

Grumpy Old Man
Mar 30, 2005
I come from a land down under
GC89 said:
Right now Im looking at options assuming my block isnt warped. Its got 24k on a NEW toyota block and has never overheated from what I know. Im trying to avoid tearing the bottom end down. I wanted to know what my options were to smooth it out while still assembled. Its not a problem getting to spec if the block need machined Im just hoping I dont have to go there. Definatly wouldnt lap before in that case starscream ;). So that being said where can I get an affordable lapping stone?
I wouldn't Lap an assembled motor..


Supra Specialists Ireland
IJ. said:
Yep and in the water jackets and Oil passages.....

I spend an hour or so cleaning up after I lap a block here as the crap gets everywhere!

Ian just buy yourself a rottler SF00E and be done with the oldskool ways :biglaugh:

but seriously, there are many engine builders/machinests with modern equipment capable of finishing head and block surfaces well within the RA specs needed, if in doubt or you have never hurt your back lapping, it worth checking out some of the above.
Its good practise to strip the block anyways to check everythings within spec, so you may aswell send it off and have it done.
(not aimed at you I.J lol just anyone reading and not to sure on lapping)


Grumpy Old Man
Mar 30, 2005
I come from a land down under
Bondy: My guys get a great finish that's within spec I just give it that extra little bit of TLC with the Diamond paste to finish it off ;)
(My recent intake explosion proved how effective a seal I get as it blew between 3 cylinders but none went to coolant)