Jeremy's 89 Supra Turbo Build


Aug 19, 2006
North Carolina
I never did much of an introduction of myself to the website. I've been lurking here since 2006. I figured I would go ahead and introduce my 89 turbo that i have had since that time.

1989 Supra Turbo
White with white trim
Blue Interior
7M-GTE & R154
76k original miles

The story goes with this car... I had always wanted one. My dad owns an auto body shop and he also took a particular interest in the MK3 Supras. I had restored a camaro in high school with him and then got into a little bit of trouble with it. I sold it to pay for college, but there also happened to be a MK3 for sale in Minnesota at the same time. Dad pointed it out to me online. The same day I got the check for the camaro, I paid off a year of college and sent $4k to Minnesota to buy my first Supra, sight unseen. It was hit in the LR 1/4 panel. Not too bad, but it was definitely a gamble.

The car arrived about 2 weeks later on a roll back in great shape. Not a single spec of rust. In Ohio, we are accustomed to rusty vehicles. I was so excited to get started on the car. I tore it all apart and began my adventure. Then life happened. About a year after I bought it, I picked up a 1990 shell with a good 1/4 and rear panel. it also had a couple other good parts on it that I would end up using later. Both cars sat for about another year while I worked through college and began my professional career.

I bought a house, a brand new Pontiac G8 GT, some other fun cars and trucks... The supra just sat in storage knowing that one day I would jump back on it and restore it to it's former glory. Times got tough and I sold off my new G8, other toys and had listed the Supra for sale a few times. I was unable to let it go.

Now, (over 8 years later) I am in a different stage in my life. I've established myself as a professional and have some disposable income. I am so glad that I decided to hold onto this car through the years. I'm excited to be able to get things done with my Supra. I hope to post it's progress as I go through and hopefully have the car on the road very soon. I'll post up some pictures soon.



mkiii in hibernation
Jul 12, 2005
Upstate NY
Hey 89soup, that's kinda how my story goes.
I was always really eager to build a nice supra since owning my first ~10 years ago, but it took being in a place in my life where I could actually commit the time and money.
Look forward to seeing your progress and good luck!


Aug 19, 2006
North Carolina
Man, I am having issues finding the pics of it when I first got it. I know they are on a HDD somewhere. Here are some pics that are more readily available.

Here's a photo from October 2006. Guess it's been almost 10 years that I've had this car. You can see it was hit in the LR 1/4. It wasn't too bad, but enough that we put it up on the frame rack and decided it would be best to pull it straight and then replace the 1/4.


Here it is in August 2009. After picking up a parts car from MoneyPit101 on here, I finally found the time to install the 1/4 and rear panel.



That was pretty much how the car sat until now.

Had some finish welding to do.

2015-03-08 17.34.35.jpg

On to duraglas.

2015-03-21 20.59.08.jpg

More putty and then some polyester fill.

2015-03-22 16.58.11.jpg

That was as of March 28th.


Aug 19, 2006
North Carolina
Alright, and to sum up the rest so far.

Most of the body work is done, I was hoping to get it in primer this weekend but ran out of time.

Looked around on best practices for sound deadening and saw that a lot of supra owners found it advantageous to remove the old tar-based sound deadener from the factory. I heard it was a terrible undertaking for anyone with a heat gun. Then I remember... Dad has heat inductor! Oh man, it is awesome!

I didn't get any before photos unfortunately. Basically, used the heat inductor to heat the metal under the mat and it peeled up pretty easily. Removed the rest of the residue with a drill and a cup brush.

2015-04-18 16.58.01 (Medium).jpg

Wiped it down with some mineral spirits. Cleaned up nicely! Just need to mask it all off and prime it. Then hopefully get some paint on it soon after. Looking to order some dynamat. Does anyone have any suggestions on sound deadening products?

2015-04-18 18.44.07 (Medium).jpg


New Member
Mar 12, 2015
I feel like this is how my life will be going.. Picked my 87 up online for a decent deal, no rust, from NY some how.. now it sits in my garage, needing work. Only drove it for a month.


Aug 19, 2006
North Carolina
I'm so glad I didn't sell my car. I've never driven it more than onto a trailer and off. When I finally take it down the road, it will seem surreal to me. Just thinking about it gets me excited!


Aug 19, 2006
North Carolina
Doing more work to my Supra. 2015-07-12 15.51.16.jpg

Car has exploded all over the shop!

2015-07-12 17.16.32.jpg

These damn things! Could anyone direct me if there is a solution to fixing these besides replacement?

2015-07-12 16.11.35.jpg

Rear 1/4 and hatch are all primed and seam-sealed. Should put color in the hatch this week, then unmask the car and start masking for paint.


New Member
Mar 9, 2015
Stockton Ca
I here you. I will hopefully get mine running this weekend and it will be the first time ive driven it under its own power since owning it. Congrats on the paint. It looks really good.


Aug 19, 2006
North Carolina
Car is coming back together nicely!

2016-09-13 22.46.41.jpg2016-09-13 22.17.44.jpg

Painted all the moldings black with SEM trim satin since many were weathered. Unfortunately, broke the driver's side 1/4 louver when trying to install the window trim... so i'm in search of that!

I will be starting on the interior this evening. Plenty left to do to my car, but it will be back in one piece!


Aug 19, 2006
North Carolina
Since it was purchased out of state, I hauled it over to the DMV to get inspected and finally got the title transferred to my name.



Here she is sitting in my garage.

Up Next: Well, it hasn't been run in over 10 years. Fresh fluids all around, preventative HG, new clutch.

More plans: new coil overs, wheels & tires.

This car holds even more significance to me now. It is the last car to roll out of my father's auto body shop. That place has been huge part of my life and I am bummed to see it go. I am so glad my dad and I got to finish it together and close up the business on a good note.

Here's a candid of Dad standing next to it as we are cleaning out the shop for the new owner.
