Conspiracy theorists, what is your highest level of education?

Your highest education lvl, along with your location.

  • Total voters


Senior Member
Mar 31, 2005
Just kinda wondering. Wanting to see if there is some sort of correlation.

Obviously if you think we actually got to the moon and that George Bush in fact does NOT posses a hurricane machine, this poll isn’t for you. It’s ONLY for the folks that think 9/11 was staged, income taxes are illegal, and getting to the moon was impossible with 60’s tech.

It's an open poll so we can see what people respond with. Makes it easy to see who is lying.

Also 9 & 10 ask your location. So chose your education level AND where you are from.


Senior Member
Mar 31, 2005
I think it posts my reply before it actualy posts the poll I was working on. They should be there now. Hit refresh.


naughty by nature
Staff member
Aug 26, 2005
Roll Tide
I didn't really meet the criteria for the poll, but I took it anyways. Good luck with this. I'm interested in seeing your


naughty by nature
Staff member
Aug 26, 2005
Roll Tide
My bad outofstep. I screwed your poll up already. I think Lee Harvey Oswald acted alone, so take my answers out...............;)


New Member
Apr 6, 2005
South Bend
outofstep said:
Obviously if you think we actually got to the moon and that George Bush in fact does NOT posses a hurricane machine, this poll isn’t for you. It’s ONLY for the folks that think 9/11 was staged, income taxes are illegal, and getting to the moon was impossible with 60’s tech.

Soooo... I don't get to take the poll? How about next time you make a poll everyone can participate in because now I feel left out.


Anything but Lurker
May 23, 2006
meggs521 said:
Soooo... I don't get to take the poll? How about next time you make a poll everyone can participate in because now I feel left out.
Yeah same here:icon_razz


1991 1JZ
Mar 30, 2005
new rochelle
for a while i was ALMOST convinced that 911 was set up by our government. then i realized that i was simply trying to find a way to take my mind off of how horrible that day really was.

i DO believe that we havent been told everything that happend that day. i find it extremely hard to believe that the third WTC building came down simply because the twin towers falling caused structural instability.

fine, but how come no other buildings right next to that one came down?

furthermore, planes of the same size have crashed into similarly built towers and have had jet fuel burn inside the building for many more HOURS then the fires that burned in the towers (several MINUTES).

do i think our government did it? no.

do i think there was more to it than a couple planes crashing into the buildings? yes.

watching those towers fall with my own eyes while it was happening was the most unforgetable experiance of my life so far.

if terrorists were able to fly planes into the buildings, maybe they could have gotten inside the buildings and wired in explosives as well? to be sure that the buildings came down?

10 years before 911 (was it 10? something like that) terrorists tried to take one of the buildings down by blowing up a van filled with explosives in the parking garage. maybe they wanted to be sure the things came down?

maybe they reason we werent told about something like that was to keep people from saying that all the buildings should be locked down or something crazy like that.

im a new yorker and i know first hand that those buildings were accessable to the public. anyone could walk in there and sneak around very easily.

shit, maybe the planes were a diversion for those people stealing all the gold in the basement?

really, who knows. my point is there are other possibilities and i do not believe the buildings came down simply because the planes hit them.

im a high school graduate and college student by the way.

Nick M

Black Rifles Matter
Sep 9, 2005
lagged said:
i DO believe that we havent been told everything that happend that day. i find it extremely hard to believe that the third WTC building came down simply because the twin towers falling caused structural instability.
The structural engineers have already offered explinations, and you must decide between what they say, and the nut jobs. It is an easy one for me.

fine, but how come no other buildings right next to that one came down?
I will sit here and easily speculate that WTC 7 is on the same foundation structure as the other buildings. Look at the whole left from clean up. In fact, I remember the documentaries on building it.

furthermore, planes of the same size have crashed into similarly built towers and have had jet fuel burn inside the building for many more HOURS then the fires that burned in the towers (several MINUTES).
Like where and when? When did a 757 or 767 crash into a skyscrapper like that?

do i think there was more to it than a couple planes crashing into the buildings? yes.
The structural engineers that built it said it was made to with stand an incidental hit from a much smaller 737, not bigger 767 that was accelrating, and has much more force and fuel to burn.

watching those towers fall with my own eyes while it was happening was the most unforgetable experiance of my life so far.
And as the plane was acclerating to the second tower, not realizing at first that the initial hit was infact terrorism, did you think on your own, that looks like demolition? No. Because you knew what happened. But like all politicians on all sides, you have listened to the lies, as they are very passionate.

if terrorists were able to fly planes into the buildings, maybe they could have gotten inside the buildings and wired in explosives as well? to be sure that the buildings came down?
Learn about demolition of a large building, such as in Vegas were it is more common. Then come back and say that again. It is a huge hassle, just for something small.

10 years before 911 (was it 10? something like that) terrorists tried to take one of the buildings down by blowing up a van filled with explosives in the parking garage. maybe they wanted to be sure the things came down?
Yes, in 93, Al-Queda members planned and executed the bombing. When it did not bring down the towers, they said they would try again, this time hijacking planes and using them as missiles.

maybe they reason we werent told about something like that was to keep people from saying that all the buildings should be locked down or something crazy like that.
I don't know what you are saying.

im a new yorker and i know first hand that those buildings were accessable to the public. anyone could walk in there and sneak around very easily.
But not set up demoition and not be noticed. The demoliton would have to be in large numbers, as a single bomb did not bring the towers down the first time. Extensive heating from burning kerosene did. It greatly softened the metal, pancaking the floor.

shit, maybe the planes were a diversion for those people stealing all the gold in the basement?
You watch too many movies. :biglaugh: So do I.

really, who knows. my point is there are other possibilities and i do not believe the buildings came down simply because the planes hit them.
The only side you have seriously listened to was the conspiracy. Read the rebuttals.

It isn't necessarily your fault. You are bombarded with this garbage day in and day out.

Al Queda said:
America converted itself into a country at war when it broke the peace and helped the Jews, over 50 years ago, to occupy Palestine…the day it bombed Iraq and began the blockade, when it attacked Sudan and when it bombed and blockaded Afghanistan and attacked the Moslems there
Bin Laden has publicly declared having our tanks in his holy land of Saudi Arabia is the reason. Of course, islamic terrorists have been doing this since the Jewish state was established.

Even CNN knows

Even USA Today knows

Even the DNC knows. They are not out there saying the governement did it. But instead we did not do enough to stop them, and we are misguided in the efforts now.

Joel W.

Just A Jedi
Nov 7, 2005
Nick M. said:
It isn't necessarily your fault. You are bombarded with this garbage day in and day out.

Boy, Isn't that the truth....I did some searching and it is amazing the amount of crapola that is out there on many subjects..

BTW, great post...I could not have said it better!! :)


Backroads Driver
Jul 15, 2006
Adjuster, take that poll now!

i think everybody wants to know what you've been up to.

Also, how do you get a poll with your thread? thanks.