Another lexus AFM question...


Le Kittens Meow
Sep 30, 2012
Grand Rapids MI
Alright i bought my car from a PO that the PO to him did some upgrades, (im the third owner)
When switching to the lexus AFM, am i actually switching the MAF (i know its not a maf but for explanation purposes bear with me), or am i switching the aluminum housing? Or am i Switching both?
Also, my "maf" is outlined in white, where as the 95 Lexus ls400 i took off is all black...
They look identicle except for the colors so i dont know if the previous owner has upgraded already or not...

Maybe describe what the lexus one should look like...or give me a part number..something.
Also, explain am i switching housing, maf, or both?


Supramania Contributor
Dec 13, 2007
Abbotsford, BC
The electronics are interchangeable between the two. The housing is what you need to swap over. If you are already using known good and working electronics, typically better to swap that in to the new housing so you have one less thing to worry about if you are running in to issues after the upgrade.


Supramania Contributor
Dec 13, 2007
Abbotsford, BC
turbodriz;1888031 said:
so your saying its the housing that makes the difference not the sensor itself

Someone can correct me if I'm wrong but I'll try and explain how it actually measures the air.

The housing has a honeycomb structure at it's inlet that will straighten out most disturbance in the air so you have a clean air stream. Behind that is a post that will create a "vortex" of oscilation in the air stream. The sensor measures that oscilation in pulses of sort to get a pretty accurate measurement of exactly how much air is passing by. When you increase the size of the housing, you are essentially just increasing the amount of air required to create the same vortex oscilations. The reason the Lexus AFM works with the 550cc injectors is you get very close to a 25% increase in airflow through the meter which is then offset by the 25% larger injectors (440cc -> 550cc).

It's not dead on, but it's close enough that it works (usually giving you a slightly richer than normal mixture) and can be tuned with a fuel computer/piggy back to make up for the little inconsistencies.