I Ask Everyone here to read this Post!

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"Fudge you, butthole!"
Sep 4, 2005
TONY! said:
You say you never see me in OT. Yep, take a wild guess why. I have been here before you. I used to go to OT, then stopped. Stopped for a reason.


hmmm... but you know... there are times when things are bad, times when things are good and its just like life itself... sometimes it is fun, sometimes it sucks. you dont walk away from life, dont you? you might get pissed or depressed but you get over it.

so cos OT went bad once, earlier when you were still visiting it, doesnt mean it still is... from what you say it sounds like you havent been there since then (?!?!?), so you cant really judge things just from hearing it or whatever.

what i am trying to say is, just cos OT does go bad occasionally or cos some people have issues with other people and get offended or cos there are senseless threads every now and then, doesnt mean we have to get rid of it or change the rules a certain way. there are (!!!) rules... enough rules imo... well maybe we need a 'no religion thread' rule.
and also, just like in real life, there are people that follow rules, and some that dont... so here is where we need mods... but to say 'OT is bad, it has to go' is not really fair.
compared to other forums our OT is heaven.

i had my problems myself in there but i am not walking away from it... if i am not able to handle things like that online, in a forum where some people know each other but for the most part they are strangers... then how can i handle real life!??! if you break down and walk away and you are not able to get over things online, what are you doing in real life? go on a killing spree?

i think it is ridiculous when people leave OT or the whole forum ocs of something that was said or happened... everybody is different and has different point o views... and you should be mature enough to deal with it.

OT is something we need... just to have some change... sure it is a car forum in the first place but maybe someone has something interesting that is not car related... ?
some dont like SF, OT.com, celicasupra etc... some feel at home here, like in a family even tho there is trouble... where is he/ she gonna post that kinda topic?

dunno, if you get my point... i'm pretty bagged, lol
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Mar 31, 2005
san francisco, ca
well lots of good points. i agree that mods needs to be choosen more carefuly.

i also think that you should be recomended by other people not by your self if you want to mod. no offence some peolpe offering their service is very fit for the job, but some are not.

figgie's post is very truthfull and to summarize what mod can't have against others is ATTITUDE if you want to mod you must look at the problem from sideless point of view.

for exhample i been supra owner since 98 and reading online since. been on sf since 02 and on sm since the day it opened. however i could not and dont want to be mod because i am somwhat impatient with newbies and ricers (even though i am 27) so i dont seek to be one.

basicaly lots of kids crave to be mods just to be cool and brag about it but then the time comes to handle the situation they have no idea what to do with the problem or with their attitude towards others.

i would agree that all mods should be booted and new ones selected.


Wallet Wide Open
Mar 30, 2005
Raleigh, Nc
TopSecret said:
also, most of you guys complain about OT but then i dont see many of you posting there anyways... so why bother? you do not have to go there... no one is forcing you to...
i am not sure how it is in the other sections... but yeah, OT has its troubles sometimes but that is why its OT... better there than in the 'normal' sections.

There is something called censorship. Off topic on this site should not be a place for you to go rant about things that offend your fellow members. So if I'm hearing you correctly, you are saying we play nice in other forums but in off topic the gloves come off?

What disclaimer? so its ok if I say >I agree< without reading the fine print that, I might get my feelings hurt if I enter this section? What gives the next member a right to sling trash and I have to put up just b/c there was a warning on the front door.

TopSecret said:
and just a little thought on the moderator thing:

i can see everybody's point who says 'we need old members to be a mod'... but then there is the thing that old members are rather used to people and more willing to take someone's side.... it is not really something that happens willingly... it is just that people tend to take the side of a friend and most of the time someone isn't even aware of it, it happens, thats all. .

My idea of Mature Mods is that they would use better judgment, not take sides.

TopSecret said:
and last but not least... i would so get rid of the rep system... it is just causing trouble imo... its a dumb thing, i dont really see the point in it. *shrug* .

That'll work


"Fudge you, butthole!"
Sep 4, 2005
There is something called censorship. Off topic on this site should not be a place for you to go rant about things that offend your fellow members. So if I'm hearing you correctly, you are saying we play nice in other forums but in off topic the gloves come off?

