+...Church of IJ...+

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Supramania Contributor
Supracentral said:
When you see a BS post outside of OT, report it people. The staff cannot read every single post that is generated on this forum... The only time we get reported posts is when someone disagrees with someone elses point of view in Off Topic, which is NOT the reason to report a post.

Stop bitching and start helping.

And as for IJ, I still say he left this forum when it needed him most. If you want SM to be better, do something about it or shut the fuck up.

If history past actions are any indication of future actions, he'd probably run away. That's what he did last time.

The REAL question is:

That's a bit much.
Sure he stopped participating, but he's always answered any question I've had after he made his decision.
You make it sound like he just abandoned everyone.


Active Member
Mar 30, 2005
You are entitled to your opinion.

I call it like *I* see it. Your mileage may vary.

My perspective comes from the fact that I'm trying to manage an out of control user base who is pissing and moaning about everything they don't like while doing absolutely nothing to help the staff out to fix the problems.

I'm here trying to fix the problems, he isn't.

Like I said, "report bad post" (hint, the icon looks like this --->
) is on every post, but we never get those, just these general bitch threads that don't help at all.

What am I supposed to do now? Search through 400,000 + posts to determine which ones you guys think are disruptive?

You want a better SM, help us make it better. This bitching and nutswinging doesn't help.


World I Am Gay Blue!!!
Dec 2, 2005
Fargo ND
jdub said:
da89soup - It belongs in OT and no where else...some of the guys post to get post count up...that means in any section besides OT (where post don't count). They don't know the answer, post nothing...not IDK, followed by a bunch of BS before the guy finally gets an answer...or the thread gets completely derailed w/ no answer at all. I get sick of reading through a page of BS to see what the real comments are.

Jdub, I just want you to know how sorry I am if you feel like I was flaming on you. That was not my intent!!! You are a stand up member and always willing to help. Thank you for that and for caring enough to want to make this a better place. I am with you on that!!!!



Senior VIP Member
Aug 23, 2006
Hot and Humid, KY
Wow, I'm not on here for most of the day and all of this is going on..... It saddens me.

One another note. For the most part, I keep my BS posts in OT. When I'm turbo tech or general questions (these two are where I'm at most of the time). I try to contribute, even if it seems like I've answered the same question more than once in the same day from different people who don't take the time to SEARCH. I'm done with my short little rant ;).


naughty by nature
Staff member
Aug 26, 2005
Roll Tide
Ckanderson said:

CK meet me out behind the lunchroom at 3:00 sharp. You and I got some rumbling to do.....................:wuteva:

Just kidding. You'd beat my ass......................:biglaugh:

From now on, I Suprahero, do solemly swear to try and make SM the best damned website on the internet. Well, outside of porn, cause you know we can't compete with boobies......................:biglaugh:


Racecar Driver
Nov 13, 2006
DFW Texas
I see and of course im a n00b or I wouldnt be asking this question. Maybe if you a sticky thread all about him you wouldnt be getting these questions..


XBL: Mkiii DriFt3r
May 22, 2005
honolulu, california
haha, dont make this a hostile place. anyways...

suprahero said:
Very well said Soup. I like to have fun as well, but I do believe that their is about 10% too much bs going on. Maybe if we toned it done one notch. Just a thought..............lol

yeah theres alot of BS...i dont want to point fingers, but alot of locks are going on in OT, and off topic is off topic...meaning, anything thats off topic, what ever anyone wants to put. and just because someone doesnt like it then it doesnt mean it has to be closed, if everyone is participating and enjoying the thread then why close it? it just makes more people want to leave and when that happens...it wont be pretty.
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