is my bov hooked up wrong? why had it worked for 3+ years?


Sad previous supra owner
Feb 27, 2006
Waupun, WI
I was just looking at some pics here - ( )

on installing a bosch bov and I compared it to how mine is hooked up and its completely different. I've had the car for about 3 years and havent really touched anything under the hood. I havent had any major problems and the bov seemed to be working fine for the drag racing and 8k miles i put on it over the 3 years. Is there really a difference on how its hooked up? and if so, how come mine would be hooked up that way and has been working fine this whole time? now im starting to wonder what else might be done wrong or could be done better. half the hoses are long as heck and run all over under the hood, and yet there are some lines capped off. I found some other pics of how people had it hooked up and the metal tube the small line goes to on thiers is capped off on mine and instead the small hose runs all the way to the firewall side of the intake manifold. also the bov is mounted sideways with both large hoses hooked up the opposite of the pics i found.
here are two pics of mine -


everything seems to run fine, but im sure i have lots of un-needed clutter that could be taken out. I just dont know where to start and I'm scared of doing something that might hurt the motor if not imediatly but in the long run.
lmk what you guys think.