just a quick question concerning pricing things..


Join the 92 Owners Group
Jul 11, 2005
Satsuma, Alabama, United States
Another MkIII;1857689 said:
Also, remember, a part out is a lot of work!

This is a VERY TRUE statement. A successful part out takes a great deal of work. You have to be good with a camera, a computer, communication, advertising, packing and shipping. Any part of that failing can kill a part out. You have to be able to remove parts without damaging them at all. And you have to get it to the buyer without damage. One dissatisfied buyer posting in your thread will scare off many. Bad pictures will turn buyers off almost as fast. And last but not least, you will need to spend a good bit of time studying what others are getting for their parts before you post something way off, and losing people that way.


New Member
Mar 19, 2012
St. Cloud, Minnesota
I do know a guy with a shop that could probably help me take parts out as needed, if i offered him some a portion of what i make off it. All I would have to do is ask him.


New Member
Mar 19, 2012
St. Cloud, Minnesota
Well after decided I don't really have the space for a part out, I posted it up for sale yesterday in the local craigslist. Gave all the information about the car that I know. Rod knock, possible bhg, bypassed clutch safety switch(from previous owner who messed up and now i just put a wire connecting to the starter to go straight to the battery) everything like that. one offer of $1300 cash, and another asking bottom dollar that i responded to with $1200. I feel that's reasonable and not too high. As long as I can pay my dad off for the debts that I owe him, and still have a little more to start putting towards a beater car, I'm pretty fine with whatever I can get. Whoever takes it off my hands, I'll be sure to point them towards this forum! :)


Classifieds Moderator
Staff member
Mar 26, 2006
Sounds like you have a pretty solid plan then. If you got an offer for $1300 cash, what are you even dealing with the bottom dollar guy for? :p


New Member
Mar 19, 2012
St. Cloud, Minnesota
So my neighbor has all the tools to pull the engine an tear it apart and has offered to help me rebuild it. I think I may do that because he said he won't charge labor.


Classifieds Moderator
Staff member
Mar 26, 2006
Well, if you are hell bent on fixing this car, I won't stop you, however... the 7m isn't like most any motor. If you cut even a single corner, you have VERY good chances that it will come back to haunt you later on. ;)


Active Member
Sep 25, 2008
Calgary, Alberta, Canada
I sold a 1990 MK3 to a 18 year old that had big plans. He contacted me about 3 months later to see if I would buy the car back.
Currently (as of today) he is into the car for (including purchase price) 4600.00 and wants me to buy it back for 1200.00. The engine is torn apart to fix the BHG.. but as any MK3 owner will find out... there are a lot of other little things to do along the way.

My rule of thumb is.. if you got tools and can do it yourself.. think about 3000.00 to redo the drivetrain (to me.. that is a minimum cost). If you cant do it yourself.. consider starting more at 5200.00 but realistically, 10,000.00.

Scary numbers, but from all my research and experience with the MK3.. you either do it right, or dont do it at all. I find it extremely unlikely that any of the MK3's you have seen and said.. wow! at.. have less than 15,000 - 85,000 into their cars. (varying by degree of "wow" factor).

Just warning you, because you need to do the headgasket properly or it will almost certainly blow again. (if your removing the head). That involves a machine shop. You cant drawfile a 7MGTE block and say.. there.. that'll do. Plus, if you rebuild the head correctly.. its not like the older V8's that are what I consider fairly simplistic. You have to deal with stress fractures along with a lot of other issues.

Dont crack open a 7MGTE unless you are prepared to deal with what you find. Its usually not pretty and wont be from what I think your car is. (from your posts, still no photos or real details.. lol)

cote006;1857202 said:
hey all, so i'm thinking of selling my supra. i haven't had it for very long, but with a blown engine and no money or anything to fix it, and money getting REALLY tight, and having a lot of things to have to pay for very soon, i'm getting desperate.

from this statement, I have no idea why you would even consider doing anything but selling the pig. We havent even discussed your car's body or interior...

but.. feel free.. go ahead and waste 3000 you dont have and then sell the car for 1500.. a lot of people do.. its what keeps me in parts. : P


New Member
Mar 19, 2012
St. Cloud, Minnesota
It's hard to sell it as a whole up here in MN where these cars aren't so well known. So far i've gotten an offer for the engine, the guy wants to give me $300 for basically everything in the engine bay, or $150 for the turbo, manifold, intercooler. I don't have the space at my house for a part out, so unless people are willing to drive to my location with their own tools and take the parts they need themselves, I can't part it out. So where I stand now, it's either the whole car goes or nothing at all. I may not know a whole ton about these cars, but I'm not stupid. I know that the engine in the condition it's currently in, is worth more than $300, specially when you can get a used 7mgte from used engine retailers (ie tiger japanese, etc) for like $2000 if you get all the wiring and ecu with it, and even those you have no idea how long it will run before it blows. I offered him $500 if he came and took it himself just so I can start getting money back from this and told him that's the lowest I could go for the engine and everything on it, and he still offered only $200-300 for it.

