car wont start


May 29, 2005
posting in here since its not a supra, my supra is gone but i'm asking here cause i know way more supra forums than nissan ones though i'm going to ask over there too

I just recently bought a 1986 300zx and it runs decent, but after the first day i struggled real hard to start once then was fine the rest of the day. Over the next couple of days it would start rough but then usually be fine. So today after a trip to the dmv i go back to my car and it won't start. I don't know anything about cars, trying to learn though, but i still pop the hood and take a look. All the basic things look okay, ignition coil had blown on my supra(car i had before this) so i checked those wires they all look fine, so I get back in the car and try pumping the gas as i start it. I got it started then went home, started without to much trouble when i took it 5 minutes up the street and played football for a couple hours. I go to start it and head home and it wont start again. I pump the gas several times it won't start, try probably 8-10 times then finally it starts and revs to like 3k cause i'm on the gas, i let go and pump it a couple times around 1k then release the pedal and it dies. Next try it goes to 3k again then i finally get it to idle around 1500, it'll rise slowly to about 1750 then and randomly drop to 1300. I've seen people have problems with fuel relays and other things like that on the forums, any idea if its something like that? I have a friend who knows alot more about cars who i'll have look at it but trying to atleast diagnose the problem tonight or tomorrow.

cliffnotes: 300 zx won't start sometimes, will start others. Pumping gas helps it start. No idea what problem is and don't know to much about cars. Looking for help.


when you say start what do you mean, does it turn the engine?

stop pumping the pedal it does nothing on fuel injected cars, pump to your hearts content its not helping you start the car unless you've got a stuck injector.


May 29, 2005
as far as cold, warm, hot, not really sure since its happened a couple random times and been fine the other times, though everytime its warm it starts pretty fine but i don't know if thats just coincedince or what

i originally gave thought to the battery first but would it start just fine sometimes and struggle real hard others? and don't some places like autozone and stuff have things to test batteries to see if they're almost dead or not? maybe i'll stop by there

i think its like turning the engine but then get no spark or something, the sound it usually makes for like a second or two before it actually starts up is the sound it makes but just stays like that, my friend is big into nissans so i'll see if we're able to pull codes off it, thanks for the help guys, hopefully i'll get a good job and just buy another supra :(


holy crap... i could not understand a single thing you said in that post.

if not..what noises are you hearing?
Yes advance/auto zone can test your battery..