Custom Horn Button for JDM Momo Wheel


New Member
Apr 23, 2007
Hey guys, I tried doing a search on horn buttons but the most I got was people having trouble installing the horn button / wanting to buy a steering wheel and stuff. So Im sorry if this was thread done long ago.

I currently own a JDM MK3 steering wheel, the momo one, with the removable horn cap. Before I install the steering wheel to my 91. I wanted to know if there was a way to make/put a custom horn button on it. I know the horn buttons for momo seem universal, but I cant seem to find the horn button I want. I want to put an autobot emblem on the button lol. Black background with the red autobot face.

I tried googling "autobot horn button" but no luck. I thought it would of been popular enough that people sell it, but I was wrong. Is there a place anyone knows that I can go to get like a custom horn button for my wheel? Id really like to have the autobot horn button on my jdm wheel, i personally would think it kicks ass.

Maybe someone knows a site that does it, or a place that sells the horn Im looking for if it exsists. The best I found was one that fit my wheel that said "TRD".

Thank you so much in advanced for any information that will lead to me getting the horn button that I desire. Also a final question. Can the jdm mk3 horn button be removed for another? Im very scared of ruining my stuff so I wouldnt want to take apart the wheel and not be able to do it. Thanks again!


New Member
Apr 23, 2007
I want it red cause my car is red lol. Plus the original color of the symbol is red. But its all preference lol. But yea, Id like to get that symbol custom made for my momo wheel. If anyone knows a site or a place that does that, it would greatly be appreciated!


I play with fire
Jul 22, 2006
Fort Worth, TX
it's a clear piece of plastic with it engraved in the backside of it, then put silver int he engraved part and black over the rest...