I hit "THE ZONE"


Oldschool player
May 8, 2005
Well today I got the chance to practice a bit in a 2001 Celica GT-S before AutoX later this month. There is a fairly long, EXTREMELY curvy backroad on the outskirts of town that has been shut down since the flooding last year. Basically it's 4 miles of perfect practice road, then a long straight to slow down and turn back before a missing bridge. My boy decided he wanted to go and run the road for some practice and took me along. After 3 down and back runs he turned it over to me so I could show him some tricks. It started out like normal, then I knew it. I was in the "ZONE" soon I was shifting and moving the vehicles weight like it was my own. I notice when I get this way it doesn't seem real it's like I am doing nothing but driving. My mind goes blank and it's more like I am a passenger watching this but not doing it. I didn't see the curve infront of me, or the next I was looking so far ahead I was really looking to the pinpoint of pavement ahead and tracing it with my eyes. My body meanwhile was seamlessly tracing my eyes directions hitting perfect entry points and using the brakes, transmision, and weight of the car perfectly to trace the curve with max speed. Finally the straight came into view and it was like I zoned back. I slowed down and looked at my buddy explaining how to shift the car around like I was doing. But he stopped me mid sentence and said "Dude, I didn't know this car could do that" Aparently we hit speeds in excess of 85-90. I didn't even realize it. I do this when I get serious, do any of you guys get the same way sometimes?


Supramania Contributor
Mar 30, 2005
Redding, CA
supraredliner said:
I do this when I get serious, do any of you guys get the same way sometimes?

Sure, that's part of the addition for me. I tend to analyze every little thing every day, but when driving seriously everything else just fades away. If you're thinking about what you're doing, you're one step away from the task at hand (Platonic, isn't it?). When you're in the "zone" you're not thinking, just reacting. The hard part about driving is staying in the zone -- make a bobble or have someone behind you applying pressure -- and its easy to regress back into the think-act state...


Mar 31, 2005
Orlando, Fl
it's funny, I didn't even realize I was "getting my zone on" till I tried to drive a RHD car. Every time I went to downshift it was like something just slapped me awake. "Ok, I've got the RPM lined up now 2nd is back and away from me not toward me, right? yeah...whoops, better get there fast I'm at the corner and still not in gear...crap, you're at the right speed just coast it and get back on it late. Oh, by the way, nice apex, jackass."

now I have the stong urge to drive. Too bad there's nowhere around here to practice that I know of.


Oldschool player
May 8, 2005
Well my town is in a valley surounded by mountains, so there are PLENTY of almost forgotten backroads. Now I will say that it is "Stupid and childish, not to mention dangerous. To practice all out on a public road. No matter if it is closed or not." But I have to go to Winston Salem to AutoCross and that's a good hour away. So most guys use the backroads to hone there skills. We know it's stupid, but we've been doing it since we first started driving. But I am just saying it seems odd, it's like my mind sinks back and it's almost like I'm sleep walking. I don't think I just feel. No body I know here in town except my friend Jerry gets like this.


I build planes... yeah...
May 27, 2005
everett, WA
yeah, when I first started driving, I'd go and get lost in the backroads just for fun, then, after I'd been driving for about three or four months, I'd go drive my normal route and before I'd known it, I hear sirens behind me, I'm like 'whats all this about?' and I look down and see Im doin around 80-ish, and I pull over, and try to explain my situation to the cop but he didnt buy it and gave me a fatty ticket. so I dont know if I was just really familiar w/ the roads, or what. I've always kept my wits about me on that road since then.


New Member
May 25, 2005
my 2nd car is a 2000 GT-S and there's something about the layout of the cockpit that feels natural. The suspention and feel of the interior make it quite easy for "the Zone" to be found, at least that is my experience :biglaugh:


save me from my camry!
Jul 19, 2005
cape coral, fl 33990
yup those celicas are amazing my ex had one....ive slid it a couple of times out in the backroads....damn sand. but yeah the zone is right there in those cars, and lift is addicting.


Manic Mechanic
Mar 30, 2005
Chesapeake, VA
I love it when I get like that.....sometimes its like I can see every gauge at once and the car almost drives itself...........ahhh fond memories.......stupid gas prices.


New Member
Mar 31, 2005
Houston, TX
from the title i thought you went to the "Autozone" for aftermarket head gasket.. haaaa.. I wish I could do that kind of driving here in northern virginia... anything over 90 mph anywhere would put you in jail...


Mr. Evergreen
Mar 30, 2005
i was in the zone last night when i got to drive my freinds integra he just rebuilt the thing only 300some miles on the fresh b16 rebuild, fuel management, 12:1 compression and that thing RESPONDS and its a 5spd and coming from an auto supra i didnt know if i was even going to be able to drive it, i thought i'd kill it right away. i got in while we were parked on a STEEP hill facing down and this guy just parks his truck right like 1 ft infront of the car so im like ok never driven this car, i suck at stick now i gotta back it up with no roll.

and i did it. i took it up this windy road just on the city limits and man it was beuitiful I LOVE SHIFTING INTO CORNERS AND STRAIGHTS. previously my friends made fun of me cus i sucked as stick (no practice) but last night they were in the back seet and just stared at me and were like "where did that come from dude".


"Fudge you, butthole!"
Sep 4, 2005
the streets in and around harrison mills, BC are kinda cool for drag racing. te only problems are the cops, lol. ask my bf, hahahaha.

anyway, the street that's right beside our property there, is just perfect for speeding, lol. damn i want a 350z...