FedEx/UPS delivery question...


New Member
Apr 10, 2006
San Antonio, Tx.
Both deliverers just leave the package at the door. UPS is nice enough to ring the doorbell, drop it, and leave. By the time you get to the door he's driving down the street. FedEx just leaves it with no warning. Kinda like Santa Claus.
They both do this wether you're home or not. My question is what if someone walks up to your door, sees a neat package, and decides to take it? Would the delivery company be liable? It hasn't happen to me yet, but sometimes when I get home from work there's my package sitting at my doorstep for who knows how long it's been there.


I think it was the google
Mar 30, 2005
The Farm
They won't even knock anymore for me, both companies. I came home one day and my 28" Monitor is sitting in plain view on my porch, they even had that I signed for it. I was pissed. (FedEx btw) UPS won't knock anymore either, last time they came they left a $300 video card on my porch in 100+ degree weather...and I was home...WTF. They need to have some system, like an instant email or txt msg saying it has been dropped off.

SC61 MK3

New Member
Apr 4, 2005
That's pretty stupid, the UPS guy always comes around at the same time every day and with tracking I can see what day he is coming. He always knocks and will leave a note that he tried to deliver if no one is there, never just leaves it there.


is sofa king
Jan 17, 2006
Sedro Woolley, Washington, United States
Poodles, wrong on this one.

Both companies are required to Knock/Ring, Fed Ex is required to scan the barcode, Then Scan a door tag
that has the package location on it. This ensures that the online tracking system has the time,address, and location of package. Within minutes you can check online tracking to see when, where , and who signed for it if required.

The scanner's ask questions about whether or not it was a front porch delivery,Back porch, and has a custom option for imputing a different location. If a package delivery is disputed it is turned over to the investigation department and the driver interviewed, Most of the time the driver/ contract owner is fined and the package replaced.

Both companies are required to attempt to deliver signature required packages three separate days times, while leaving three separate scanned door tags for each day. If they don't do it complain. Look for a service cross on the package. it will contain the date,time,drivers initials , and reason code for non delivery . Such as 04 is for a closed business, 07 is for residential signature required. ect.

You have to understand that the driver is overloaded. he is running a max dot 14hr day. He is running a shit load of delivery and then has pickups. He is being pressured to come back clean by any means and may actually be being punished for bring back packages.

I drove for Fed Ex Ground for four years. I frequently did 150 stops a day with well over 1000 packages delivered, I would cover 200 miles and then pick load and unload another 1000 packages DAILY. I did this in 0 temps and 100 temps . I did this with a hernia, I did this with bone infections, I finally ended up destroying my shoulder to the point that I cannot ever drive professionally again. I did this for 750 a week with no benefits. I got in trouble if I brought a package back . I was docked my bonus when I didn't come back 100%. People got fired for not making the weekly percentages. Every one has a monkey on their back.

You want a little friendly advice , Try leaving a thank you note and a cold can of soda for your driver next time. I guarantee you will NEVER have an issue with your packages getting delivered.
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SC61 MK3

New Member
Apr 4, 2005
^ ya thats how it is around here I would be furious if they just left shit out and I would complain for sure


I play with fire
Jul 22, 2006
Fort Worth, TX
Sorry, not wrong. My folks do TONS of shopping online for the holidays, not a single knock or ring the entire time. We even called to complain and that was their reply. Several where marked for signatures required as well...

Worst was frozen food (it was packed in a large cooler with dry ice, but still). Don't even get me started on the idiots dropping a large box right in front of the door. Screen door opens outwards = couldn't go out to get it. Had to go out through the garage to move the damn thing.

Apr 30, 2007
South Florida
Luckily I work from home so I'm always here to accept packages. Both FedEx and UPS are used to delivering to my house and 3 neighbors houses all the time. They always beep their truck horn as they're stopping, but what sucks is all of us go to our doors then to see who he's beeping for. LOL. USPS knocks.


Dang Dude! No Way Man.
Staff member
Apr 17, 2007
People complain about there package getting there wtf???? Thats like saying dont ever come to my house even if theres a fire cause my baby might be sleeping ass holes.

People these days.....

I get the same shit too. They just leave. I hear them but then they just leave.
Jun 6, 2006
mattsplat72;1682611 said:
You want a little friendly advice , Try leaving a thank you note and a cold can of soda for your driver next time. I guarantee you will NEVER have an issue with your packages getting delivered.

