Gross misuse of the apostrophe ( ' )...possibly humorous


Kurt is FTMFW x2!!!!
Staff member
Super Moderator
Mar 30, 2005
i'll start off by saying this; i love english. i loved english in high school, and in college, and took many elective english courses through my college career. i don't commonly misspell words, and i don't capitalize letters when typing either. (unless it's a paper or something that'll be graded).

i believe this stems from the fact when i write, i do so in all capital letters. i'm not exactly sure why, but it's not because i'm lazy. like i said, i try my hardest to type and write in proper english, and now that i think about it, i bet i dont use apostraphe's often. (ie: dont, cant, etc...)

perhaps i'll work on that. though, dont expect me to start capitalizing the first words in my sentences, as well as "I" whenever applicable. :)



P.S.- good thread. :)


New Member
Mar 31, 2005
shaeff said:
i'll start off by saying this; i love english. i loved english in high school, and in college, and took many elective english courses through my college career. i don't commonly misspell words, and i don't capitalize letters when typing either. (unless it's a paper or something that'll be graded).

i believe this stems from the fact when i write, i do so in all capital letters. i'm not exactly sure why, but it's not because i'm lazy. like i said, i try my hardest to type and write in proper english, and now that i think about it, i bet i dont use apostraphe's often. (ie: dont, cant, etc...)

perhaps i'll work on that. though, dont expect me to start capitalizing the first words in my sentences, as well as "I" whenever applicable. :)



P.S.- good thread. :)

Yes sir, Mr. e. e. cummings. ;)


Active Member
Mar 30, 2005
There's only one reason why we have any rules for language at all, and it's so that we can understand each other.

When someone writes:

"i noe waht you meen, k thx"

Two things happen:

First, I make the assumption that the author is uneducated at the very best, or more likely, just plain stupid.

Second, I have to stop and interperet what the jackass means, since the phonetic word sounds are there, but it's certainly not English.

Yes, language mutates over time. Yes, there are many words in Websters' Dictionary now that weren't there 25 or 30 years ago.

But this doesn't mean you throw out all the rules anytime you feel like because you are too lazy, or uneducated.

A lot of people will make the arguement "Dude, it's just the Internet!". I find that flawed. Out here, you can't see me. You can't hear my voice. You likley don't know me from a hole in the wall. The only communications medium out here is words. If you can't craft them properly, you'll look like a fool.

Here's something I had posted in the mod forum a while back that really applies to this thread:

Back in the 1990's and inot the early 2000's when when was the big site I used to be the guy who answered the email... I did it for several years and this one came within a month of my quitting. I don't believe they ever got anyone else to do it...

During my time on the job, I helped a LOT of people, had some of the best and worst questions asked that I have ever seen.

However, there is one email that I have kept over the years since the idiocy of it stood out above the rest.

Now please realize that you had to click past two messages to get to the email address. Those messages informed you that the address was for technical questions only, that we were not affiliated with Toyota, and that we had no idea when the next Supra was coming out.

With all that said, I post the message here in it's entirety, no names changed to protect the stupid.

I will however warn you that everyone who reads this mail will be dumber because of it.

-- Begin Criminal Stupidity --
The dumbest guy ever said:
From: "sweteyloco" <>
To: <>
Subject: hello
Date: Fri, 8 Nov 2002 08:56:36 -0500
MIME-Version: 1.0

i juz wanted to noe that whene are supars are coming out agian and why did you guys stop making theme? i heard that the supras are coming out in 2004 i just wanted yo noe if it's true?? and i wanted to noe if u guys built the supras already for 2004 if it's true. if uuys did i would like a pic of it if its ok well tahs all i have 2 say n 1 more thing i would like 2 noe how much yhe hores power is ok bye
-- End Criminal Stupidity --

And people wondered why I quit doing it....

However this is the kind of crap that I'm talking about. It makes your brain hurt to read it.

And while we are at it, what's with the bullshit gangsa(sp) crap?

If you say "aight" because you grew up in a shithole and don't know any better it's one thing.

If you say "aight" because you saw some guy in a movie do it and you thought he was cool it's something entirely different.

If you ever type it on the internet in a manner other that using it with a sense of irony, you are a dipshit.

Using "aight" on the Internet isn't cool, it ain't even chilly...


I think it was the google
Mar 30, 2005
The Farm
central and to all others, this is a forum, the reason people type in
short hand "r u there" or something like that is for one reason quickness of the matter. its like talking to someone on the phone, you can get more in the conversation with using short had.
now the email, thats just freakin crazy, thats a disgrace to anyone who has used email, forums, chating, hell a computer.
so instead of getting all mad that people dont like using apostraphes is because of time. i know its a small step but its still a step.
when i write for college, and even the job im at, i make damn sure that its MLA format. but please dont think people who dont use legit english for talkin on a forum dont use it in a business or other important situations.
beleive it or not but the internet was built on short hand and crappy spelling errors, irc is an excelent example. u cant change the geek.


Active Member
Mar 30, 2005
siman said:
Whats that supposed to mean? :hsugh:

Ok, I'll spell it out for you since you seem to be a little slow on the uptake today.

