how'd u spend your new years eve?


Bay Area Supras
Apr 1, 2005
Bay Area, CA
me? kickin some ass

well, new years weekend is the busiest of the year for us at my garage. (hotel valet). so i had to work, put in around 30 hours between friday and sunday. but anyways, on to the ass kickin....

i work downtown San Fran and SF has tons of hills. i work for a big company and we have a lot of garages all over. anyways, there is another valet garage down the hill from us.

so on thursday someone broke into the garage down the hill and stole some wallets and money out of a few cars. saturday one of the valets from their garage is up on the 2nd floor and he sees this kid up there, where only employees are supposed to be. he stops him and they look through his shit and find a wallet that was stolen on thurs. so they go to call the popo when the guy slips out his jacket and takes off. runs out the garage and up the hill. the valets run out, and dont see him so they split up. my manager just happened to be walking by and saw the guy run out. so he starts chasing him up the hill and yells to one of the valets that he sees the guy running. so they run up these 2 steep ass hills and turn on to the street where my garage is.

i was just chillin outside when i hear my manager call my name yelling for me to help. i look and see them chasin some guy. so i jog across the street (they had just ran up some hills and were tired and running slow) almost to the corner i catch up from the side, start sprinting and the guy doesn't see me coming.

i fuckin railed him. came in and just blind sided him. hit him with my shoulder and just extended my arms pushin him sideways about 3 feet right into a cement wall. out for the count. i thought he was unconcious but i think he just had the wind knocked outta him. either way he was struggling to breathe on the floor. turns out he was a junkie, had shot up some meth earlier.

anyways, he put on a act like he was dieing and all these people crowded around. some dumb broads start talking to him saying he needs to lift his legs, or he'll have a heart attack, some drunk guy saying he needs to move to keep his blood flowing, and the women start yelling at him and they start arguing till i tell em, "just shut the fuck up and leave him alone, he's just tired from running and getting the shit knocked outta him" cops show up and all of a sudden the act stops and he rolls over and stands while handcuffed all by himself.

brought back memories of my hockey days, miss hitting the crap outta people. oh well, hope u enjoyed my little adventure


New Member
Mar 31, 2005
Kodiak, Alaska
i hated this new years. it was boring and everyone i kno got into an arguemnt with me cuz i left and just went home cuz i wasnt feeling up to it. so i went home and slept through the new year


"Fudge you, butthole!"
Sep 4, 2005
mine sounds rather boring but wasnt too bad.

family can be actually really nice... as long as it is just my mom.
so i was at home, watching comedy shows on tv with mom... got drunk with her. she is a big fan of irish mist, so we had a quite a few shots of that... then we moved on to sprakling wine... but in the end i drank like 3/4 of the bottle... so in the end i was quite dizzy... first real drinking since... dunno actually. i think my last real drinking happened back in helsinki, new years eve 2003/4, lol.

then our remote was possessed cos 1 minute before midnight it switched channels and landed on some program made for people 65 years and older... and it refused to work after that. so yeah, we spent new years eve watching so called 'volksmusik' *shudders*... but we were laughing pretty bad about that :D


Achieving Balance...
Mar 30, 2005
Drank at my friend's house with some friends I hadn't seen in a while. Good times.



7Ms are for Cressidas
Apr 1, 2005
Woodstock, GA
Went out all day with my wife on the 31st - saw 2 movies, walked around the mall, did some shopping. Then we went to Chilli's, got some food and drinks, took a cab home and passed out. Apparently I was acting like a real goofball when we got home, but I don't remember. :D

Johnny Dangerously

I can eat planets
Apr 4, 2005
Corpus Christi, TX..
me, Fstoy, supramkiii24 and Shane87Turbo partied hard....

I drank half a bottle of jack...Dan (Supramkiii24) drank the other half...Fstoy (dave) had countless beers

Dan and I sang 12 kareoke songs and Dan passed out on the driveway...i left rediculous voice messages on peoples phones...and other really stupid but funny shit.