Ebay "HKS SSQV" disassembled (pictures).

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7M-GE + MAFT Pro + T = :D
Oct 24, 2005
Denver, CO
My two major concerns would be with the materials used in the diaphram and the spring.

Although, as long as the shaft is free of burrs and pits so that it is free to open, if the diaphram or spring were to fail wouldn't you just leak boost (by the $h!tlo@d)? I'm not terribly knowledgable about all things turbo yet, but wouldn't you be more likely to end up limping home than blowing something else?


Senior Member
Mar 31, 2005
Acouple folks have commented on moral issues involving copies.

What are you doing driving Toyotas then? Everything after the Ford Model T is just a rip. I also hope you arent wearing anything but Levis if you have any blue jeans. Same with ever making a faximilie, I hope it was on a genuine Xerox machine. Not to mention the fact that your computer better be pure IBM and the television you are watching is made by AT&T. Also your microwave better be made by Raytheon and your fridge by Guardian Frigerato. If you have a portable music device, it sure as shit better be a Sony. Drinking Pepsi, 7-Up, Dr. Pepper? Time to switch to Coke. Your tennis shoes better be Keds, as well.

If not, it seems your moral high grounds are more like moral valleys...
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May 3, 2005
outofstep said:
Acouple folks have commented on moral issues involving copies.

What are you doing driving Toyotas then? Everything after the Ford Model T is just a rip. I also hope you arent wearing anything but Levis if you have any blue jeans. Same with ever making a faximilie, I hope it was on a genuine Xerox machine. Not to mention the fact that your computer better be pure IBM and the television you are watching is made by AT&T. Also your microwave better be made by Raytheon and your fridge by Guardian Frigerato. If you have a portable music device, it sure as shit better be a Sony. Drinking Pepsi, 7-Up, Dr. Pepper? Time to switch to Coke. Smoker? Better be sucking on a Morrison.

If not, it seems your moral high grounds are more like moral valleys...


New Member
Apr 24, 2006
Because Ford very clearly did ALL the engineering for Toyota. IBM was not the first computer either. Charles Babbage takes that honor. Levis are still just pants. He just made his from a tougher material. Evolution and progression is hugely different from rip off copying.


Senior Member
Mar 31, 2005
BosoMKII said:
Because Ford very clearly did ALL the engineering for Toyota. IBM was not the first computer either. Charles Babbage takes that honor. Levis are still just pants. He just made his from a tougher material. Evolution and progression is hugely different from rip off copying.

Babbage was the first to mass produce personal computers? Wow, news to me. HKS was the first to mass produce a BOV? Again, news to me. Last time I checked, Wranglers are almost identical to Levis.

The point is, there is little to no difference between the originals and the spin offs. In some cases, the offshoots being nearly indistinguishable from the original. So unless everything you own is name brand from the original manufacturer, you're a hypocrite.


7M-GE + MAFT Pro + T = :D
Oct 24, 2005
Denver, CO
Patent laws are in place to give an innovative product's developer a set amount of time free from copy-cats. If these limits were not in place things could get out of hand very quickly...

Especially the moment the patent was issued on a certain device which "through the combined use of vacuum, absorption and gravity, deposits fluid precisely on a given surface while, through the aforementioned application of vacuum, preventing excess deposit"..... damn.... I don't know how many people here have tried writing with a quill and a bottle of ink, but I didn't really like it much.

Seriously though, I do agree that these are not ink pens, tampons or light bulbs.... but the same laws do apply.

I wouldn't ever get on someones case for buying a knock-off, but I might be inclined to remind them that such products do hurt the budget of companies who actually do innovate and work to make better products.


Senior Member
Mar 31, 2005
It was the first production car. All the examples I stated were first production versions, not the very first ones.


shaeff is FTMFW!
Mar 30, 2005
MA, 01440
I'll still use the wastegate, and when it fails, you all can give me the "i told you so" response.
But, whatever, because it won't be the end of my engine. I'm not just going to put it in and go, I'm going to do some work like Bob did.

I have no problem using these type of parts, and you can be god damn sure that I won't be saying "HKS 40mm Wastegate set at XXpsi" in my future mod list. I will make it clear that it is an SSAC wastegate.

I have an SSautochrome manifold too. Does that make me a bad person?


Grumpy Old Man
Mar 30, 2005
I come from a land down under
supra90turbo said:
I'll still use the wastegate, and when it fails, you all can give me the "i told you so" response.
But, whatever, because it won't be the end of my engine. I'm not just going to put it in and go, I'm going to do some work like Bob did.

I have no problem using these type of parts, and you can be god damn sure that I won't be saying "HKS 40mm Wastegate set at XXpsi" in my future mod list. I will make it clear that it is an SSAC wastegate.

I have an SSautochrome manifold too. Does that make me a bad person?
Yes it does ;)


T-virus infected
Every Time I Have Said Something About These Monza Bov's Is From Experience. 2 Of Them Blew Apart. They Replaced Them Each Time Without A Problem. Customer Service Was Awesome But Went To Hks. Luckily Monza Or Hks Costed Me Money.


Supramania Contributor
Apr 1, 1983
The beach
supra90turbo said:
I'll still use the wastegate, and when it fails, you all can give me the "i told you so" response.
Dont worry... we will.. a wastegate is such an important part that I could never imagine trusting it on my engine...

I have an SSautochrome manifold too. Does that make me a bad person?
yes it does.. if it's a copy of a HKS or greddy design..

think about it... you spend hundreds of hours designing something and perfecting it, then once your done.. someone takes your design... remakes it with cheaper metel, and sells it for WAY cheaper. wouldent you be pissed?

we had a guy steal becauseican's downpipe design... he was banned ASAP.


New Member
Apr 24, 2006
outofstep said:
Babbage was the first to mass produce personal computers? Wow, news to me. HKS was the first to mass produce a BOV? Again, news to me. Last time I checked, Wranglers are almost identical to Levis.

The point is, there is little to no difference between the originals and the spin offs. In some cases, the offshoots being nearly indistinguishable from the original. So unless everything you own is name brand from the original manufacturer, you're a hypocrite.

I think you and I are talking about very different things here. And I am a hypocrite by your definition. I will own up to that. What I am trying to say is that IBM did not invent the personal computer, they built on the concepts and designs already there and improved and innovated until they had a new and better thing. I understand what you are saying. Levis are pants, Wranglers are pants, Bosch makes a BOV, Blitz makes a BOV, HKS, Tial all the same stuff right? No! Each has something they put into the concept that makes it different from the next.
I am not saying that anyone who buys rip-offs is a bad person. In the end all I am saying is that if everyone buys rip-offs where is the incentive to create new and innovative products? Of any kind. If you where in charge of product development at any given company, and you knew that within 6 months of releasing a new product that a cheaper copy would be available as well, spending money on R&D would be a bad business decision.
I am not trying to fight you, or make you look wrong. We all have our opinions and are equally entitled to them. I am only trying to make my opinion and my reasons for having it clear. It is refreshing to see someone actually take the time to disassemble the product in question and prove that it is not complete garbage. So bravo to you for squashing that particular myth.
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