What disclaimer? so its ok if I say >I agree< without reading the fine print that, I might get my feelings hurt if I enter this section? What gives the next member a right to sling trash and I have to put up just b/c there was a warning on the front door.

no, what i am trying to say is that if you know you get easily offended, dont go to OT... if you do not agree with something in a thread, leave the thread and dont worry about it anymore... why bother? most of the time its not 'planned' as a personal attack... it is something someone found funny. you and i make a problem out of it if we start ranting and complaining and trying to convince others of our point of views/ opinions.
everybody should be mature enough to know what they can take and what not. also everybody should know that it is not possible to agree with everything and everyone...

i mean, what you doing in real life? run to the lawyer cos you got offended by something?
i dont think so... i think you'll be pissed for a while and then you will move on.
so i dont really understand why it turns into such a drama here...

i also never said OT is supposed to be a place where you can post everything, a place where you make posts mainly to piss off others...
it is always what you make out of it. you could leave and forget about something or you decide not to leave and get into a 'fight' and your feelings might get hurt in some way and then you leave SM (which imo is ridiculous one way or the other)
and i think its better to have a lil bullshit in OT than in general discussion or whatever...
but maybe we indeed have to write a looooooong list with rules that are explained in such a way that no one can get it wrong... but then, this isnt kindergarten.


Wallet Wide Open
Mar 30, 2005
Raleigh, Nc
^^ This is why I said to get rid of Off topic. There will always be exceptions and it is exceptions made by the mod team that landed us all here today.

You want to bullshit, there are other resources online that will welcome you with open arms. You do it here, It pisses off others, folks leave, place has an un-Easy feel to it.


"Fudge you, butthole!"
Sep 4, 2005
^^ This is why I said to get rid of Off topic. There will always be exceptions and it is exceptions made by the mod team that landed us all here today.

You want to bullshit, there are other resources online that will welcome you with open arms. You do it here, It pisses off others, folks leave, place has an un-Easy feel to it.

not everything in OT is offending and insulting... not everybody is posting in there to 'bullshit'... my goodness...
also if there were mods looking out, it wouldnt turn into such a kindergarten drama.

you guys worry too much about certain things, honestly...
you guys often try too hard to get your point of view, to convince others of your opinion... and while trying you forget that it is NOT POSSIBLE to please everyone... it will never happen, there will always be someone disagreeing with something but you could always decrease the amount of drama.

why is it so hard to just get over it and move on? why?
you do it every day in your normal life but in an online forum it seems to be impossible.

but yeah, wouldnt it be so easy to just get rid of that thing we do not like instead of working on the problem... which in this case is ignorance and intolerance?


Habitual Supra Killer
Mar 30, 2005
Dziuggy said:
basicaly lots of kids crave to be mods just to be cool and brag about it but then the time comes to handle the situation they have no idea what to do with the problem or with their attitude towards others.

i would agree that all mods should be booted and new ones selected.
Well said! I think many people will decide on how they see this site based on that recommendation and if it will go into effect. I know I will.

The other day I was wondering what would happen if I were to have a problem with a sale in the classified section. All my sales end up fine and I don’t have a problem, but if a problem did arise (like say the package was lost or damaged in the mail), I SURE as hell would not want someone modding that section if they would only add to the problems. Imagine having someone handle your case who does not really care about you or your case and only mods for "status". I sure as hell would not want a corrupt mod (no offense intended) making wrongful decisions, or in favor of their friend, or out of spite.

I just have such a bad taste in my mouth after how badly JBL was treated.
Well, he sent me this in a PM (and others too), but now it IS public. It was posted on SF--but not from him.


I think you assumed way too much and don't know the real reason why I shy away from OT.

As far as the rep system--I hate it. You may notice that I have a single black square. I could show off and flash my 2 greens, but I don't. I came to forums not to play the forum games.

Forum games would be:

forum jeopardy--where people compete in regards to who had the best answer and others are "owned"

highest post count--imaginary status to be achieved by having a higher post count than others have

making it to moderatorship--thinking that people would respect you now because you can move threads or lock them

rep points--intended mind control on people to make them post better, but in actuality, that system rewards the comedians and bandwagon jumpers most of the time

People should be on a forum for primarily one thing: to exchange useful info.
Having ties would be a second.
Other reasons just don’t make much sense to me.

Anyways, I don’t want to hijack PIONEER's thread.
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Wallet Wide Open
Mar 30, 2005
Raleigh, Nc
I saw a problem and then I posted here so we can all come togather and resolve the problem.

