Couple Busted for Refusing to Pay


Apr 11, 2007
Patrons claim service was so bad, they had to get napkins and silverware for themselves.

If you’re frustrated by poor service at a restaurant, think twice before you decide to not tip. You may be in for a bit more than just a dirty look from the waiter.

"Nobody, nobody wants to be forced to pay a tip or be arrested for terrible service," Leslie Pope said when her happy hour ended in handcuffs.

Pope and John Wagner were hauled away by police and charged with theft for not paying the mandatory 18 percent gratuity totaling $16 after eating at the Lehigh Pub in Bethlehem, Pa. with six friends.

Pope claimed that they had to wait nearly an hour for their order and that she had to get napkins and silverware for the table herself.

“At this point I became very annoyed because I had already gone up to the bar myself to have my soda refilled because the waitress never came back,” Pope said.

After the $73 bill came, the group paid for food, drinks, and tax but refused to pay the tip. After explaining the bad service to the bartender in charge, Pope claimed he took their money and called police. The couple was handcuffed and placed in the back of a police car.

“I understand that, you know, we didn’t pay the gratuity, but it was a gratuity, it wasn’t something that was required,” said Wagner.

The owner admitted that the group waited unusually long for their food, but said the pub was extremely busy that night. He said managers offered to comp the food, a claim the couple denies ever happened.

“Obviously we would have liked for the patron and the establishment to have worked this out without getting the police involved,” said Deputy Police Commissioner Stuart Bedics.

Police charged them with theft since the gratuity was part of the actual bill. However, it is doubtful that the charges will hold up in front of a judge. The couple is scheduled to appear in court next month.

watch video here->


I play with fire
Jul 22, 2006
Fort Worth, TX
Been there, done that, never had the police called.

Nice thing is, the media is going to fuck their business now because they didn't handle it correctly.


Starcraft II ^^;;
Mar 30, 2005
Milwaukee, WI
I once was eating at a restaurant and the women serving us before we were even finished demanded we leave a tip. She didn't even get me any refills ... and it was a self serve buffet. I said OK, and left her 1 penny.


Apr 11, 2007
SupraOfDoom;1455013 said:
I once was eating at a restaurant and the women serving us before we were even finished demanded we leave a tip. She didn't even get me any refills ... and it was a self serve buffet. I said OK, and left her 1 penny.

hahahah nice:biglaugh:

but these douchebags want 18%.

My family owns a restaurant, and I managed it for several years.

I never let anyone overstep their boundaries, and I would not let anyone take advantage or get free shit.

They pull that crap all the time.

HOWEVER. If the mistake was on us, we made sure the customer was happy.

I know from experience, sometimes you have bad service because employees didn't show up, and customers have to wait longer than normal.

When this happens, I would usually throw in some free pie or drinks on the house.

This is absolute BS.:nono:


Don't blame ebay cheapass
Sep 28, 2008
Raynham, Massachusetts, United States
AFAIK a mandatory tip has no legal weight. The server is part of the service package and should be included in the price. When an employee's total tips/hours worked + the employee's hourly wage falls below minimum wage for untipped employees then the employer is met with the burden of the difference, not the customer.

Tipped employee wage $3.
Untipped employee minimum wage $8.

The employee is paid 3/hr. the employees average tips are 4/hr.
thats only 7/hr, and the employer must pay the employee an extra dollar/hr to make the employee reach minimum. The customer has no role in this.


Needs a new username...
Apr 1, 2005
United States
Most places have a mandatory tip included in the bill if your party is over X people...

That being said, I understand places are busy at times, and dont mind waiting a little extra time for a refill, but if I had to get my own silverware, I would probably just head for the door instead.


United States of America
Mar 30, 2005
So, IF the managers offered to comp the food, then what is 18% of comp?

Poodles' right, this is going to cost the restaurant a lot more than the tip the waitress didn't get for not doing their job.


New Member
Apr 1, 2005
I think the bigger issue here, is that the police would actually come out and arrest them. What kind of self respecting cop would do that? It's no wonder the general public has such dislike for the police nowadays.


naughty by nature
Staff member
Aug 26, 2005
Roll Tide
I'm not sure the cop had an option. The restraunt was pressing charges on them for not paying their full bill. That's just like stealing. He has to arrest them if a complaint is filed.........afaik.


Are U Here 2 take My Baby
Whatever happened to just walking out. If service was so bad before the food arrived and it took as long as they claimed, i think leaving and finding an other establishment to eat is great option at this point. Poor choice of judgement by the resturant, now their business is surely going to take a hit,especially in groups over 6 or more.


