call of duty black ops pc


New Member
Sep 19, 2006
Washington, Marysville
wtf happened, its broken right out of the box, studders, lags online, glitches, wtf was treyark thinking. good thing i pirated this crap lol. anyone else got anger to spill, i have a feeling its going to lead to a "i got the xbox or ps3 version so i have no problems"


Buzzin' Half Dozen
Sep 13, 2007
Utica, New York
I hate to bring this up, but is there any chance its buggy because its a pirated version?

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I think it was the google
Mar 30, 2005
The Farm
Kangae;1638612 said:
I hate to bring this up, but is there any chance its buggy because its a pirated version?

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A pirated version is something that is the real game and only messes with removal of the DRM software. So no it wouldn't be because it is a pirated version. Its because they keep popping out MW/CoD games in record time and then release it on multiple platforms without testing it. 99.9% of the time...guess who gets the short end of the stick?

Us PC guys...

BTW I pirate games like mad for this exact reason, last games I purchased after I pirated them where, Dragon Age, Mass Effect 2, and Now Fallout New Vegas.

Developers put out WAY WAY to much buggy and worthless games, that they just ship out with a big hype then it ends up being complete aborted garbage.


Buzzin' Half Dozen
Sep 13, 2007
Utica, New York
Well the reason I said is because I've downloaded a few subpar pirated versions of games that were subpar because they were pirated.


I think it was the google
Mar 30, 2005
The Farm
Kangae;1638647 said:
Well the reason I said is because I've downloaded a few subpar pirated versions of games that were subpar because they were pirated.


Believe me when I say this, the pirates DO NOT mess with anything other than the protection on the game. If the game has glitches, its because it was released that way.


New Member
Jul 30, 2009
Clarksville TN
I have a few friends that are running it on the game systems and have no problems. I have it on PS3 and for the first few hours, I had problems with lagging, but since then no issues. I used to pirate games for the PC when I was into PC games, but since I got a PS3, and all of this downloading crap has hit the fan, I would rather pay for the full game rather then take a chance with a pirated copy that might not even work.


Mar 31, 2005
Troy, MI
This is why I use:

Windows for work.
OSX for home (web browsing, burning CDs, hooking up my ipod/iphone...)
XBox360 for games.

Back in the day developers cared about us PC gamers. Now we're lucky if every now and again a good game will still come along (StarCraft II ;) , maybe Diablo III).


I think it was the google
Mar 30, 2005
The Farm
dubsupra209;1638709 said:
my buddy has it on ps3 i think cause there's so many people playing at 1 time...cause we had the same problems...

No...Lag is completely different from actual bugs.


New Member
Jul 28, 2006
gilbert, az
SupraMario;1638655 said:

Believe me when I say this, the pirates DO NOT mess with anything other than the protection on the game. If the game has glitches, its because it was released that way.

I guess I'm old, back when I was bootlegging computer games they all had low quality textures and sounds and other junk removed to keep the file sizes down. Kids these days and perfect copies pfft.


Conjurer of Boost
Mar 30, 2005
Pauma Valley, CA
Not to start a pirate, don't pirate derailment but I've made it a point to purchase the game If like it or chose to play more than a few hours of it. Even if I never install the Retail version, and keep playing the DRM free version. I hope you guys consider doing the same. The PC game suffers because nobody buys it anymore. I know people try to say Piracy doesn't affect sales but seeing as all of my friends, and computer savvy people I know pirate far more games than they buy, I'm forced to conclude it's hurting sales. I don't want to see company's stop producing PC games, so if your going to indulge in a company's time and effort, consider paying them for it. Otherwise treat it like a demo, play a few levels and walkaway from it if you don't like it.

That said, no problems here other than the odd frame rate drop when new enemy's are spawned in the campaign. I know I have enough hardware headroom, so I'm not sure why it does it. It's been good to me.

And if you get bored check out this easter egg:,11607.html

I had a blast with DOA.


I think it was the google
Mar 30, 2005
The Farm
Dirgle;1638741 said:
Not to start a pirate, don't pirate derailment but I've made it a point to purchase the game If like it or chose to play more than a few hours of it. Even if I never install the Retail version, and keep playing the DRM free version. I hope you guys consider doing the same. The PC game suffers because nobody buys it anymore. I know people try to say Piracy doesn't affect sales but seeing as all of my friends, and computer savvy people I know pirate far more games than they buy, I'm forced to conclude it's hurting sales. I don't want to see company's stop producing PC games, so if your going to indulge in a company's time and effort, consider paying them for it. Otherwise treat it like a demo, play a few levels and walkaway from it if you don't like it.

That said, no problems here other than the odd frame rate drop when new enemy's are spawned in the campaign. I know I have enough hardware headroom, so I'm not sure why it does it. It's been good to me.

And if you get bored check out this easter egg:,11607.html

I had a blast with DOA.

This is what I do, The issue is there are very few companies releasing demos for the PC these days. Take Hellgate London for example, played the demo LOVED the game. Pre-Ordered and got it the day it came out. Other games, take Prey for example, bought it, there was no Demo, played it for like 5mins...COULDN'T STAND IT! Really pissed that I paid $60 for a game that was absolute shit. Honestly if games would be like $20-30 new, and $10-15 used...their sales would triple of what they have now. Games shouldn't be $60 it's ridiculous.


