Joined a gym. What to expect.

Jervis Mcstabby

Puddin Pops!
Jun 21, 2006
Where Indeed, CA
Stay away from Gold Standard's Chocolate mint. I got it today and it's awful!

A pre workout pump supplement is good for workout focus and energy, the most liked ones are Redline, NOXplode and AnimalPump.

A good post workout supplement with lots of amino acids is a good idea to help rebuild muscle. Amino Fuel 1000 is pretty good so far, and it's cheap

Edit: lol Bill! Nice asses are workout kryptonite!


The quiet one
Oct 29, 2005
Go to and and start reading.

If you're just starting out do lower intensity full body routines to condition your muscles and more importantly condition your joints. Also, taking the time to learn how to perform an exercise properly will save you a lot of pain later. Warming up and stretching is great, but bad habits while lifting can cause just as many problems later. There are plenty of beginner routines on both of the sites above that will help you out. You will experience soreness for a few days after the first few workouts but it should go away once you start regularly working out. The old adage pain = gain is not true, so do not expect that in order to build muscle you have to feel sore the day after every workout.

There is IMO some bad info here from people that have read a lot but not practiced but I will leave that up to you to research. I for one would overhydrate badly at 1oz of water per pound of bodyweight. Which brings up a point - every body is different so try different things (from water to supplements to routines) until you find what works well for you.

Lastly, protect your shoulders by warming up/stretching shoulders before any upper body workout and learn how to perform shoulder exercises (including scapula) properly.


Oct 25, 2008
good call bfr1992t streching is very important before and after. and form is very important to. id rather do 6 good slow reps than 12 that i have to swing the dumbell and use inetia to get it up.


Supra-less :(
May 30, 2006
long branch
Topher E;1288183 said:
Thanks to the few who have stated useful information.
My diet is mostly health-oriented food, I do have a cheat meal every week or so. I am consuming 2100-2300 calories a day. Im taking a multi-vitamin and still running.

Isphius - is there a brand of protein shake you recommend?

My goal - my goal is to be toned. I'd like to lose the fat around my hips and belly. Id like to firm up my chest, back and arms.

Anything you can find with whey and casein in it. The latter is usually pretty tough to find, and you may have to add that separately. Just make sure you chug down the recipe i gave you earlier as soon as you can after you work out(45 mins is the max). You have to kick on your insulin with sugar and/or simple carbs before your muscles cool off. That is the basis of nutrient timing, its a pretty interesting nutritional plan. And you should be eating more than that 2300 calories, just make sure to try to avoid anything with sugar(besides your after workout drink) and saturated fat throughout the day.

Topher E

Trance Head
Aug 4, 2005
Isphius thanks a lot dude! Ill keep bump the thread if i feel advice is needed again.

IJ - Im not trying to become a meat head. I'm after my own well being, oh and to look damn good.

Jervis Mcstabby

Puddin Pops!
Jun 21, 2006
Where Indeed, CA
Last edited:


The quiet one
Oct 29, 2005
Post workout you want a fast digesting protein such as whey or whey isolate so that your body can begin to use it as soon as possible.

Casein digests slowly, it's not effective as a post workout protein. It's usually taken before sleeping to digest over several hours.

Jervis Mcstabby

Puddin Pops!
Jun 21, 2006
Where Indeed, CA
bfr1992t;1289810 said:
It's usually taken before sleeping to digest over several hours.

...Which is why it's taken after your workout. ('_') Anytime after your workout is considered "post". 30mins or so before sleep is fine as well, as casein takes around 8-10 hours to digest. Depending on your field of work though, you may not get enough sleep (audio engineer here) to warrant waiting till then to take it. ;)

Also, take into account that some people do early morning workouts, and waiting twelve or so hours till sleep to take the extra protein isn't such a hot idea.


The quiet one
Oct 29, 2005
You are wrong. From your own link:

"Because casein is slow digesting, it’s not suitable for post workout. For post workout shakes, stick to whey. The best time to use casein protein is before bed and during the day. Casein is known as “night time” protein, as many strength athletes and bodybuilders use it before bed."

Post workout is generally considered to be 30-60 minutes from when you set down the last weight. Any other time >60 mins after is NOT post workout. Even if you workout in the morning you want to take in whey protein immediately after and various proteins throughout the rest of the day in the form of whole foods and protein shakes. Anything you eat will have some protein in it. It's certainly not recommended to take just a protein shake after working out then not eat for 12 hrs.

Generally you want 1g of protein per pound of lean body mass per day to build. Most cannot use more than about 30-40g of protein per meal so spread it out over 5+ meals. Include more slower digesting proteins before fasting such as during sleep.

Jervis Mcstabby

Puddin Pops!
Jun 21, 2006
Where Indeed, CA
bfr1992t;1290290 said:
You are wrong. From your own link:
"Because casein is slow digesting, it’s not suitable for post workout. For post workout shakes, stick to whey. The best time to use casein protein is before bed and during the day. Casein is known as “night time” protein, as many strength athletes and bodybuilders use it before bed."

I'm missing what's so hard about this. "Post" means after. Check your dictionary please. I could care less if a gym junkie decides to term post as being right after, post really means any time after you work, no matter whether it's one minute or twenty-three hours and fifty-nine minutes till your next workout.

I'm trying to give some advice, so next time, please actually read the facts before posting your rebuttal.

Topher E

Trance Head
Aug 4, 2005
Been two weeks and I'm in love. 6am 4-5 times a week been working out for about an hour and a half. I have been doing a good 45 minutes of cardio a day and been eating lots of kick ass foods. healthy food, salads fruit and finding that i want to eat more and can do it and still feel good. In two weeks i have lost 7 lbs. Im not sure how much of that is water weight but i am starting to see results, my arms and chest look firmer, not fleshy at all. Been taking a high potency multi-vitamin rasveratrol fish oil and glucosamine.

My work outs are free-weight biased. I have been avoiding the machines at all costs to help me build core muscles. I have been doing sets of lifts in a 3 part routine. Im using the time doing one lift as a rest period for the other.

Ill bump this as soon as i have some better info in two weeks.