Car being serviced today, damn Toyota!


New Member
Feb 5, 2007
Oceanside, CA
so it was due for a new timing belt & also been having this problem getting the car started. like if i don't use the car for a day/few days.. or sometimes it'll happen the same day if it's been a really long time in-between usage(like early morning & then not using the car again till the evening) where i'll go to turn the key and nothing will happen... like you'll hear a clicking sound & the lights come on & whatnot(sometimes you'll even hear the engine but it'll cut out) but you won't actually be able to get the car started until you'll tried turning the key a bunch of times.
anyway, i was explaining all this to the people at Toyota this morning & just got a call from them saying that the timing belt is out of stock but they are getting it sent over from another dealership.. although!!.. as far as the key turning thing goes, they are saying "we can't duplicate the problem you are having".... well duh, considering i just took it there this morning! so what, they aren't going to fix whatever the problem is with the ignition/starter now?
i had told my friend about this problem and he said he used to have the same thing happen to his old Celica(as well as his mom's old Corolla) and said it was the ignition cable or switch.. so why doesn't Toyota realize this?
part of me wants to call them back and/or just walk over there right now & try and straighten this out but i'm not sure what to say/how to get them to know what to do.
do any of you have any suggestions? i'd really appreciate any help. thanks!


May 9, 2005
Roswell, NM
my 86 celica did this, it would piss me off so freakin much. i once went out to eat and then came back out and my car wouldnt start...ya that sucked ass...but i pushed started it :) HAHA with my GF pushing! thats how you put a girl to work.


New Member
Feb 5, 2007
Oceanside, CA
woah, so according to that thread a starter contact kit is about $9...
i was just talking to Toyota on the phone again & brought up that starter contact thing & they said it would probably cost about $300 or so to replace the starter contacts. jesus!!!
hell, if i can do it myself for $9 then F Toyota! =0

thanks for the help fellas!


supra junkie
Feb 4, 2006
spoolme said:
my 86 celica did this, it would piss me off so freakin much. i once went out to eat and then came back out and my car wouldnt start...ya that sucked ass...but i pushed started it :) HAHA with my GF pushing! thats how you put a girl to work.


New Member
Feb 5, 2007
Oceanside, CA
welp, it's now about 2:30.. heard back from Toyota again & they said they are replacing the timing belt right now & found leaks in the front engine seals & well i'm just going to go ahead and have them take care of those 2 things.
as for the starter, i was told that under inspection by them they found that the whole starter needs to be replaced but i told them that i'll take care of that myself. so... i guess that being said, what do you guys think of these starters here?

to be honest, i know as much about cars as the next person... (wish i knew as much about cars as i do about computers!) what do you guys think is the level of difficulty for a novice to install a new starter? should i even try?... actually yes.. i am going to try. i'm fedup of having to rely on mechanics to fix car problems for me, want to do it myself!


Supra =
Aug 19, 2005
Downey, California, United States
Starter is actually pretty hard to replace, just because of the location of the bolts...(right behind the intake manifold).

I do all repairs on my car myself, I too became fed-up with stupid mechanics that always f-everything up. But when I was a n00b, I had my mechanic replace my starter, and he only charged me $80, plus the cost of the starter (reman. from Autozone).


Rockin' the blades
Aug 13, 2006
Serena's Place ;)
I just replaced the starter on an 89 NA a friend of mine owns. Some jack stands, socket extensions, the little bendy thing fo rhte socket and some combo wrenches. I had it changed in 45 mins from the bottom entirely.

Its possible, hard, but possible. Buy a used starter off someone here, thats what my friend did, $25, no more problem

PS he was having the exact same problem u are.


Supra Chair!
Mar 30, 2005
Birmingham, AL
The first time I had to replace my starter it took like 4 hours to get the 2 bolts off. Now I've got an awesome method and it takes 10 minutes. It's not a hard job just frustrating to get the bolts off.

If you have this problem again and are in a jam, just tap the starter with a pipe or hammer or something. This saved me from walking quite a few times.


New Member
Jul 28, 2006
gilbert, az
staticpat said:
The first time I had to replace my starter it took like 4 hours to get the 2 bolts off. Now I've got an awesome method and it takes 10 minutes. It's not a hard job just frustrating to get the bolts off.

If you have this problem again and are in a jam, just tap the starter with a pipe or hammer or something. This saved me from walking quite a few times.

Same thing with me, when i first took my starter out it took hours. Then someone introduced me to ratcheting wrenchs. Took a few minutes once i had the right tool.

Not sure what your 10 minute method is?


New Member
Feb 5, 2007
Oceanside, CA
well, i got the car back now. i didn't have them do the starter.. but what they did do was replace the timing belt & apparently 4 of the engine seals were leaking so they replaced those to. came to a total of $447.04 (i just know i got ripped off big time).

anyway, when i get paid i'm gonna look into getting a starter online & then will attempt to install it myself. until then, hopefully the starter lasts! weeee

thanks for all the replies. nice to see how warm & caring the community is here.. unlike that damn neo geo(video games) community i used to hang out in. blah!



Red T-shirt
Apr 6, 2005
Rockford, IL
That price is middle of the road for a dealer, some less, some more. You'll be lucky to find a dealer anywhere to put contacts in a starter. Mechanics run when they see a Supra coming in a dealership for multiple reasons, mainly......they have a lot better oppurtunity to make money that day if someone else gets stuck working on your Supra. Starter is a PITA, but it will save you some $$.....pull the rear trans mount bolts , let the rear of the trans drop down to get some room. Use a long extension and a swivel socket. PITA is getting the nuts started on the starter side, it's tough to get hands in there.


Apr 4, 2005
spring, texas
Agreed. Seems to be a fair price for the t-belt service w/ seal replacement. As far as the "starter" issue, I am having the same problem. Damn 20year old car! (lol) I have seen a few write-ups here and on SF for the starter replacement. As with all things "supra" related, patience!


Starting FRESH !!!!
Dec 17, 2006
ten year rule, lol most techs dont want to work on an old cars. Thats a really good price , i should know. 447 thats not bad ,man. i would not even complain about the price, you got your car the same day and they did other work so it's good and also they took in your car for a repair like that.