You don't know me, and you've decided that your first direct interaction with me would be to fling something that, for all intents and purposes, is an insult.

You either don't think before you post, or you've got exceptionally bad judgement.

Does that make it any clearer for you?

Or should I take it a step further? I think I should:

Your post added nothing meaningful to this thread. You didn't do anything to advance the conversation, or even address the topic we are discussing. You've interrupted this thread with something that I consider "noise", with a passive/aggressive insult imbedded within it.

Notice D34DC311's post above. He disagrees with me, and that's cool. He's added to the conversation with an alternative viewpoint. He's given some reasons for his position. I still don't agree with him, but we are, at this point, at least having a conversation on the topic at hand.

Clear enough?

Cravin Boost

MMMM Smells like coolant
Nov 8, 2005
Eugene OR
And who’s opinion is it that there was nothing constructive added to the conversation? Oh I guess that was YOUR opinion. as for my self I don’t always spell that great but as long as I get the information transmitted to the receiver then WTF. The world in the electronic age has devolved into a world of TLA's that’s called evolution. And yea I hate the UR and K and all the other shit but do I let it really bother me? Nope it’s not worth my time and effort. At work I am required to make sure I spell check everything and it has to be written in such and such a way to communicate the audience I am trying to influence / communicate to. Now when I am on my own time I talk how ever the hell I feel like and if you don’t like it then its your problem if you wish to play spelling or grammar police more power to you. Although again why waste the time and effort to belittle or berate somebody? Does that make you the better person? If you think it does you are a sad sad excuse for an oxygen consumer on this planet. Cant we all just get along?


Active Member
Mar 30, 2005
D34DC311 said:
central and to all others, this is a forum, the reason people type in
short hand "r u there" or something like that is for one reason quickness of the matter. its like talking to someone on the phone, you can get more in the conversation with using short had.

See, I disagree beacuse it IS a forum. It's not an instant messaging program. It's not IRC. I use abbreviations when using chat programs, and IRC because of the very reasons you specify. Someone is sitting there waiting for my reply in real time. A forum isn't like that. You can post today, and check back for replies tomorrow. To me, to use that crap in a forum is even worse that email, as this is posted for all to see for a long time (at least as long as the site lasts).

D34DC311 said:
so instead of getting all mad that people dont like using apostraphes is because of time. i know its a small step but its still a step. when i write for college, and even the job im at, i make damn sure that its MLA format. but please dont think people who dont use legit english for talkin on a forum dont use it in a business or other important situations.

I don't get mad a people. I am sometimes embarrased for them, and I do at times form opinions of them based upon the quality of what they post.

D34DC311 said:
beleive it or not but the internet was built on short hand and crappy spelling errors, irc is an excelent example. u cant change the geek.

Dude, I've been on the Internet since way before it was common. I'm 40 and have been working on computers all my life. I am that geek. :)


Active Member
Mar 30, 2005
Cravin Boost said:
And who’s opinion is it that there was nothing constructive added to the conversation? Oh I guess that was YOUR opinion.

Yes, it was in fact my opinon.

Since you appear to differ, I would ask that you to state how you feel the following:

Siman said:
/\ I feel sorry for you. LOL. You typed all that just over an APOSTRAPHE?"

added some value to this conversation?

Please, enlighten me on my error in judgement. Illuistrate how I have formed such an incorrect opinon that you feel the need to get aggresive over my statement.


Lifetime Ban
Mar 31, 2005
Murfreesboro, TN

Cravin Boost

MMMM Smells like coolant
Nov 8, 2005
Eugene OR
well the LOL OK I will explain that to you Laughing Out Loud is a sign of humor to me that you would get SOOOOOOOOOOOO worked up over something. please see my previous post about how its really not wotrh it. but I dunno I do suppose its fun to push sombodys buttons and watch them go off the deep end :) PUSH PUSH PUSH. I have some extra prozak here if you want. (and since you seem to be a bit slow on the uptake)(gee where did I hear that at HRM) Its a JOKE. ypu cant have my prozak I dont wanna go all postal and stuff you know.


Kurt is FTMFW x2!!!!
Staff member
Super Moderator
Mar 30, 2005
if i were you fellas, i'd watch who's buttons you push.

and siman,

stop. this is your last warning. welcome to second grade, now we can learn to respect people. our next lesson includes your privelages being revoked from the OT section, again.

you cleary have no respect for Supracentral, and i'm sure tired of it. he has been nothing short of respectful to you, and yet, you insist on making an ass of yourself. if for no other reason, then respect him because he is the man who made possible. he's the one who hosts it, who helps maintain it, and always has usefull input.

you on the other hand, just seem to be causing trouble, again. just keep in mind, what goes around, comes around. and if you keep this crap up, i can assure you, it will be coming around to you. one more time. stop.

Last edited:


Grumpy Old Man
Mar 30, 2005
I come from a land down under
I was expelled from year 9 so don't have the extensive education that a lot here have but still try and make an effort to post something that can be understood by most.

Anything less would just be laziness on my part.


Kurt is FTMFW x2!!!!
Staff member
Super Moderator
Mar 30, 2005
hm, well, i was talking more about the other pic he posted. but, since i'm not really in this conversation, i'll let you be the judge, mike. :)
