Anyone here wired up there standalone by themselves?


Dec 12, 2005
Geelong, Vic
IJ. said:
<holds hand up>

lol is there anything 7m based you don't know :p

well i may have the first problem solved thanks to a bloke on Toymods, but my car still won't actually kick over.

Heres the dealio,

I have an EMS DualSport standalone, with a custom loom for the 7m and an EMS 3 coil ignitor module,

I have wired up my EMS as per this diagram -

And when trying to kick over the car got a "rev rev rev rev STOP"
I had the ignitor leads running to the coils as such:

Pink/Black to coil 1/6
Grey to coil 3/4
White to coil 2/5

Now with the grey and white leads switched i seem to have solved that problem as the car will just continue to "rev rev rev rev rev rev" but not actually burst into life.

This is the engine setup screen in the Dualsport software, and my current settings. Do you see anything that looks out of place?

Finally, will too much fuel stop a car from kicking over? I have set the injectors to pump plenty more fuel than they need just to ensure it won't lean out on startup, perhaps i have set this too high?

Thanks alot everyone,