electrical interference?


New Member
Sep 19, 2006
Washington, Marysville
ok so i just got a new fuse box and started to wire up the different circuits, currently i have 2 of them
1.gauge circuit which includes my boost/AFR/ECT/OIL press/ Boost controller/ Turbo timer. This circuit is only fused with a 10 AMP fuse, grounded at the fuse box ground terminal

2.Injectors, Ls2 Coils, Stand alone circuit which includes just those. This circuit is Fused with a 20AMP fuse and is ran off a 40Amp relay. I have the power side of the relay coil wired in parallel to 2 other relays " which are currently powering nothing, but one of them will power a fuel pump" this goes for the ground side of the relays coil to. the switch side of the relay is then powering the Injectors/Coils/and stand alone, the two grounds off the vi-pec and ls2 coil "sequencer ground" are wired parallel to the ground bus at the fuse box, and i have a separate lead going from the LS2 coils "ground near coil" but it's wired to the ground bus at the fuse box. "only because i dont have a ground strap wired to the body and engine of the car yet.

The problem.
When i go to test the Injectors it causes my Gauge circuit to go crazy "the boost controller turns on and off with every pulse and the AFR gauge bounces up and down, and the turbo timer turns off and it sounds like the pulsing from the stand alone is going to that." when i pull the gauge circuit fuse i can still hear a ticking noise "like an injector firing" inside the turbo timer. So then what i did was i just fully disconnected the ground for the gauge circuit and tried again, when i told it to test inj. pair 1 it then caused the stand alone to go offline "or at least it lost USB signal" and I think the relay started to flick on and off. Currently the relays coil side aren't wired to fuse box ground i just temporally ran the wires directly to the battery.

battery was on the charger so i was getting 13-14V
I Triple checked the wiring and there shouldn't be any shorts.
This problem happens when testing the Injectors but it is alot worse when checking the Ign. coils

could the problem be
1. the coils grounds are both currently wired to the same spot as the vi=pec and gauges?
2.Because i have 3 relay coil side's wired parallel?

Here are two diagrams i quickly drew up to show you the circuit



New Member
Sep 19, 2006
Washington, Marysville
Well Ray hall at vi-pec.com seems to have found my flaws

from the man himself
"The ground wires on the ignition coils are like transmitter aerials. It is very important that they as short as possible and go to ground on the engine. If they are long and bundled with other wires going to the ECU, you will get interference.

Another thing I notice is you have the ignition coils signal grounds connect to the coil ground. The signal ground needs to be connected to the signal ground on the ECU.


my bad :p hopefully it will solve the issues