Had an offer for my car today


New Member
Mar 30, 2005
St. Clair Shores, MI
A guy came up to me in a parking lot today complimenting my Supra. We talked for a few minutes and then he asked me how much I would sell it for. I told him I would need to see a check for at least 12K and even then probably would not be willing to part with the car,

He gave me his business card and told me to call him if I was ever interested in selling.

Thought I would share this, just to let you guys know that a well maintained 18 year old car does indeed hold value. He was my age (40ish).

I have no intention of selling, but I honestly believe that if I called him tomorrow, he would probably write the check.

Made me feel good about owning the Supra and yes, before anyone asks, he knew it was a MK3 and not a MK4.

PS-I tossed the business card in the trash on the way out of the party store!


boosted kraut
Mar 31, 2005
Yea, that's really nice....

I was in a similar situation 2 weeks after I got my Supra, it was still bone stock. I was standing at a gas station, when some guy came running next to me all excited and asked me if I wanted to sell the car.
He kept bugging me and wanted to persuade me to sell the car to him.... but when I told him that I bought it myself only 2 weeks ago, he gave up and finally let me drive home. I was just too perplexed to ask for a price, but I probably would've wanted something like 10k EUR / 13k US-$, too :p
By now someone would have to offer 15K EUR / 20K US-$ before I would even consider selling the Supra, even though its market value is only a fraction of that.


I think it was the google
Mar 30, 2005
The Farm
yea i really hate how the KBB value of these cars is way off to me, they are getting rare and the KBB doesnt put that into consideration.


New Member
Apr 26, 2005
Dan you know its worth more then that. Its the sentimental valve of things that gets to us. Since that car has a lot of history with your family and all. Thanks for keeping it. Cause if you would of sold it I would have to go down and pick Dave and Steve's asses up and come have a talk with you. :biglaugh:


New Member
Mar 30, 2005
St. Clair Shores, MI
The KBB value is not relevent to our cars or for that matter, well maintained BMW, Mecerdes, Corvettes ect.. of that era.

Since I can count the number of Supra's on one hand that I have seen driving around here in the last year (not counting people I've met through the forums or at meets) I was happy to have someone recognize what it was and show interest.

No worries Bobby, I don't plan on selling anytime soon.
Get your car ready for the Chicago meet. I owe you guys a few beers.

Ecomiast, Your sig kills me every time I see it.

Tony, what happened to your post?


Habitual Supra Killer
Mar 30, 2005
Blue87T(Dan) said:
...Tony, what happened to your post?
I took in consideration that you ignored it, and thought maybe it was because my attempt at humor peeved you;)

Since you asked, I posted:

Tony Mawad said:
You should have taken the money and bought an MKIV!


I just thought of saying that because I know you had, "I don't want an MKIV" under your avatar at SF. You put that there after that one funny guy who posted and thought all should "upgrade" to an MKIV if they had the chance.

He posted to some thread starter:
sell you can find another or put that money down on a mk4
your dumb when i got my mk3 i couldnt get an mk4 but now i could and thats what im about to do
lol Dan, looking back at that guy, you have to laugh.

But then ZaZZn put it best, which does sum things up at SF to a point:
ZaZZn said:
...I sware every 14 year old must be on this board.
That's the line of the month!


New Member
Mar 30, 2005
St. Clair Shores, MI
Just wondering. I saw the response in the email but by the time I got here it was gone.

As I have stated before, if I wanted an MK4 I would buy one. I, as most of us here (I hope), don't think the MK4 is the best thing since sliced bread.

It is a wonderful car indeed and did move Toyota into the realm of what at that time, was close to a supercar.

I understood the humor in your post and appreciated it.

I do remember that thread on SF and also agree with Eric (even if he has spelling issues).

Maybe SF should have an ID check like the porn sites, put your credit card on file before posting or something.

Its all good.

Long live the MK3.



1991 1JZ
Mar 30, 2005
new rochelle
ive gotten a few offers, all turned down. after all the work i have done to the car, and still have it mostly stock its a little agrivating, but at least i am building a platform tomake some good power.

anyway, if i got an offer for 8k or more i would probably sell.


New Member
Mar 30, 2005
bobtsgt said:
Dan you know its worth more then that. Its the sentimental valve of things that gets to us..... :biglaugh:

LOL its the sentimental VALVE of things :D now you know that guy is a car freak lol :biglaugh: ..think you wanted to say..sentimental value of things. he sure loves his valves :love:
I could be wrong, but the way I read it, lol..he thinks to much of parts :p


New Member
Apr 21, 2005
Hey Dan,

I was worried there for a second when I first saw the thread title. I guess I should have known better. :bigthumb: for keeping it.


New Member
Mar 30, 2005
St. Clair Shores, MI

Thanks for chiming in for the over 40 crowd, though we appear to be few and far between.

Didn't Sting say it 20 years ago.

"I want my, I want my, I want my MK3"
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