Formal intro finally


the man on dirt
Okay guys i have been on here for awile and i have yet to introduce myself properly so here it goes.

Hi my name is Dylan spencer i am 16 and in high school. I live in south Mississippi in hattiesburg. I have been around cars all my life when i was 2 i went to my first dirt track race with my dad. He and i both drive dirt cars; he drives a crate late model and i drive a stinger car(the class for beginners) this year i hopping to drive the late model a little bit. We do all the work on out cars that we can, but we cant work on the late model motor because it is sealed motor.

I have been intrested in imports my whole life and no i never have liked those damn ricer cars and quite frankly i hate them with a passion. So when i saw my current car for sale on the side of the road i was hooked on supras and have been working on it since i have been 15.

i have a build thread on here and this is the link

i hope yall have enjoyed my intro thanks for reading


New Member
Apr 17, 2009
Socorro, NM
Hello and welcome! I'm really sorta excited to find someone 16 years old. I'm 17 myself and I got my supra a year ago almost to the day and have often felt that I'm like the only younger guy on here. but anyways good luck with the build man.