brad92t's build


Supramania Contributor
Apr 25, 2006
Lexington, KY

Well, I figure I am due for my own thread now.. here is a little background... but knowing me, it will probably end up being a lot of background... in fact i can almost guarantee this first post is going to be freaking long just because it describes over 2 years of events... also just FYI, i just turned 23 and am a student majoring in Electrical and Computer Engineering Technology at Purdue University (a regional campus)

in Jan 2004, i wrecked my 1994 Mustang GT 5.0 (which i bought in 2001 with 19,700 miles on it). I gave the car to my dad because he thought it was too valuable with the miles/condition/mods to just get rid of it.. and i started looking for a car on ebay..

Now mind you, i hate mustangs.. and in general am not a fan of domestic cars.. before the mustang i had a 92 talon tsi awd with a big 16g turbo ported and clipped and some other mods, but not nearly enough supporting mods for the 16psi i tried to run.. and i killed it. it was a great car and my first run at turbo cars and i was in love from the day i bought it. i was also young and dumb.

anyway so i stumbled across this 1992 white package supra with targa, blue leather, auto trans, and less than 84,000 miles on it.. i didn't really know much of anything about supras at the time (especially that only 1200 were imported in 1992) and i had visions of turbos dancing in my eyes again, so i totally ignored the fact that i hadn't driven an auto car in 5 years and never wanted to again.

i didn't win the auction, as it didnt meet the reserve.. the guy offered me a sale outside ebay after the auction was ended.. and after a few conversations with him it seemed that the only problems with the car were the power antenna not working, a small ding behind the driver door, and the driver door handle was cracked and hard to open.. 84,000 miles with a perfect interior and an almost perfect exterior... i went for it and paid $6700 plus $500 shipping from miami to chicago.

the transport company tried to deliver the car to me, but i was in class and they couldn't get a hold of me.. so they took it back to their warehouse in WISCONSIN.. bummer.. so i had to drive a couple hours to pick it up that weekend.. i get there and the car looks great... except for the flat tire and missing turbo badge that wasnt missing in the auction pictures.. oh well.. so i start it up and look it over.. no suprises on the exterior or the interior, but the oil pressure was really low (which i now know is normal) and the low coolant light was on and there was a very slight white smoke coming out of the pipe (i still dont know about the BHG problem with these cars)

the place fills my tire up and i sign the papers and head off to the gas station.. i buy coolant and top it off.. as well as washer fluid... which promptly drains out onto the concrete.. turns out someone put a screw tip through the side of the washer fluid tank while to attach a splash guard or something. so while i am looking under the car at the washer fluid, what do i see? oil is coming out of the front of the pan like theres a freaking hole in it.. wtf?!?! :icon_evil so i check the oil and its pretty low so i fill that up too.. no choice but to drive back home at this point, so i hit the road.

now let me tell you about this oil leak.. lets say i let the car idle for about 5 minutes.. it would leave a puddle of oil probably about a foot in diameter.. it literally was a fast drip and at times appeared to STREAM from the bottom of the motor..

you can already see where this is going. i tried to keep up with the oil leak for a few months.. the exact order of events here are a little sketchy in my mind, but around june or july 2004 i even tried to lift the engine enough to pull the pan and change the gasket (it did have a cork gasket on it even though toyota recommends sealer...) but i couldn't do it without dropping the crossmember and for some reason i gave up at that point..

some time shortly after that i remmeber starting the car and hearing a funny knocking sound... i rev it up and its knocking around 2500 rpm and up.. i still didnt know about the rod knock sensitivity at that point because i dont think i had started reading any supra boards yet.. but i quickly found out that i was in trouble..

i drove the car for maybe a couple weeks after that.. my dad was nice enough to let me use my (now his) mustang again which he had fully restored to its former glory (i am still driving it today lol).

so the supra has pretty much sat in the street or my garage for the past 18 months (with me driving it occasionally when it was warm just for fun.. maybe 4-5 times). so around the middle of april of this year, i decide that i want to rebuild the motor and shoot for 350rwhp area and use it as my daily driver.. i talk to my parents and they are nice enough to front the cash AND they say that i can pay for it afterwards with the sale of the mustang (minus what my dad spent to repair it). this leaves me with about $3000.

thats enough for now.. i will continue this thread later with some info on what i have done and what i plan on doing..

also i just want to say that i am DEATHLY afraid of actually getting the machine work done.. and i am DEATHLY afraid of having the block assembled by a shop.. and i am also DEATHLY afraid of assembling the block myself

i am absolutely terrified i am going to get rod knock again in 500 miles or blow my MHG...

paranoia abounds.

