has anyone seen this?



chedderknight said:
Several cities have drag-racing ordinances that allow police to auction off seized cars and keep the profits.

Why would that piss you off?

Don't street race..and you're car won't be impounded an auctioned off

street racing is illegal because it's dangerous to those involved (not that i care if a pair of street racers gets hurt/killed in an accident involving just themselves while racing) but it endangers the innocent law abiding people simply trying to get from point A to point B that get cauight up in the middle of some ego war between two ricers who have no idea who to handle any vehicle at any speed, let alone a civic at 120 mph..


JustAnotherVictim said:
It's not the fact about street racing that pisses me off it's the random inspections simply because you're driving an import that "appears" to be modified and they don't encourage legal racing by going to the track and recording people LEGALLY racing at a drag strip.

Bingo. If you're caught street racing, then you face the penalty. But to own a car CAPABLE of street racing? That's like charging a gun owner with possible attempted murder. The law's gone too far in this country. These ain't the Republicans I voted for. And laws like these are just the tip of the iceburg. I for one don't care anymore. I refuse to sign (or even stick around for) tickets. I ask (on tape) if I am under arrest. If the officer says no, I leave. He can mail me my summons, which'll just go to my lawyer anyway. I'm tired of playing nice with these @ssholes. Once I get my car up to 500 hp or so, I'll add nitrous and a hideaway license plate system. Screw em.


I think it was the google
Mar 30, 2005
The Farm
kwnate said:
Easy there tiger, lets not start bashing the OUR President. If you would like to do that go here www.moveon.org Maybe you can chat with Matt Damon about it!! Just remember, the alternative was John Kerry :biglaugh:

tiger hahaha, u must not read much about ol' G W. 1/2 the freakin people that voted for his ass are sad now cause their kids are getting killed for no FU CKING REASON, GOOD JOB DIP SH ITS U VOTED FOR HIS ASS. another think he wants to reduce the national dept and get to mars WTF, he just put for a bill for 286.5 BILLION, not million for roads, and 1bil to get to mars... the road bill went over 2.5bil were he said he would stop but it actually went ove 9bil because of the way it was stated, the 9bil get "sent back to the tax payer" (ahhem BULLSH IT) so it passes. also what was it all about us going to Ahaganistan and helping out there, were are we now IRAQ, wants to show daddy what he can do, and how much he say to the america people it would cost, not 250+ billion. and u liking this gas prices, im sure ur happy with them.
so read up, on your president he is a FU CKIN MORON. and a lot of people are relizing it now too.
Kerry Wasnt the only other chose, we need another party not 2 dips hit parties that spend millions on campaining.
nuff said

srry shouldnt have gotten me started with Mr. G Dubya'


Yes, I play Halo
Apr 2, 2005
Merced, CA
D34DC311 said:
tiger hahaha, u must not read much about ol' G W. 1/2 the freakin people that voted for his ass are sad now cause their kids are getting killed for no FU CKING REASON, GOOD JOB DIP SH ITS U VOTED FOR HIS ASS

Funny, everyone I know that voted for him aren't whining about the war, it's the ones who DIDN'T vote for him that are whining. Bush didn't draft, all the people that are over there were military to start with, they signed up for this stuff. I have friends who lost a son in the war and they still are supporters of Bush. Just be grateful it's not another world war situation where we would loose more troops in just half a battle, than the entire war in Iraq. Our casualties have been so low for an operation of this type and durration, it's amazing. Don't blame Bush for California's stupid laws.

aye mate

Hiatus over.
Mar 30, 2005
2 letters...CA... No offense to you CA guys...but CA thinks up some of the dumbest crap I've ever heard of. I hope it breaks off and sinks into the sea...or at least floats away.


hey dead...furball and kwnate.

keep the political hotbutton topics elsewhere fella's we all have very diff opinnions and the political debates here have a history of getting flamey...


Yes, I play Halo
Apr 2, 2005
Merced, CA
aye mate said:
2 letters...CA... No offense to you CA guys...but CA thinks up some of the dumbest crap I've ever heard of. I hope it breaks off and sinks into the sea...or at least floats away.

In many ways I agree, and I live here. The actual chunk of land is great. The weather is wonderful, and I love the beaches, but there are A LOT of stupid people here. No where else have I seen so many "fake" people. Physically, mentally, socially, whatever, just fake.

aka Kactabigun

New Member
Aug 13, 2005
Newcastle England
Yep the Police are doing the same thing over here with modified suped up cars
only in parts of the country though.
Whats happening is young drivers are congregating in car parks and reving
wheelspinning allsorts of shit. And people who live nearby these areas are kicking off, phoneing the Police allot and finely the Police have said. Right one way arround this is to DO THEM by informing the insurance company they have modified there vehicle. So by doing so the insurance company can cancel the insurance policy on that car. Modifications can be an aftermarket exhaust, induction kits any modification that the car did'nt have when built.
I think its aimed more at the younger drivers who drive cars owned by Mammy or Daddy with modifications and the young driver is not the main driver (but uses the car 99.9% of the time)Thus voiding the insurance.
As the main policy holder probably dose'nt drive it. Right deep breath,
I dont give a shit as I drive a SUPRA MKIII that was built with all the goodies
on it. And its a damn good ride stock anyway, :icon_bigg
I dont know were all these Laws are heading but the aftermarket car parts dealers might loss alot of buisiness. :3d_frown:


Apr 4, 2005
Dumass kids in parking lots spinning out and making alot of useless noise deserve to be ticketed and call a lot of unwanted negative attention to our hobby/fun. Dont race on the streets and dont get ticketed i can live with.