I also know that most of the mods would just like to sweep this whole crap under the Rug and pretend like all is Holy here.


Mr. Evergreen
Mar 30, 2005
its true that we get way to much useless info in our sections. some threads i read the title to a problem that i can relate to, and well i end up having to sift thorugh about 5 pages of posts and jokes HUNTING for the answer and usually by the 2nd page i say screw it, i'll figure it out myself when i run into the problem. other times you just get hecklers that really have no point in posting in a thread where someone has a truly genuine question they cant figure out and then have useless posts that dont help them at all. more than once i've sean someone ask a generic question and tehn get bashed for several pages. to many people feel they HAVE to post in every thread, unless your helping, why post.

as for off topic, yea some threads stray south, but its not hard to avoid those threads, just dont click on them.


Mar 31, 2005
Fort Campbell, KY
^^ This is why I said to get rid of Off topic. There will always be exceptions and it is exceptions made by the mod team that landed us all here today.

You want to bullshit, there are other resources online that will welcome you with open arms. You do it here, It pisses off others, folks leave, place has an un-Easy feel to it.

Hitting the target center mass.....


Mar 31, 2005
Fort Campbell, KY
I still say that the off topic forum should cease to exist. With the billions of websites that exist, you can do a simple google search to find one to rant on any subject you wish, so I think SM should stay pure Supra.

aye mate

Hiatus over.
Mar 30, 2005
^^ This is why I said to get rid of Off topic. There will always be exceptions and it is exceptions made by the mod team that landed us all here today.

You want to bullshit, there are other resources online that will welcome you with open arms. You do it here, It pisses off others, folks leave, place has an un-Easy feel to it.

rakkasan said:
I still say that the off topic forum should cease to exist. With the billions of websites that exist, you can do a simple google search to find one to rant on any subject you wish, so I think SM should stay pure Supra.


OT is just for trolls and people that want to start crap. Go look at SF for example, a good 80% of the clowns that post there dont even have a supra and have never contributed any real knowledge to help someone out. I say get rid of OT for 2 months and see who comes back and who leaves.


Conjurer of Boost
Mar 30, 2005
Pauma Valley, CA
As far as getting rid of OT goes we need to make a choice.

Is this a forum for a community that has a car?


Is this a forum for a car that has a community?

If this is a forum for the community then I think the OT section is needed, in order to converse and share ideas with others that have something in common with each other. If it&#8217;s a forum about a car then the OT section is not needed. Drjonez&#8217;s MKIII tech is such a site. There is nothing wrong with MKIII tech as it serves its purpose very well.

As far as my opinion of the OT issue goes I think it&#8217;s necessary, I also think figgie put it best on the subject and don&#8217;t feel the need to repeat it.

Next issue

Now I&#8217;m not trying to piss anybody off, but probably will considering the mood of people here. The whole JBL thing is a bit frustrating because everybody keeps saying poor JBL. While it&#8217;s obvious that John was beat down the hardest because he stood the tallest in the whole matter. Everyone keeps saying that nobody showed John any respect, that might be because John didn&#8217;t show anybody respect to start with. He just came in their pissed off with the intention to tear the thread down. In the end though yes John did end up receiving more than his fair share of the heat from that.

To those of you, who think that SF is better than SM right now, consider this. In SF a similar thread to this one would not have gotten anywhere near as far, or had such logical discussions. It would have been torn down in to a flame war by the people there. So I think SM is still light years ahead of SF in the quality of its members. Second it seems to me, people that think SM is getting out of hand and turning in to a flamers paradise have blown it a little out of proportion, as out of 9,460 threads only 1 came close to becoming a flame war. Not to bad for a community.

On the Mod point it seems to me that this is turning in to a witch hunt. Feels like were back in the eighteen hundreds. Everybody needs somebody to blame. Looks like CK and Ideal get to be the scapegoats this time. Who&#8217;s next? And assuming CK and Ideal were completely at fault, this would be one of the first times for both of them. But no&#8230;. we need somebody to blame and they get to be it. Heaven forbid we take responsibility for our own actions or inactions there. Did they over step there mod responsibilities a little, yes, as did John. But this does not mean that they can&#8217;t move past this and do a good job moderating.