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shaeff is FTMFW!
Mar 30, 2005
MA, 01440
If the shop is reputable enough, you shouldn't have any problems. If they do not have a torque plate for the 7M, and look at you like a puppy when you ask about RA values, move along.


Supramania Contributor
Apr 25, 2006
Lexington, KY
got my remaned head from clearwater cylinder heads today!!

i am going over to my buddy's later on to toss a bunch of parts in his 20 gallon parts washer and i will take pics of the head there!!

after a very brief look through the packaging the finish seems to be VERY nice and compatible with MHG.. hopefully i still think so later today after closer inspection


Mar 31, 2005
Fort Campbell, KY
brad92t said:
got my remaned head from clearwater cylinder heads today!!

i am going over to my buddy's later on to toss a bunch of parts in his 20 gallon parts washer and i will take pics of the head there!!

after a very brief look through the packaging the finish seems to by VERY nice and compatible with MHG.. hopefully i still think so later today after closer inspection

You should be very happy with their work. I think that JPeek had his rebuilt by them. He had a lot of valve tap, too much for his tastes. They bought him a brand new head. That's customer service.
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Supramania Contributor
Apr 25, 2006
Lexington, KY
ok i found out that my little event tonight is off, so i decided to go get my head from the car and bring it in to inspect.

WOW i am very impressed with this... $470 shipped to my door with a return shipping label included for my core, and a VERY VERY nice mirror finish..

one thing i am concerned about is that there is some pitting in a few spots on the mating surface.. most of them are at corners at the edges of the coolant jackets (i think thats the correct term) but theres one more sizeable cluster of pits on the surface itself between the jacket and the CC.. is this anything to worry about? i tried to take pics with my cell phone but it obviously wont focus that close.. i will get some later with digi cam


shaeff is FTMFW!
Mar 30, 2005
MA, 01440
Yeah, get some pics with a good (5.0mp) camera on Macro and post 'em up. If they're as good as rakkasan says, you should have no problem getting a good one as a replacement.


Feb 3, 2006
Springfield, OH.
take any pictures of the head yet? interested in this option for my head... they are not to far from me. also, dont know if you stated it or not, but what HG are you going with?


Supramania Contributor
Apr 25, 2006
Lexington, KY
sorry guys, very busy day.. my roommate and i host 2 softball games and a bbq every saturday at a field by my house... we just got done for the night and i had no time to get pics or anything.. i dont have my own digicam..

i will post them up tomorrow

like i said the finish is very very smooth, except the pitting in various areas which i guess seem to be possibly a result of air pockets in the cast..?

anyway like i said i will get those pics tomorrow


Supramania Contributor
Apr 25, 2006
Lexington, KY
heres the pics of the new head

mainly check out the pic of the pits i mentioned...

i think from looking at these pics, it might not look as smooth as some of the others i have seen on the forums.. but most of the marks you see i think are just surface marks.. not actually scratches or anything affecting RA.. then again i could just be living in a dream

let me know what you guys think... i also have 1600x1200 pics if anyone wants to see those..
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Feb 3, 2006
Springfield, OH.
man, it does have some pretty bad pitting... but i think if you use a Cometic HG, it will be fine. If you are gonna use a MHG, then i have heard that you can spray brake quiet on there and it helps it to form to small imperfections. what HG are you going to run and did you machine your block surface too? also, did they send the head fully assembled and ready to mount up?


Supramania Contributor
Apr 25, 2006
Lexington, KY
SupraDreamPDR said:
man, it does have some pretty bad pitting... but i think if you use a Cometic HG, it will be fine. If you are gonna use a MHG, then i have heard that you can spray brake quiet on there and it helps it to form to small imperfections. what HG are you going to run and did you machine your block surface too? also, did they send the head fully assembled and ready to mount up?

using cometic.. haven't ordered it yet.. block is bare sitting in the trunk of my mustang along with pretty much everything else... i am still on a mean quest to find a suitable machine shop/builder


Supramania Contributor
Apr 25, 2006
Lexington, KY
here i want to post the pics, no one seems to be commenting on my head surface.. please let me know so i can take the appropriate actions..

thanks guys






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Supramania Contributor
Apr 25, 2006
Lexington, KY
some pics... shiny new 57 trim from Performance Techniques... Cooleze intake pipe... lex afm.. Wiseco +.020 pistons.. i think i have almost everything now except the gasket set. hopefully i can get this junk out to Sound Performance soon... :icon_conf






