Disturbing the peace


Classifieds Moderator
Staff member
Mar 26, 2006
^Well said Abe. I usually crawl through the neighborhood I live in in 1st or second gear, never above 20mph since kids these days seem to have pudding for brains... That said, my mom commented that when I left my house it sounded like I was hauling ass, when I was only doing ~20. Car sounds a whole lot different when you're going somewhere with a purpose. ;)


May 25, 2007
honestabe;1729120 said:
...I've learned my lesson, selectively choose where you live and never live in a HOA neighborhood...

^^^ Obviously, not EVERYONE can do this, but you hit the nail on the head! GOOD NEIGHBORS are VERY hard to find... and BAD NEIGHBORS can be IMPOSSIBLE to avoid or otherwise "mitigate" once you "have" them...

I lived in Japan for over 15 years of my life as a child. Nearly 9 of those years in Tokyo and vicinity. There IS NO WORD for "PRIVACY" in Japanese... so I've DONE the inner-city thing... including our FIRST home (my parent's, anyway) back in the states which was in an inner-city location with houses stacked on top of each other. VERY difficult to "avoid" the effects of neighbors and live your OWN life the way you want without either infringing on others or having them encroach upon your own! (Of course the Japanese being as "passive" as they are... would NEVER openly "complain" about something anyway... but that's beside the point...)

That having been said... I now live several miles in the country and have several acres. My home AND shed are set well off the road. My nearest neighbor was an elderly couple with a dozen acres and I probably couldn't hit their home with a baseball if I threw it... and they were mostly DEAF at their old, retired age. Although they JUST sold their beautiful property... and it's a "crap-shoot" who will move in... I WAS HERE FIRST and that gives me an "upper hand", and heck, I don't reckon I'll have to worry about it anyway, as things are pretty mellow around my part of the countryside. I have numerous motorcycles, and among them is a near exotic 500cc two stroke racer replica with full motor and chamber exhaust and an ex-AMA race bike with RUDE and RAW exhaust and a mega-built big-block GSXR that will rattle your gonads when I blip the throttle... but I have NEVER in over a dozen years here had ONE SINGLE issue with neighbors or the general neighborhood! WOOT!:biglaugh:

...anyway... what I REALLY want to say is... DON'T SH!T IN YOUR OWN BACK YARD people! EVEN though my location is ideal and private and secluded... I STILL exercise a tremendous amount of RESTRAINT anytime I am either COMING HOME on a bike or in a car or the truck (duals on V8!;)) AND anytime I am LEAVING... I always make a point to be several miles out before I "crack" the throttle open and let-er-rip. Not only is this WISE from a "courtesy" standpoint... it's also LOGICAL from a motor warm-up or cool-down perspective as a much better way to treat your vehicles.

I must say, though... that SOME of you all live in regions or neighborhoods or otherwise LAME-O locales that you should have SO MUCH trouble over this... ESPECIALLY when we are talking about POLICE coming into the picture!!! DOH!!! What a bunch of BUNK!:1zhelp:

G/L to the REST of you! (...and like I said... if nothing else, DON'T SH!T IN YOUR OWN YARD!!!:nono:)



Classifieds Moderator
Staff member
Mar 26, 2006
Crisp, sounds like you have some experience with shitting in your own yard... are you suggesting it would be better to shit in our neighbor's yards instead?


May 25, 2007
te72;1729950 said:
Crisp, sounds like you have some experience with shitting in your own yard... are you suggesting it would be better to shit in our neighbor's yards instead?

Just like a good terrier... keep it in the NEIGHBOR'S YARD! YES! (Doesn't mess up your OWN shoes and prevents the "dead-spots" in your own lawn...):biglaugh:



New Member
May 29, 2005
I live 11 minutes outside of Tuscaloosa, AL. Roll Tide! My family has a gunshop on our property. A few years back there used to be a trailer park next to our property. My had brother just got a new 25 round magazine for his ruger 10/22 and was ripping up some shit with that. Some old lady called the police reporting a gang shootout! So, some Tuscaloosa Police officer shows up, outside of his jurisdiction and decides he needs to come inside our house. That was the first/last time we ever had any trouble with noise reports around here.

Some time later the trailer park disbanded and it seems that someone told the police that we're in the county outside of their jurisdiction. Nowadays we could walk outside with a 25rd drum in a 12ga saiga and unload and not expect anything out of it. Cars are small time noise makers compared to firearms... daytime is the only time for any large amount of either. But sometimes you just have to shoot something after the sun goes down...

I lived in an apartment for a short time last year and it drove me insane how noisy all those people can be, lol...


May 25, 2007
Supra60-1;1731916 said:
I live 11 minutes outside of Tuscaloosa, AL. Roll Tide! My family has a gunshop on our property. A few years back there used to be a trailer park next to our property. My had brother just got a new 25 round magazine for his ruger 10/22 and was ripping up some shit with that. Some old lady called the police reporting a gang shootout! So, some Tuscaloosa Police officer shows up, outside of his jurisdiction and decides he needs to come inside our house. That was the first/last time we ever had any trouble with noise reports around here.

Some time later the trailer park disbanded and it seems that someone told the police that we're in the county outside of their jurisdiction. Nowadays we could walk outside with a 25rd drum in a 12ga saiga and unload and not expect anything out of it. Cars are small time noise makers compared to firearms... daytime is the only time for any large amount of either. But sometimes you just have to shoot something after the sun goes down...

I lived in an apartment for a short time last year and it drove me insane how noisy all those people can be, lol...

:rofl: "...but sometimes you just have to shoot something after the sun goes down..."