I shouldn't have to bribe anyone to do the damn job they're paid to do.


New Member
Jan 8, 2010
I for one was just about devastated when i was moving and i couldn't do anything when it came to changing the shipping address, I was in fear that someone would steel my package which was A decent penny on computer RAM, that could easily be walked off of my porch. LUCKILY the post office holds all shipping upon request. ^.^ My reason for being worried was that there were some teenagers that moved in next door that where shady. Walking up and down the street all day, playing loud music and spitting dip all over the road.


New Member
Apr 10, 2006
San Antonio, Tx.
laotionracer101;1682718 said:
My reason for being worried was that there were some teenagers that moved in next door that where shady. Walking up and down the street all day, playing loud music and spitting dip all over the road.

I have beady eyed teens walking up and down my street too. That's why I'm worried. Sometimes I come out and shake my fist at them to rid 'em off. Usually doesn't work, but they know I'm on to them.

I can appreciate the job delivery drivers do, but I'm just worried that one day my package may disappear. Then when I make a claim they may tell me, "Sorry sir, but it looks like it's been delivered to your front porch." Then I'm shit out of luck. I remember just a few short years ago they would take your package back to the station and leave a note on your door.

Besides, what if I was dishonest? What if I received my package, but called to make a stolen package claim anyway? What's to protect UPS/FedEx? You mean to tell me they'd reimburse me anyway? :icon_idea


Jun 8, 2009
I had a package go missing from UPS once, filed a claim and it took months for them to reimburse me. Since then I've been subject to hit and run deliveries (usually a door tag). Someone is always home and awake all day long, and is usually within 20ft of the door. The bell never rings, the knocker is never used.
I have no problems with FedEx or usps, but I always have to go to UPS to get my packages.


Boobs/Boost, my favorite
Jun 13, 2006
Los Angeles
This just happened to me, SWD Fredster was nice enough to donate a working 91 antenna and cables for my 89, and it says the package was delivered on march 1st, and nope, my girl's usually home because she has school in the early afternoon, didn't hear a knock or anything, and the package was apparently taken from my front porch, so I haven't gotten anything..

luckily SWD insured it, but still I really wanted/needed that antenna..:(


Classifieds Moderator
Staff member
Mar 26, 2006
mattsplat72;1682611 said:
You want a little friendly advice , Try leaving a thank you note and a cold can of soda for your driver next time. I guarantee you will NEVER have an issue with your packages getting delivered.

I like the idea, particularly around the holidays anyway. Fedex around here will almost ALWAYS leave a note, even for cheap stuff. I dunno if they've had issues with things disappearing around here, but you have to either be there or come get it from them. UPS on the other hand, while I like most of our drivers just fine, will usually just knock and drop. I had a TV sitting on the parents' front porch one day, apparently mom stopped by for some lunch or something and brought it inside, but it seems irresponsible to leave an item of such value just sitting there out in the open.


New Member
Oct 13, 2010
so glad i live in a small town and know both ups and usps drivers personally and they usually open the back garage door and set the packages inside. we dont even lock the doors around here!


Join the 92 Owners Group
Jul 11, 2005
Satsuma, Alabama, United States
DreamerTheresa;1682684 said:
I shouldn't have to bribe anyone to do the damn job they're paid to do.

Very, Very True Theresa!

But, in the world we live in today there is more corruption than a little bit. Mattsplat posted the rules that a FedEx driver is "supposed" to abide by. There is no way in hell that those rules are followed in the real world we live in. I don't believe in paying off a guy as suggested, but there are ways to make yourself one of the route customers that your driver likes.....and no I'm not suggesting anything sexual. Just try to be a likable person. I have been a mailman and done other delivery jobs, so I can say first hand that at least some drivers have favorite people to deal with. It's a natural thing.

I have also done quite a bit of shipping/receiving type work, and had personal relationships with drivers of most of the shipping companies. I know that in a lot of cases, a driver is assigned to cover both business and residential areas. The businesses are the top priority. So, it may ease some of your minds to know the in those cases, the residential deliveries are done late in the day, and not left sitting on your porch all day long. USPS differs here. They run the route in the most logical order, and depending where you are on the route, your package could be there all damn day. If small enough it will at least go in the mail box. If not, it's front porch only, but with a knock "sometimes". That mailman does not want to get out of the truck unless absolutely necessary.