Another MkIII

Feb 22, 2009
cote006;1858490 said:
It's hard to sell it as a whole up here in MN where these cars aren't so well known. So far i've gotten an offer for the engine, the guy wants to give me $300 for basically everything in the engine bay, or $150 for the turbo, manifold, intercooler. I don't have the space at my house for a part out, so unless people are willing to drive to my location with their own tools and take the parts they need themselves, I can't part it out. So where I stand now, it's either the whole car goes or nothing at all. I may not know a whole ton about these cars, but I'm not stupid. I know that the engine in the condition it's currently in, is worth more than $300, specially when you can get a used 7mgte from used engine retailers (ie tiger japanese, etc) for like $2000 if you get all the wiring and ecu with it, and even those you have no idea how long it will run before it blows. I offered him $500 if he came and took it himself just so I can start getting money back from this and told him that's the lowest I could go for the engine and everything on it, and he still offered only $200-300 for it.
Its a BHG 7M with rodknock. Its not worth more than 300. I paid $180 for mine. $500 for a blown motor is way too much.


Active Member
Sep 25, 2008
Calgary, Alberta, Canada
Its not a question of value really... because we tend to think of the vehicle/parts backwards when WE own them. Remember.. a longblock running 7MGTE can be picked up for about 750.00 from Japan with everything external except the harness.. however.. your still gonna have to redo the gaskets and seals and should redo the headgasket prior to dumping it in the car. Plus seawater has a way of depositing salt in areas you dont want it so you can end up with other issues with the oil journals etc...
A blown 7MGTE is worth 100-200 imo.. (thats just my opinion) and a good running one is worth 300-500 because its going to take about 300-650 to redo everything properly (more if you rebuild the head and do the headgasket correctly.)

If you find the right buyer, the car is worth 1200.00. For just a normal day to day buyer.. only 500.00. To part out (a lot of work) maybe 2000-3500 depending on how well you do it and what condition everything currently is. (I dont think we have seen a photo yet)
Everything takes time, work and money. The Supra MK3 is generally a young person car (cheap and fast), until it breaks. Most of the cheap and getting broken ones are already gone through so you will see the prices rise on them (at least I have noticed the average price jump about 2000.00 in the past 3 years around here).

A dead car is worth 500.00 tops though. unless someone has plans and knows why they are paying more. Cant advise you on that because I dont know your car. I kinda outlined what it costs to fix a MK3. Now.. extrapolate that to what it costs to buy a running one and you will see why.


New Member
Mar 19, 2012
St. Cloud, Minnesota
i have pictures of the car up on my profile, but they never show up. every time i upload them, it still shows no pictures. but i know i could get more than $500 for the engine if i were to part it out in its current condition (blown head gasket and rod knock). that's what i've been told by others of you on here in private messages, and that's what i have been trying to explain to this guy offering me $300. buy it for $500 and part out whatever he doesn't need and get some of his money back that way. I just think it's ridiculous to be offered that much when I have talked to people that I know personally that work in shops and build these kinds of cars and they've told me that just the turbo stuff alone is worth about $300. And I understand that yes, that stuff will vary from engine to engine, and I know that the 7m is a touchy engine that requires a lot of attention to detail when being worked on. The absolute only thing wrong with the supra I have is the engine alone. The rest of the car is rock solid, and I have replaced other parts on it before it blew. I'm not 100% sure that it does have a bhg. It doesn't produce a lot of steam/white smoke, and it never had problems with overheating or anything, the only reason why I'm fairly certain it does is because of the color of the coolant in the resevior. I do have more pictures of the car on my phone, though everyone always complains about iphone photo's haha.

I'm not trying to sound like that stuck up arrogant kid that doesn't listen to others advice, because really I am listening to what you guys are saying. If I wasn't, I wouldn't even be thinking of selling anything on the car. I know damn well you guys on here all have a hell of a lot more knowledge about this car than I will for a long time. That's why I came to this forum in the first place, to learn. I'm just a kid with a dream and it's hard to let go of it when everything that I've ever wanted is sitting right here in my driveway, specially when I'm going to be going to college to learn how to fix all the problems it has for the next two years or so. (okay maybe not all, but a good majority. The city I live in has a very good mechanics course.)