New Member
Jul 30, 2009
Clarksville TN
I completely agree about the price of the games. They are so much higher then needed. Everyone knows it takes millions of dollars and hundreds of thousands of man hours to create one of these games....but when a game sells more then a few million copies in its first weekend, and they KNOW it will, why price it so high? Other then to take advantage of people, because they know that every person that wants the game will pay over $60 for a copy. They probably racked in over a few hundred mill off of MW2, and they will top that with this Black Ops version. Even if everyone that owned a PC pirated the game and only 5 people really paid for the game, they still come so far out on top because of all the other platforms selling millions of copies each. That is why I miss being in Iraq......I could get my PS3 modded, and buy all the brand new games that come out for like $5 because the locals would make like 200 copies and sell them to us. Most of these companies are out to make cash, not impress us with crazy cool game play like back in the days of the 8bit Nintendo and Sega Genesis.


Mar 6, 2009
Merced, CA
91Supra313;1638851 said:
I completely agree about the price of the games. They are so much higher then needed. Everyone knows it takes millions of dollars and hundreds of thousands of man hours to create one of these games....but when a game sells more then a few million copies in its first weekend, and they KNOW it will, why price it so high? Other then to take advantage of people, because they know that every person that wants the game will pay over $60 for a copy. They probably racked in over a few hundred mill off of MW2, and they will top that with this Black Ops version. Even if everyone that owned a PC pirated the game and only 5 people really paid for the game, they still come so far out on top because of all the other platforms selling millions of copies each. That is why I miss being in Iraq......I could get my PS3 modded, and buy all the brand new games that come out for like $5 because the locals would make like 200 copies and sell them to us. Most of these companies are out to make cash, not impress us with crazy cool game play like back in the days of the 8bit Nintendo and Sega Genesis.

i was telling my buddy the way it should be $60 more like $30...other day went into eb games looking for mw2 and its still $35used wtf.? for a game thats half of my insurance for a month...


Buzzin' Half Dozen
Sep 13, 2007
Utica, New York
SupraMario;1638655 said:

Believe me when I say this, the pirates DO NOT mess with anything other than the protection on the game. If the game has glitches, its because it was released that way.

The last one I had this happen with was homeworld 2, the pirated version had artifacts all day but when I bought it and installed the real version it had none. Granted this was a few years ago at this point.

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New Member
Sep 19, 2006
Washington, Marysville
the only thing that the pirated version of this game had a problem with that didnt seem to be a problem on the real version was the zombie mode, which they have now released a fix for that. There is an official update via steam now for the pc gamers but since we are pirates we wont get it until someone decrypts the steam files lol or they release a normal .exe updater "which is what they should have done in the first place".... if you go to the COD:BO forums almost everyone running computers from dual to quad cores are have either lag, stutter, FPS issues. has no relation to it being a pirated copy. if anything it should run better cause its not trying to connect to steam or steam cloud lol. but over all i was running fraps and was playing the game at around 25fps max then dropped to about 10fps then the further i got into the first half of the first level "driving the car" dropped to 2-3fps, it was some serious BS

No as for what Dirgle said, i agree to his comment, if you like it buy it. I bought bad company 2 cause i loved it so much, it was originally pretty badly optimized also but progressivly got better, but i bought it for the MP since single player was so great i figured MP would be better. it was worth the money to me, call of duty MW2 i would have purchased if 1. i had a job. and 2. they didnt release a cracked MP lol. speaking of which im going to now play that because black ops is still crap so far and is totally useless to me.


Dec 31, 1969
Richmond, BC, Canada
I absolutely buy what I play. After I've tried it out, mind you.

Back in the day, software stores had return policies. So if the developer released total shit, you could take it back. Now, they don't allow that - guess why? Because we'd return the shit, dammit! I've occasionally gotten suckered in... like Left For Dead 2, which held my attention for maybe a week. And Medal of Honor... decent game, sure, but way too many bugs left on release day. Or Star Wars the Force Unleashed, with their damn silly system that required you to concentrate on one area of the screen to see what controls you need to use to finish any boss, which forces you to ignore the fantastic cinema gameplay.

However, Team Fortress 2 has been installed and in regular use on my PC for 2+ years now. That's value for my money. Valve code doesn't appear to suck badly, either, at least not since the original network code from Half Life, where you couldn't even play a lan based game without lag! It's to the point that I won't purchase a game from EA because without fail they release months too early. If you're lucky, they'll patch it a few times and it will be decent, but on release day, they suck.

Same deal with game consoles. Unless you're into sports games, they're terrible. FPS and RTS games simply require a mouse to be competitive. Without 'em you're always going to be second fiddle even when you're at the top of your game. Gaming companies are certain that they help contain piracy, so they'll keep trying to force us into switching...

And this whole losing money to piracy thing is 95% bullshit. The fact that a million copies of their game were pirated DOES NOT mean they lost a million sales. It doesn't even guarantee that they've lost ONE sale.


New Member
Sep 19, 2006
Washington, Marysville
i forgot to mention about the demos, back in the day they did you to do demos, for whatever reason they have completely stopped those for PC, havent really seen a new game demo for a while. LFD2 was pretty good lol, i actually just got done playing medal of honor but it runs at like 10-20 fps lol so its kinda not worth it for me. i played force unleased also and that ran awful when i played as darth vadar, but better as a jedi but overall it sucked. need for speed has been a good series except for the "bling bling" and im kinda looking forward to NFS HP 2010

but my overall favs that would have to be the half life series OHHH i love Half life soooo much, and it runs perfect on my PC. its a simple and very interactive game. counter strike is a great online game to. bad company 2 has been fun also. diablo 2 was great also for a older school game.