Cooling Fan/clutch assembly elimination?

ill Z

Back on the Grind
Mar 18, 2007

currently almost done rebuilding my 7MGE and had a question concerning the fan/clutch assembly that attaches to the water pump. I replaced my water pump and still have the fan and clutch assembly attached to the old water pump. It's a B*#%W# to remove since it's an 86.5 and I'm debating if I even need the fan/clutch assembly. Can I ditch that setup and just run an electric fan with manual on/off toggle? Or is this a bad idea and I should just get a new fan/clutch setup or try to salvage my old one? If I'm not mistaken eliminating the stock fan/clutch I can also pick up a slight bit of horsepower :evil2: I wouldn't mind this either. I'm open to suggestions, experience, advice....anything would help out before I try removingt the stock assembly from the old water pump.

I guess it would also help for me to let you guys know I'm in Austin Texas. This year hasn't been too bad, however Texas is known for heat and humidity hitting the 100's in the summer.