Active Member
Sep 25, 2008
Calgary, Alberta, Canada
lol, we arent ragging on you (at least trying not to).. just trying to save you a bit of heartache.

If your shell is clean with NO rust, then the car is worth a lot more. If your willing to pull it apart, catergorize, price and ship things out.. its a great source of income over time. (as was stated before).

I think we are all just reflecting on our own little regrets and just trying to make sure your walking into it with your eyes wide-open. Supra owners like to watch out for each other. : D


New Member
Mar 19, 2012
St. Cloud, Minnesota
At best, I can sell the body for a project car only. The guy offering me $1300 backed out because there were too many little things that had to be fixed (just a couple pieces of trim missing, one of which I had and was ready to be put on...) and when he contacted me he said himself that he wanted it as a project. What is it with people these days and wanting a project car, but not wanting one that's already DONE? Isn't that the point of a project car? Something that you'll have to build on a little to get it nice again? Would that not include a GOOD possibility that there will be pieces missing..?

I dunno. I think for right now if this other guy is willing to take the engine and is willing to come get it himself and take it out with his tools and hoist, I'll gladly do that, and hold on to the body for now, put whatever I get from the engine towards maybe a front clip or something, depending on how this job I just applied for that my friend *knows he can get me the job* falls through. If it works out, then hey, I can just store the car in my grandparents garage for a year or so while I save up the rest of the money for a 1jz front clip, or something. IDK. Gives me a while to get all my priorities and finances figured out. In the mean time I'll just work my ass off and save up as much as I can.


Classifieds Moderator
Staff member
Mar 26, 2006
cote006;1858728 said:
Gives me a while to get all my priorities and finances figured out. In the mean time I'll just work my ass off and save up as much as I can.
Smartest thing you've said in this whole thread. :)

Hell, if I were in the market for a shell, I would be happy that I didn't have to pull out an old, blown engine. About all they're good for in many cases is either scrap, or unique furniture/art...


New Member
Mar 19, 2012
St. Cloud, Minnesota
If I can find some body that would give me a good deal on a rolling shell, I'll be more than happy to part ways with it I suppose. I just don't have any idea what would even be a reasonable amount for a price on these cars with no engine..
once I get these pictures onto my computer I'll post them up in here so you guys can see the body. Mostly I just have the pictures of the "bad" parts of the body. ie missing trim, two small rust spots.

here are the photos

these first two are the rust spots, also you can see in the second, that piece of trim around the rear corner window is missing.
photo (7).jpg

photo (5).JPG

this one is of the rear bumper, the paint has just been worn off some how. Not sure how.
photo (6).jpg

this one is of the door trim passenger side that I still have the trim piece. Just some heavy duty double sided tape that dealers would use should work.
photo (4).JPG

and then this one is a photo of the whole car itself the day I bought it back in late march/early april. body condition has not changed at all, other than that piece of door trim I took off because it was starting to bubble. Just never got around to putting it back on, I'm no expert in body work.
Last edited:


New Member
Jun 25, 2012
San Diego
I hope everything gets sorted out in the end!
There is definitely a wealth of information and experiences here to learn from everyone that has been on this forum. I know I did just reading this thread.


New Member
Mar 19, 2012
St. Cloud, Minnesota
Also if you close in the first picture, you can see that the driver side rear blinker has a hole in the plastic. Does not effect functionality in any way, shape, or form, though with it rains, water will collect in there, but will NOT get into the light casing itself. I bought weather stripping, pulled both tail lights out, and weather stripped the both of them. They are both now 100% water proof. However, water can still pass around them and exit between the bottom the housing and the metal of the car itself. Figured I should put that out there being as that could effect value.


Classifieds Moderator
Staff member
Mar 26, 2006
The bumpers (and any of the urethane parts on the body) have a tendency to fade quicker than the metal parts. Same thing happened on my old 88.

General rule of thumb concerning shells, assuming all have a decent interior:

Rare shell (91/92 cars, some colors), or excellent condition body/trim: $2000
Acceptable shell, some defects, but no rust, or major dents/damage: $1000
Drift car ready: $500

Hate to say it man, but your car, I would suspect falls in between acceptable and driftable. However, if you can get $800-1000 for the shell, and $300 for the motor/trans, I would unload that thing faster than a freshly baked potato...