swap.


New Member
Oct 22, 2005
edit: found answer to clutch pedal q.

-3 wire round plug, wht/blk spliced together enable the bypassing of the clutch (ie. pedal pushed in isn't required to start the car) and the blue is 1 of 2 wires needed for the reverse lights

anybody have confirmation that the auto speedo cable will work?

Next question:

is piece 31128 and 31131 needed? they dont really show where that goes but i already have a R154 is that on the inside of it?


Join the 92 Owners Group
Jul 11, 2005
Satsuma, Alabama, United States
31128 is a dust shield or ispection cover, and 31 is just a rubber seal. If you don't have it, I'm sure it will be OK......just not wise. You can go ahead with the install, and add this later without much trouble.

You will need about 3 more quarts of fluid if it was completely drained.


New Member
Oct 22, 2005
ForcedTorque said:
31128 is a dust shield or ispection cover, and 31 is just a rubber seal. If you don't have it, I'm sure it will be OK......just not wise. You can go ahead with the install, and add this later without much trouble.

You will need about 3 more quarts of fluid if it was completely drained.

alright, thanks for the info man


New Member
Mar 18, 2007
Bigdough666 said:
I did the swap, its pretty straight foward. The holes for the clutch pedal assembly and master cylinder are even already there for you.

When messing with the brake pedals, do not remove the entire bracket, they are the same. Just unbolt the pedal itself, leave the bracket and put the smaller manual brake pedal in.

All the bolts should be the same, the guy I bought it from sent me everything with NO BOLTS AT ALL. I still got it done.

I dont remember wire for wire like Justin said, but I know you use a plug off of the auto tranny wire harness and splice it into the neutral safety plug somehow (search through threads, thats how I found the answer) to make a "loop". This is to bypass it, to where you DONT have to have the clutch depressed to start the car. Theres a way to wire it so the clutch safety switch works, but I dont know how. Theres also a way to wire up for the reverse lights, which I also didnt do.

I didnt do anything with my computer, still run the auto ECU, no probs. Everynow and then, the "OD OFF" light will flash on my dash, but thats about it.

I used the same speedo cable. No probs either.

HTH, remember to search, thats how I found most of my answer. Look for Dr. Jonez thread, I believe he has a link to his website showing a detailed explanation on how to do the swap.

I'm thinking of doing this swap eventually, and I tried searching under "manual swap wiring" and couldn't get this Dr. Jonex thread. What did you search under to find it?


ShoarmaTeam Member
ForcedTorque said:
It came standard in your vehicle! Does it just not work, or has it been removed.

I'm sorry.
The cruise control does not work anymore since the r154 swap.
I'd like to get it going again. everything works (reverse lights and all) but not the cruise. Even that pesky clutch press sensor is on the pedal but i cannot connect it anywhere.

What's the normal procedure for that?
I thought of hooking it up to the same wire as where the brake press sensor is on. somebody has good thoughts about this?



creepy-ass cracka
Jul 11, 2005
Redacted per Title 18 USC Section 798
You could wire it to your stop lights but they'd come on when you stepped on the clutch. Using a diode would prevent that though. If you do wire it to the brake lights be sure to use the correct side of the stop light switch because it does both a signal and hard-wire cancel of the CC.

Better to use the parking brake input. Or why not simply connect it to the old NSW connector? It's the same circuit as 5 speed cars have and the wiring is already in your car. Btw, that CC clutch cancel circuit is a very odd design. Uses the windings of the starter solenoid to operate. I dunno what Toyota was thinking there.

Run without a clutch/starter interlock at your own peril. As dirgle said the car won't scream at you but I know a guy who was pinned to a garage wall when his buddy reached in to start a car the switch had been defeated on. He did all the screaming. I long ago learned never stand in front of any car when it's being started. You will start the car in gear's only a matter of time. Better hope when it happens it's not in 1rst or reverse. Fwiw my car won't crank unless the driver's seat belt is fastened although that interlock can be defeated by flipping a hidden switch.


ShoarmaTeam Member
Okay thanks for the explanation.

The NSW can be a good alternative. Any ideas on how to hook it up?
because i bypassed the NSW before (here in europe nobody really cares because we are used to drive stick. we never ever start it without the clutch in or in neutral :) ) and I don't want to press that clutch to start the car.

I can't just connect it to the bypass because the car would think i'm pressing the clutch all the time, correct?


R154 Mkiv
Nov 25, 2006
San Francisco, California
i'll try bumping this old thread first before posting a new thread...but this thread showed up in my search, so...

Reverse Light Sensor:

the shop doing the r154 swap told me that they can't find the reverse light sensor...

assuming that the sensor is not missing, where could they find it on the transmission?

also, which wires would they splice to what?

it doesn't make sense because they originally told me that they had all the manuals and stuff necessary for the seems like the reverse light sensor is easily found then especially after reading this thread where people did the swap easily...without any problems, but i've encountered too many odd problems