GOODbye my fellow MK3 people!


T-virus infected
Well after years and years of owning her I decided to sell her the other day. Built motor, trans, and 5 year old paint in great condition :(... The motor build ended in 06 and the motor was broke in sometimein 2007.. I eventually took all the stock stuff off to throw on all the big stuff. Anyhow I got started doing that and haven't even finished...
Whats left you ask?? Routing IC piping, running fuel lines, installing fuel pump, wiring up stuff, then tuning.. Not much at all. My predicament has just been time. In late 07 I started a new job but it has since had me working 7am-7pm monday thru saturday.. I've barely been active on the forums or anything related with my Supra..

Needless to say my car has been sitting for 4 years without hardly any work being done to her and everytime I see her its depressing to say the least.. So I've since started a part out thread for the most part and have a buyer coming to pick up the car @ the first of next month..

I just wanted to take the time to thank everyone on Supramania that I've known over the years since supramanias making and even before that. I-supra, sf's, and some other supra sites before that(I cant remember lol). I could probably make a list of names a mile long but with some members no longer with us and so on the guys still hanging around should know who you are if we've ever chatted :)!!!!

I'm gonna miss you guys! We've all laughed together and cried together over the loss of fellow brothers! Ive always loved how close the Supra community has been especially Supramania members!

I won't be gone long friends as I do plan to make a return @ some point but just not at the moment!

Thanks again everyone!! As of now I'll just being doing minor stuff to my IS300 (suspension work) :)

Take Care
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New Member
Jul 30, 2009
Clarksville TN
I don't personally know ya but take care and good luck in the future. I may also be joining you in leaving here when and if my Supra sells either local or on flea bay. I'm just tired of putting dollar after dollar into her.


T-virus infected
I hear ya! I myself didnt mind dumping money into the car when it meant progress... But when I have thousands of dollars in parts sitting BNIB's and no time to put it together is just really depressing. I'll miss the old mk3 because it has taught me a lot. When I was in high school I had no thoughts about working on or with cars and needless to say at that time I didnt care too. But the ol supra brought out a passion in me to do the things I did and I enjoyed every minute of it. But as I got older and took on a full time job the time needed to do these things to the car just really went out the window.

But all good things come to an end sooner or later :(

Thanks for the best of wishes


Kurt is FTMFW x2!!!!
Staff member
Super Moderator
Mar 30, 2005
Take it easy, Justin. I feel like I've known you forever! i-Supra, heh, brings back memories!

Take care, dude!



T-virus infected
Thanks guys!!!

Chris ill be in touch and will try to become more active again. I'm almost sure that if I had a week off it could be finished. But sometimes life sends us down roads that will lead to something more some day.

I'll try to get back in a supra soon guys. I honestly couldn't see myself heavily modifying any other type of vehicle...

Thanks guys


Classifieds Moderator
Staff member
Mar 26, 2006
Just like herpes, you'll be back sooner or later... :rofl:

I keed, I keed... take care man.