Last but not least on the subject of my involvement in the jesus thread, I feel I owe the community an apology, I stood up for the right of free speech, even though I didn&#8217;t agree with the content of the thread. I did it because as an American I have grown up to place a very high value upon the right of free speech. I will stand up (as I did in the thread) for your right and my right to have freedom of speech. However at the end of it Jeff made a statement that made me realize I may have been wrong, He stated, more or less, that this is the internet and free speech is not a right here. I had been raised to believe that free speech was a right and had a very hard time grasping that it wasn&#8217;t here. So for my involvement in a thread that did go a little too far I apologize.


Supramania Contributor
dirgle said:
As far as getting rid of OT goes we need to make a choice.

Is this a forum for a community that has a car?


Is this a forum for a car that has a community?

If this is a forum for the community then I think the OT section is needed, in order to converse and share ideas with others that have something in common with each other. If it&#8217;s a forum about a car then the OT section is not needed. Drjonez&#8217;s MKIII tech is such a site. There is nothing wrong with MKIII tech as it serves its purpose very well.

As far as my opinion of the OT issue goes I think it&#8217;s necessary, I also think figgie put it best on the subject and don&#8217;t feel the need to repeat it.

Next issue

Now I&#8217;m not trying to piss anybody off, but probably will considering the mood of people here. The whole JBL thing is a bit frustrating because everybody keeps saying poor JBL. While it&#8217;s obvious that John was beat down the hardest because he stood the tallest in the whole matter. Everyone keeps saying that nobody showed John any respect, that might be because John didn&#8217;t show anybody respect to start with. He just came in their pissed off with the intention to tear the thread down. In the end though yes John did end up receiving more than his fair share of the heat from that.

To those of you, who think that SF is better than SM right now, consider this. In SF a similar thread to this one would not have gotten anywhere near as far, or had such logical discussions. It would have been torn down in to a flame war by the people there. So I think SM is still light years ahead of SF in the quality of its members. Second it seems to me, people that think SM is getting out of hand and turning in to a flamers paradise have blown it a little out of proportion, as out of 9,460 threads only 1 came close to becoming a flame war. Not to bad for a community.

On the Mod point it seems to me that this is turning in to a witch hunt. Feels like were back in the eighteen hundreds. Everybody needs somebody to blame. Looks like CK and Ideal get to be the scapegoats this time. Who&#8217;s next? And assuming CK and Ideal were completely at fault, this would be one of the first times for both of them. But no&#8230;. we need somebody to blame and they get to be it. Heaven forbid we take responsibility for our own actions or inactions there. Did they over step there mod responsibilities a little, yes, as did John. But this does not mean that they can&#8217;t move past this and do a good job moderating.

Last but not least on the subject of my involvement in the jesus thread, I feel I owe the community an apology, I stood up for the right of free speech, even though I didn&#8217;t agree with the content of the thread. I did it because as an American I have grown up to place a very high value upon the right of free speech. I will stand up (as I did in the thread) for your right and my right to have freedom of speech. However at the end of it Jeff made a statement that made me realize I may have been wrong, He stated, more or less, that this is the internet and free speech is not a right here. I had been raised to believe that free speech was a right and had a very hard time grasping that it wasn&#8217;t here. So for my involvement in a thread that did go a little too far I apologize.

best post in here.

i just want to say something about that "Jesus" thread -- i'm 56k or less, so the pics in that thread didn't even load for me, so, in essence, i have no say about whatever you guys decide to do with OT, lol.

myself, i mostly joke around now that i don't own a mkiii anymore, but i also try to help people if i know the solution to their problem. i never had any problems with my mkiii (cause, i knew how to take care of it), so i'm not really that technical with mkiii's other than basic problems.

i hope not too many of you classify me as a non-contributing member. if so, i really don't care anyway :biglaugh: **********


I collect BHG's
May 3, 2005
Cincinnati, OH
I think this whole thing has shown some areas that are in need of improvement but I don't think it calls for anything major. I would prefer to keep the OT section as it lets everyone discuss other interests with others here within our comunity. I do think OT needs some new guidelines on what is acceptable or not as we do have many members who are passionate about things other than our cars. Give a few more mods the ability to take care of offensive posts or abusive people and list which mods control what areas so we can contact them easily if there is a problem. I don't think that we need to get rid of all the mods and start over either but make sure that any who are being problematic are reprimanded or removed. I think this is a great community and resource and I don't think it should be ripped apart by a few topics that went too far.
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