i been had (card number used illegally)


no-JZ Your Mom!
Mar 10, 2006
I just checked my damn account and some fucking douche monkey fuckin used my card and ordered 500-600 dollars worth of shit. Called wamu to have them investigate, besides that, what can I do?

i always shred my bills
i only buy things from places i know
and i always have my card on my person

they bought some stuff from
magazineland (no contact number, only email inquiry)
us1 camera
all pc zone - found that this was a mom and pops shop in cleveland, oh
which makes me think that the fuckers gotta be in ohio or work there since theres no way that they should've charged my card if they didnt have my card in person



Supramania Contributor
Jan 13, 2008
Northeast Philly
I was a victim of check fraud once.....about 3-4 years ago...I went to NC for vacation (11 hour drive from my home in pa)....went to get another tank of gas once I made it and my card was declined...found out 4 checks were wrote.

1. For something from northern tool company
2. From some teddy bear maker in Australia
3. Budk catalog (stupid knives and shit)
4. A swimming pool supplies company

Left me all weekend in NC with no money and over drawn account...on the very last day my bank (back of America) gave all my money back cause they could tell it wasn't my signature.....when I got home I called the cops and they found out who it was but lacked physical evidence to charge him.....I forget his name now but I tried for weeks trying to figure out where the bastard lived or worked!

If I could do it again I would call the company that stuff was bought from and act like everything is cool and say I need to confirm an order and shipping info....when I called northern tool I just about got the info but I slipped and said someone made the order with stolen checks and then the lady could talk to me anymore cause of the gay privacy laws...if I would have played my cards right I could have got the address inwhich the tools was shipped to.


May 14, 2005
Lowell, Arkansas, United States
I was robbed at gunpoint. The thugs used my card to buy gas and prepaid phones. I got all the money back because it was a Visa check card. I still had to pay the bank an overdraft fee though...:3d_frown: You'll probably get your money back if the charge was truly fraudulent. I think that in my case, a police report was required. Have you eaten out lately? Did your server seem like a fucking douche monkey? Restaurant employees have every opportunity to steal all necessary information.


New Member
Jun 25, 2005
Huntsville, Alabama, United States
Had this happen to me, $1500. Visa called me was how I found out. the funny thing was that all the merchandise was delivered to MY address. No I was not on Ambien :icon_razz. Strange thing was that it happened on the same day that a coworker was asked to "leave", all the charges happened after he left, we had not had very cordial working relationship. Coincidence?


Supramania Contributor
Nov 19, 2006
Nor Cal
happen to me last night in tahoe, bitch ran my card and charged 50 more to the meal me and my buddy ate.. so two steaks just became almost 70 bucks. I'm going back tonight and getting this shit straight.


I think it was the google
Mar 30, 2005
The Farm
^^ yep, a ton of people get money stole from them from the waiters. Taking peoples CC#s and changing the tip. Not saying they all do it, but it happens.


squirelly wrath!
Mar 2, 2008
Roseville, CA
I have had this happen more times than I like to admit to. The most recent was some people used my card to open WoW accounts in a couple different states. BofA would not refund unless Blizzard gave specific details. Blizzard said "you bank should just take care of it." I never got my money back, but I did get new cards.


I do
Nov 25, 2005
By My Computer
Chances are good you'll get your cash back, once the bank verifies the charges were fraudulent. It happened to me once: without ever losing my card, some douche went to Dillard's and charged about $800 (way back when that was like $2000 are today) worth of electronics. It took the card co. several months to investigate, and i kept getting overdue notices (the card had no balance prior to this), which was nerveracking. This is what i do to avoid this happening again:

-get e-statements
-use cash as much as possible, and search for online vendors that accept Paypal
-destroy receipts
-I report my card lost about once a year, so the bank sends me another one with new numbers
-Use the bank's BillPay service, where they send a coupon without any account numbers that could be missused
-View my account online (home computer) once a day

I know this is a hassle, but I wouldnt worry too much. Banks take care of these issues most of the time. Good luck with this