Kick me in the Teeth


Retired Post Whore
Mar 30, 2005
aboard the Argama
Hey guys. Long time no see.

Not sure how to write this so I'll just do what I usually do and speak off the cuff. Life's really been kicking me in the teeth lately and it all happened so fast after I was doing so well and thought I was really getting somewhere. I didn't make a New Year's resolution, instead I made a list of things I want to accomplish in 2013. I just finished my undergrad degree last year (after 8 years, from dropping out of college to fighting my way back) and since I went to Las Vegas for New Year's, the first thing on my last was to find a job. Anywhere. I was working at Nordstrom Rack for a couple months. And then I had an interview for a professional job and they wanted me to start the next week. It was great. Things were starting to really look up. I was crossing things off my 2013 to-do list so fast, I couldn't believe things were going so well

And then 2 weeks ago my dad had a heart attack and died a few days later. And the week after that I lost my new job, through no fault of my own. There was a mistake in my contract and the project I was assigned to couldn't afford to keep me within their budget (long story short). And the person who could have given me the best advice about what I should do now, my father, is not here to help me.

The Toyota Supra has been such a big part of my life. Sometimes it's hard to believe it's been 5 years since the last time I owned one. I was looking through my shelf of Supra stuff earlier; Hyper Rev Magazines, original Japanese MK3/MK4 dealer brochures, and my father's original sticker from his Supra (the blue car). 27k!!!!

I've made a lot of friends over the years because of this car. Tons of great memories and great times. Since my father's been gone, I regret selling his (my) car but then I remember it was his wish for me to be my own man. I may drive the same car as him, work at the same company as him but I am not him and he did not want me to try to be him. That's mostly what drove me to sell the blue car and buy MY Supra. The black car.

Both Supras are gone, as is my father. So now I have to knuckle up, find a way to pick myself up and make things better for myself.

Few people ever get to drive and own their 'dream car.' That black car was my dream car. It's sad I couldn't have owned it longer but I'm happy I even got the opportunity most will never get. And I'm happy it made the Supramania banner for awhile. :) But damn.. I miss both of these cars. Especially the black one.










naughty by nature
Staff member
Aug 26, 2005
Roll Tide
Damn Joe........that sucks. Jobs will come and go just like women, but you only get one dad. I hope you got to enjoy a great friendship / relationship with him while he was here and I hope you got to tell him you loved him before he passed. I'm sure he was proud of you and felt he did a great job raising you to be the man you are. Always keep him in mind when faced with tough decisions. Pick the ones that would make him the proudest if he was watching over you. I hope you find a good job soon that pays well and isn't a J O B. Work is way easier when you enjoy what you do. I have a tough job for some, being a carpenter in 95 degree Alabama humididty, but it's my job and I like it. If I didn't, there's no way I would get out of bed in the mornings and do it.
It's times like these, when I'm feeling down and out, that I usually just call up a prostitute. You can do things to them, that you wouldn't want to do to your wife and then look here in the eyes the next day. Go find you one, and I'm sure you'll feel better soon.............after the itching and the scabs go away.


Conjurer of Boost
Mar 30, 2005
Pauma Valley, CA
Sorry to hear about the beating that life is giving you lately, Joe. Especially concerning your father. I can't imagine how rough stuff like that would be to go through. I've found that as you go through life, times like this can be used to help truly appreciate the good times, which WILL come again, and not take for granted those good moments.

Never take for granted those times, both the good and the bad, as they are both important. They help define each other, the good and bad, as well as yourself in the future. Just as the past has defined the you, that is here today.

The Joe who was one of the pioneers of the 1JZ in his blue car, and then moved on to a black car that was the pinnacle of what most people wanted out of the MKIII. Even if the supras are gone they are still a part of what has defined you. Especially within this community. And we're here if you need anything.

You have always seemed like a motivated person Joe, someone who is eager to push forward, and I have no doubt you will land on your feet, and make the best of this low time, to come out better for it.

Best wishes for you Joe in this difficult time.


New Member
Apr 10, 2006
San Antonio, Tx.
OneJoeZee;1946527 said:
Both Supras are gone, as is my father. So now I have to knuckle up, find a way to pick myself up and make things better for myself.

This is what your Dad would want you to do. If my son were to achieve as much as you have so far, I would be damn proud of him. I would be at peace knowing if I were to pass the next day I wouldn't worry about him. You are man enough to take care of yourself, and make things better for yourself. I'm sure he knew that too. Honor him by being the best at what you do and live your life to the fullest. Take advantage of every opportunity and learn from them. You will have plenty (jobs) come a go, take your experiences with you on to your next adventure.


Texas Supras' Slowest
Jul 14, 2010
I'm sorry to hear about your father, Joe - it sounds like he was a great man.

As far as work goes, just keep your chin up and keep moving forward.

Opportunities will arise, and you need to take advantage of them.


Dec 31, 1969
Richmond, BC, Canada
Hey Joe, glad to see you stop by for a visit. Sad to hear about the trials in your life. You'll come out on top in the end, though, and adversity shows us what we are capable of.

Always liked your taste in cars, even with the 1J fixation. ;)


Classifieds Moderator
Staff member
Mar 26, 2006
Sorry to hear of your loss bud. Losing family always sucks when you're close like that. Hopefully he went as peacefully as possible.

Well, hang in there and keep your chin up, eyes open looking for your next place in life. If you need anything, you know we're here for ya. :)


I think it was the google
Mar 30, 2005
The Farm
OG sm popping in, keep your head up TurboJoe (heheheh), you got this. Remember when you hit rock bottom there is no where to go but up!

suprarx7nut author
Nov 10, 2006
Damn, sorry to hear Joe.

Every time I see a thread from you I'm hoping to see a new project mk3. Not quite the case this time around. :( Your rides have been an inspiration to many, including me.

If you ever find yourself in Colorado send me a PM and I'd love to grab lunch or a beer or something.

Hang tight man.