Jan 15, 2008
PDX (Oregon)
In Oregon, you're not obligated to tip.. 18% gratuity is expected for groups of 6 or more IF the service was as expected.. Waiters here get minimum wage plus tips, which comes to $9/hr plus what you make in tips. Which is more than plenty of money for walking around.. What I dont understand, if you are "expected" to tip the waiter for just bringing your food, why not tip the cook? I rather tip a cook for cooking my food, especially if i had a special order ( 9/10 times I do), then tip someone who brought it to me..


I think it was the google
Mar 30, 2005
The Farm
Some of you all will hate me for saying this, but I CANNOT STAND THIS TIPPING THING WE HAVE IN AMERICA! Its bullshit! I don't get tipped for doing my job and it is a hell of a lot harder, why the fuck should a waiter? Complaining about the poor pay? Tough fkin shit, you're doing a job pretty much anyone can do, it doesn't require skill. As savanna pointed out, I would tip the cook, why? Cause not everyone can cook a good meal.

And I again with poodles, their business is fucked, PERIOD.


Regular Supramaniac
May 11, 2006
SupraMario;1455268 said:
Some of you all will hate me for saying this, but I CANNOT STAND THIS TIPPING THING WE HAVE IN AMERICA! Its bullshit! I don't get tipped for doing my job and it is a hell of a lot harder, why the fuck should a waiter? Complaining about the poor pay? Tough fkin shit, you're doing a job pretty much anyone can do, it doesn't require skill. As savanna pointed out, I would tip the cook, why? Cause not everyone can cook a good meal.

Agreed. This is one of the reasons I enjoyed living in Australia.

The Juggernaut

New Member
Aug 26, 2008
Saint Louis
SupraMario;1455268 said:
Some of you all will hate me for saying this, but I CANNOT STAND THIS TIPPING THING WE HAVE IN AMERICA! Its bullshit! I don't get tipped for doing my job and it is a hell of a lot harder, why the fuck should a waiter? Complaining about the poor pay? Tough fkin shit, you're doing a job pretty much anyone can do, it doesn't require skill. As savanna pointed out, I would tip the cook, why? Cause not everyone can cook a good meal.

And I again with poodles, their business is fucked, PERIOD.

I'm going to throw out a little theory I've had. That is, servers are paid an extremely low hourly wage (sub $3/hr) in order to make them WORK for their tips. If I was a server making $8 an hour, what motivation do I have to do an above average/outstanding job? I'm still getting paid. Servers know that to get good/great tips they have to work extra hard to get them.

In response to the original post, I can't say I've ever been in a restaurant that didn't automatically put in a 15%-18% tip for parties larger than 6-8 people. That said, I usually don't eat at restaurants with that big of a group anyway. The story implied there was a large group that qualified for said "mandatory" tip.


Supra Fanatic
Apr 4, 2007
Redmond, WA
Tipping benefits only the restaurant owners since they can pay the servers much less and let tips bring it up to a legal wage. This whole story is ridiculous, and I agree that the restaurant is screwed.


Enjoyin' mah ride...
Aug 24, 2009
Richmond, Virginia, United States
"TIPPING" is not a province in China... :biglaugh:

I tip 10% if the service could've been more. I tip 20% if the service is outstanding. I tip nothing if I want to kick the ass of the obstinate, insufferable, snoddy SOB that couldn't give a shit less about my needs. I could care e'ffin less if they expect it or not. I already know they base their wages on it. But I will NEVER reward bad service, no matter what the person bemoans. I'm sorry, but if you have a bad day and are looking to take it out on a couple of patrons DON'T FUKIN' SHOW UP FOR WORK. I shouldn't have to be punished because you got a silver spoon stuck up your ass that morning. A restaurant is a business, and NO, the customer is not always right. But if the customer shows you respect for you working your job, you better DAMN SURE appreciate his money, or else you'll get shit to show for it.

What's wrong with this country? Whiny, self-expectant, jackasses. :: angry ::


Canadian Bacon
Mar 16, 2007
Who's going to want to eat a resturant that will arrest you if you don't leave a good tip for their shitty service?

That 15 bucks they wanted so bad is going to fuck them out of alot of customers. Personally, I'd have paid them off then slandered their name to anyone who'd listen, because it's just not worth the legal hassle of getting charged with theft, unsubstantiated or not.