New Member
Oct 21, 2010
powell river bc
roadboy;1729086 said:
yes, there are some acceptions to people who always called the cops for any noise, robberys drug dealing ect.
but last week when my tree got stolen, no one knew, YES my tree got stolen, (well not tree, japanese bloodgood maple)
people these days...

a tree?..... sorry but i had to lol on that. i guess its true people will steal anything.....


May 25, 2007
bioskyline;1732052 said:
a tree?..... sorry but i had to lol on that. i guess its true people will steal anything.....

My wife and I had a LARGE LEAFED PLANT (I don't know what they were called... but HUGE leaves, so we "named" the plant PTERODACTYL...) and some bone-heads STOLE it right off our porch!

We had begun "raising" it from before we were married when we first met and named it for some five years or so, and it was a "regular fixture" in our lives. Really pissed me off. I even put a SIGN in our yard offering a "no questions asked" reward WITH a Polaroid picture of the plant! No comers for $100...

Damn thieves!



May 7, 2005
Surrey BC
My dad does burnouts in his driveway. None of the neighbors ever cared, unless they wanted a bigger one. Growing up I had great neighbors, and in all the places Ive lived in no one has ever given me a hard time about anything


Supra Owner
Jan 22, 2008
Toronto, Ontario
lol, yes i laughed hard, but at the same time, im wondering, are people that desperate to steal something like this...we guessed it was someone in our neighbourhood, cause it was HEAVY....only so far saw one house that looked like it was ours, couldent start pointing fingers but it was planted 2 days after. and i also think that they called the cops on me for driving around. cause i remember that day they had their family talking on the streets and i was just going by their house and they all looked at me like wtf or its too loud..lol

now we installed cameras for extra measure, my parents wanted to.


Classifieds Moderator
Staff member
Mar 26, 2006
Jayhall;1732059 said:
My dad does burnouts in his driveway. None of the neighbors ever cared, unless they wanted a bigger one. Growing up I had great neighbors, and in all the places Ive lived in no one has ever given me a hard time about anything
I suspect I may end up doing that one of these days, just for shits and giggles...

roadboy;1732092 said:
now we installed cameras for extra measure, my parents wanted to.

My neighbors are rather getting on my nerves with their baseball and golf in my yard (no fence, twin homes, the yards kinda blend...), so I have every intention of putting up a couple subtle cameras, one to watch the yard/entry, the other to watch the driveway... Getting sick of them jumping the fence after they throw their ball over so a "no trespassing" sign and some trip wire is in order I think...


New Member
May 20, 2010
There's a psycho bitch that lives in my neighborhood. She yelled at my friend's Supra (who lives down the street and is a member on here) for his car being too loud and his sister's car being too loud and all sorts of stuff. They got fed up with her after however many times and told her to keep her ass in her own kitchen before they get a restraining order. Since I got my turbo car, I try to see if she would yell at me for mine being loud. No dice so far. I'm ready to yell at a bitch.

The HOA tried to tell everyone last year that if people set off fireworks they would call the cops. Fireworks are illegal in Ohio, so you know. Come the Fourth, guess which houses were setting off fireworks? HOA fucks. Other than that, my neighborhood is really quiet. I drive slow for kids but it seems literally everyone else just blows down my street. A fruit cake with a fart cannoned Del Sol drives like a fuck head. He's a typical teenage doucher.


Classifieds Moderator
Staff member
Mar 26, 2006
roadboy;1732173 said:
what you mean one of these days? dont you always do burnouts? =D
Trying to keep a more or less low profile among the neighbors... don't really NEED a reason to be on anyone's radar, I'm literally the only one in the neighborhood that I've seen with sports cars.

Greek;1732193 said:
There's a psycho bitch that lives in my neighborhood. She yelled at my friend's Supra (who lives down the street and is a member on here) for his car being too loud and his sister's car being too loud and all sorts of stuff. They got fed up with her after however many times and told her to keep her ass in her own kitchen before they get a restraining order. Since I got my turbo car, I try to see if she would yell at me for mine being loud. No dice so far. I'm ready to yell at a bitch.

The HOA tried to tell everyone last year that if people set off fireworks they would call the cops. Fireworks are illegal in Ohio, so you know. Come the Fourth, guess which houses were setting off fireworks? HOA fucks. Other than that, my neighborhood is really quiet. I drive slow for kids but it seems literally everyone else just blows down my street. A fruit cake with a fart cannoned Del Sol drives like a fuck head. He's a typical teenage doucher.

You know, I've been nearly sideswiped on a couple occasions because people are too lazy to look when they're driving, so I subscribe fully to the idea that (borrowing from the motorcycle world) loud pipes save lives (cars in this case). I don't like to cause unnecessary noise, but if it's gonna keep some asshole who shouldn't be on the road aware of my presence on the road, well...

As for the fireworks, I would have called the cops on the HOA people. :)


Supra Owner
Jan 22, 2008
Toronto, Ontario
huh...so apparently some people think its funny, someone put rocks in front of my driveway, just 2 but they were a size of a mug, or around that size, and the other day someone but a brick frame (size of a picture frame or 22" monitor) leaning on the government tree but that was on the enxt door neighbours house.
what would you guys do?


Classifieds Moderator
Staff member
Mar 26, 2006
What is a government tree? As for stuff being in your driveway, I always recommend that you look before backing out. Never know when some stupid kid left his bike there. Granted, they'll learn, but you never know when something with more malicious intent is behind you either. ;)


Supra Owner
Jan 22, 2008
Toronto, Ontario
lol gov tree is a tree that the gov or builder always puts infront of your lawn, every house has one. we always back in the driveway so its just straight out.
my parents are getting kinda pissed, lol