When the police or government expand their power or authority to solve a problem or "crack down on crime" it does piss me off.

Once the police can pull people over for not breaking a law but because they look like they could potentially break the law or have the ability to break the law where does it end? Being from MS i know how this attitude of power can be abused. Once the police/government learns how to do this and get a presumptive affirmative from the populance the police will not give up their new power. Even after the problem is solved.

It is dumbfounding how easily we allow ourselves to give up control, our individuallity, even our ability to choose to the government and trust they will not abuse it just in the name of "freedom" or "to protect the children" or "to make ourselves safer".

Dont race and dont get arrested. The police have all the laws they need to keep this problem under control and i dont think it is necessary to make it easier for them by allowing them to prejudge a driver just by looking at his car as it passes by doing 55mph.

just my 6 cents.


Bay Area Supras
Apr 1, 2005
Bay Area, CA
lanky189 said:
Why would that piss you off?

Don't street race..and you're car won't be impounded an auctioned off

street racing is illegal because it's dangerous to those involved (not that i care if a pair of street racers gets hurt/killed in an accident involving just themselves while racing) but it endangers the innocent law abiding people simply trying to get from point A to point B that get cauight up in the middle of some ego war between two ricers who have no idea who to handle any vehicle at any speed, let alone a civic at 120 mph..

maybe they should take it to the track?

oh wait.......

the worst part is they're taking police to car meets and to the drag strip and recording people's cars to send them tickets in the mail later.

however, i do agree when the high school kids come out in their civics and show off shit happens. but what we prefer here in the bay is some "private runs." 4-9 cars meeting up and then racing 2 at a time in some deserted open area in the middle of the night. never had any problems


I think it was the google
Mar 30, 2005
The Farm
LuvMySilverSupra said:
however, i do agree when the high school kids come out in their civics and show off shit happens. but what we prefer here in the bay is some "private runs." 4-9 cars meeting up and then racing 2 at a time in some deserted open area in the middle of the night. never had any problems

see now thats not bad cause one if someone else is one the road you know almost immediatly and its pretty much the same as a drag stip cause if u wreck its just u and no one else.



Furball said:
Funny, everyone I know that voted for him aren't whining about the war, it's the ones who DIDN'T vote for him that are whining. Bush didn't draft, all the people that are over there were military to start with, they signed up for this stuff. I have friends who lost a son in the war and they still are supporters of Bush. Just be grateful it's not another world war situation where we would loose more troops in just half a battle, than the entire war in Iraq. Our casualties have been so low for an operation of this type and durration, it's amazing. Don't blame Bush for California's stupid laws.

As a card carrying Republican and Bush supporter (I've got the handwritten thank you letter from the President to prove it), I'm shocked and dismayed at the attempted level of Government involvement in citizens lives. From steroid regulation in sports to same-sex marriage, these cats wanna control EVERYTHING. This is the same President that pushed for states rights when it came to logging, but trumped states rights on marriage :nono: I for one am fed up with the federal government, whether it be democrat or republicrat. I believe in the operations in Iraq, but realize that it's being mishandled. Plus, during a time of war, discrestionary spending should be curbed, not increased. And don't get me started on the Carl Rove incident. That guy should be in the f**kin bread line. But I digress...what I mean to say is, maybe it's time for another Boston Tea Party. We gotta stand up for our ever eroding rights in this country. This country is becoming more Socialist everyday. In many ways, Europe is more free (and less taxed). That, my friends, is truly sad. :3d_frown:


Needs a new username...
Apr 1, 2005
United States
suprarcr89 said:
easy fix build bad ass sleepers... that will teach them

just my 02.

lol.... thats an awesome.....
This whole thing just sounds stupid, maybe it's just a rumor? I mean, you're innocent until proven guilty (not sure if someone said that or not), and that's a right (not sure, hate law/government). Anyway, they need to worry more about the gas prices...

Bush is awesome... <-- lol :icon_bigg


I think it was the google
Mar 30, 2005
The Farm
Makavelli said:
As a card carrying Republican and Bush supporter (I've got the handwritten thank you letter from the President to prove it), I'm shocked and dismayed at the attempted level of Government involvement in citizens lives. From steroid regulation in sports to same-sex marriage, these cats wanna control EVERYTHING. This is the same President that pushed for states rights when it came to logging, but trumped states rights on marriage :nono: I for one am fed up with the federal government, whether it be democrat or republicrat. I believe in the operations in Iraq, but realize that it's being mishandled. Plus, during a time of war, discrestionary spending should be curbed, not increased. And don't get me started on the Carl Rove incident. That guy should be in the f**kin bread line. But I digress...what I mean to say is, maybe it's time for another Boston Tea Party. We gotta stand up for our ever eroding rights in this country. This country is becoming more Socialist everyday. In many ways, Europe is more free (and less taxed). That, my friends, is truly sad. :3d_frown:

That why im moving to Germany.
O.K. back on topic.
do these guys get a special unit name?
like in Bad boys? u know TNT, Tactical Narcatics Team.