Battery Disconnect Because of Small Power Draw


New Member
Feb 26, 2006
Well heres the problem first, not every night but this happend twice in 2 weeks i wake up in morning and the batterys is too low to start car, siting at like 6 volts so i jump it and its fine, its not the battery because i changed it, there is a power draw somewhere , i have no radio so it ain't that , i may be thinking its the horn wire on the steering wheel, the horn may be disconnected and the wires may be hiting but cant hear it cuz the horn is unpluged at it, other thing i think is the door ajar button sometimes gets stuck off when i open door so i am wondering it it is geting turned on too overnight, well any help on this would be great

heres the second part of this

the solution for now is i hooked up a quick disconnect terminal to positive side of battery and unhook it at night until i find whats drawing, its not really drawing fast i can go to it in 6 hours and its still fine maybe even 8, jsut once in a while this happens, the question is will disconnecting my battery do anything really to my car other then having no clock time?

Nick M

Black Rifles Matter
Sep 9, 2005
Have a buddy watch your test light hooked up to ground and the negative post of the battery while you pull the fuses one at a time. When it goes out, you found out which circuit it is.