Credit card stolen, know who stole it, revenge?


Regular Supramaniac
May 11, 2006
So once or twice a week, I skip out of work at lunch and go play drop-in hockey for an hour at the local rink. Last Tuesday I went and played. Thursday I looked at my online credit card statement, and see a purchase at a body building supplement store that neither my wife nor I made. So I checked in my wallet. Low and behold, ONE credit card is missing (I have two). At this time, I realize that somebody probably lifted my card from my wallet in the dressing room as it isn't that hard to get into the room and go on a thievery rampage (I usually leave the wallet in my car for this very reason, but didn't on this day).

So I canceled my card and filled out a police report and all that good stuff, but I kept watching my statement to see which additional charges came up between the time the card was stolen, and the time I canceled it. 5 purchases at 5 different supplement stores were made, totaling somewhere in the neighborhood of $1000, plus two purchases at the local wal for all of $2.16.

Thinking back to the day I played hockey, I remembered one person in my dressing room leaving 20 minutes early, but since I'd seen him out a couple of times, i didn't really think anything of it. In the time since the theft, I had also been following up with each of the stores the purchases had been made at to see if anyone remembered anything, or any of the stores had security cameras. I didn't really get anywhere until last night.

I ended up talking with the owner of one of the stores, and he seemed to make it his personal mission to identify who stole my card. I gave him a description of the one person it possibly could have been, and he told me he'd ask the employee who was working at the time if he remembered anything (apparently, he's a pretty sharp guy). As it turns out, his description of the person with my card exactly matched the guy who left early from hockey. This is good news.

So I'm left with a few options here, and I'm not sure what I should do. I could probably find out the name of this guy (remember, this was just drop-in hockey, so nobody really knows anyone) and let the local police deal with it, and he'll get a slap on the wrist. My other option is to take matters into my own hands. I'm not a small guy (6'2", 210), and a buddy of mine that comes out to play quite regularly (also not small...6'5", 240) offered to help me out. We figured it might be a better idea to confront this individual about the theft, and make it clear how we feel about his actions. I have a feeling that others that come out to play might just join in this "confrontation" as the tolerance for dressing room thieves among us hockey players is quite low.

So to the regular OT goers I ask, what would you do? Let the local 5-0 handle this, or do my best to ensure this guy thinks twice the next time he wants to take something that isn't his? Keep in mind that I'm not liable for any of the purchases made on my card, so all this has really cost me is some inconvenience and time. With that said, somebody getting something for free at the expense of somebody else really pisses me off.

Cliffs: Credit card stolen from wallet, know who took it. Let the police take care of it, or "deal" with it myself?


New Member
Jan 13, 2009
Calgary, Alberta
Couldn't find much about it in Canadian laws, but in the USA when its under 2k its rarely investigated past them paying you back, or so I've read. I'd find out our policy first but if its the same or similar then I'd do the following:

Confront him about it at his place and at the same time make him give you the $1000 worth of stuff he bought with your card at the supplement shop. Draw a swastika and a hitler mustache on him in permanent marker then strip him down to his boxers and drop him off on main street.


Supramania Contributor
Sep 30, 2005
Clearwater, MN
Both, first let the police handle it then after that is done have a "meeting" with him to let him know how you guys feel :evil2:


New Member
Jul 30, 2008
I would confront him with your friend and if he doesnt agree with paying anything back go to the cops. Then maybe visit him later on lol


Join the 92 Owners Group
Jul 11, 2005
Satsuma, Alabama, United States
Be careful! He may have taken these $1000 worth of supplements by the time you find him. lol

Seriously, report it to the police. Even though you are not affected by his purchases, he still gets away with it. If the police get evidence that you can't to incriminate him, he gets it on his record, and then you CC company can pursue him for damages to them.


Regular Supramaniac
May 11, 2006
I think I'll probably follow up with the time i see him on the ice i might have to make him hurt a little though.


New Member
Jan 13, 2009
Calgary, Alberta
adampecush;1277218 said:
I think I'll probably follow up with the time i see him on the ice i might have to make him hurt a little though.

I highly doubt the hockey goers is going to want him around after he pulled that.


turbo addict
May 15, 2007
calgary or vancouver
yeah I would definately get into a good sized hockey fight with that guy, and spread the word so that if he ever tries to go there again the same thing happens.


Supreme Lurker
Report him to the police, and let them take care of it. Then you and all the hockey players interested should confront him and let him know quite clearly (verbally) that he should never come back to play any hockey. If he does, he can probably figure out what would happen for himself.


Almost done.
Nov 3, 2005
adampecush;1277218 said:
I think I'll probably follow up with the time i see him on the ice i might have to make him hurt a little though.

Couldn't agree more. Pursue as much as possible legally, and get away with as much as possible physically.


( . )( . )'s RULE!!!!
May 12, 2006
Jackson, MO
report it to the police along with copies of the statemtns and all that jazz.

also get his ass banned from the hockey you're doing

then bang his wife or gf and provide whim with a copy of the video

then beat his ass every other day for the rest of his life

add this together = justice served


A.K.A. Knight Rider
Oct 28, 2008
Orlando, Florida, United States
ForcedTorque;1277199 said:
Be careful! He may have taken these $1000 worth of supplements by the time you find him. lol

Seriously, report it to the police. Even though you are not affected by his purchases, he still gets away with it. If the police get evidence that you can't to incriminate him, he gets it on his record, and then you CC company can pursue him for damages to them.
