Another 1jz hesitation issue...


New Member
Feb 13, 2009
First off thanks for all your previous support. I am posting this as a means to find closure to this issue I have been having.
A few months back, My 1jz Single put down just a pinch over 400whp at 22 psi. I would say it was on a great tune running simple 550s and an AFC combo. This is not a DD and remains in the garage until the weekends. SOoo not long after that, I started realizing it would hesitate at that 20+, then a week or so later, I would turn the boost down to boosted fine then hesitated again until I finally got the boost down to 15psi last night.

Now here are the troubleshooting steps I performed during this time:
Fuel Filter
Fresh tank of 93
Injector Cleaner
Plugs NGK Coppers Gapped to the original gap of .025... Noticed hesitation still prevalent so I lowered it by .02 until I my current gap of .022. Still unable to boost higher than 15.
Changed plugs again to another set.. same issues occured at anything above 15psi.
Pressurized intercooler and intake system, but there were no leaks.
Fuel pressure has no been changed from previous tune.
Again- no changes were made... simply took the car out one weekend and hesitation kept occuring until i lowered the boost down

SOoo based off what I have read, I decided to check all my coils for cracks. I cleaned them and found absolutely no cracks, so just to be on the safe side, I did the 3m electrical tape fix JUST to see if it would help. I went out for a spin and there was absolutely no difference. It boosts great up until 14-15psi and holds a steady 12.1 - 12.3 on the AF gauge with absolutely no missing whatsoever and no hesitation.... SO i question why no boost like before. The engine has always remainded dry and never degreased or sprayed with water especially in the Spark Plug Channel....NEVER.

Then I went out for another spin and started further troubleshooting...At anything above 15psi... It leans out dramatically on the AF gauge and NO MATTER how much fuel I add on the AFC, it just doesnt fix the issue. This of course happens when its hesitating so I do see a correlation between the misfire and the eratic AF readings.. So again, anything around 15 psi and pulls clean and nice all the way to 7k. No smoke, no smells nothing..Just perfect. But anything above it Is completely a shit fest of hesitation and stumbling. Second gear on a roll would break the wheels loose constantly and 3rd at times would have to fight not to break loose on top end but now, it cant even break second gear loose.

I have a precision t61 and no more than 45k on the motor with supporting mods. Clutch holds good and plenty but damn i miss having that power I once had.

Thoughts for myself:
1. Is it possible my gap is too small? The gap is the same as the last good plugs and the absolute same NGK Coppers. 5167's I believe with a heat range of 7.
2. Are my coils bad? I plugged them back in and checked all the connectors ensuring I had just enough dielectric grease in there. Terminals dont look burnt on either end. I had no cracks on mine and they have been wrapped but I know that usually cant be an excuse.

Any suggestions you guys can provide would greatly be appreciated.. Im stuck trying to figure this out. Thanks in advance as always.


New Member
Aug 20, 2011
have you thought about your fuel pump, and its condition/age?
Best of course is to monitor the fuelpressure during load.... then you will be able to actually determine a defective pump.

cause you are running out of fuel... thats for shure.


New Member
Feb 13, 2009
Fuel pump is about 8 months old. Simple walbro 255.
Fuel pressure is rising on boost. Can you or anyone else justify that i am running out of fuel? or is what is showin lean on the AF guage the result of lack of spark or detonation? I would assume a misfire could be misleading on both accounts. When you or anyone with the similar issue starts hesitating under WOT and high RPM, what are the AF reading like?


New Member
Sep 6, 2009
Schofield Barracks, HI
Dude, you running 20 psi + on a single 255 ?
Get a 400 instead. I had the same issue with 255, it started to run out of steam, still worked, just couldn't keep same FP.
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New Member
May 22, 2005
Norfolk, VA
try switching to NGK 4644s and start with a gap of .028. get some shrink wrap and put them on your coil stems also. if it hiccups go lower, if it holds enlarge the plug gap till it hiccups then lower the gap again.

a DLI helps too.

By the way your AFRs arent really the safest at 15 psi already

what ECU are you using?


New Member
Feb 13, 2009
Ok so update. Tried the 4644's, Coils were wrapped, tried gap from .022 to .028 with no change whatsoever. Breakup around 17psi (Pulls hard and healthy but nothing above 17) AFR's read the exact same. Factory 1jz ecu.

Not sure why a DLI would help when it ran flawless above 20+ psi without a DLI. If its additional spark i need then the coils would just be bad..right?

Otherwise- idles great with the bigger gap and there is no hesitation in neutral..


May 18, 2011
Fremont, CA
If your AFR is leaning out at higher boost, why waste time looking at spark issues? Lack of spark if anything should give a richer condition, as you are unable to adequately burn what fuel you have. I would look at fuel pump (as others stated) and also check out your fuel pressure regulator as it may not be increasing pressure as boost increases. Its lack of fuel, just gotta figure out why.


New Member
Sep 6, 2009
Schofield Barracks, HI
Like I was saying earlier. Had a similar issue, it ran fine for a while, AFRs were good, than all of a sudden it started to break up at anything over ~15 PSI. Changed coils, plugs, readjusted BFP, still breaks up. Finally went out and bought walbro 400 put it in, and all my probs went away. Been boosting 25 PSI for about 5 months now with no issues, other than my clutch not holding every now and than. You could have something else wrong with it, but your fuel pump is worth checking.


New Member
Apr 12, 2008
Bremerton, Wa
I would get a new fuel pump, sounds like its taking shit on you:( Also, your af's are a bit to lean, everyone who want to keep there engine, run 11.5 at most. But if your tuner is set on 12.2-12.5 it should be fine.


New Member
May 22, 2005
Norfolk, VA
ocerrahyan;1849924 said:
Then I went out for another spin and started further troubleshooting...At anything above 15psi... It leans out dramatically on the AF gauge and NO MATTER how much fuel I add on the AFC, it just doesnt fix the issue. This of course happens when its hesitating so I do see a correlation between the misfire and the eratic AF readings.. So again, anything around 15 psi and pulls clean and nice all the way to 7k. No smoke, no smells nothing..Just perfect. But anything above it Is completely a shit fest of hesitation and stumbling. Second gear on a roll would break the wheels loose constantly and 3rd at times would have to fight not to break loose on top end but now, it cant even break second gear loose.

I did not read this part at all. thats what i get for skimming through it. yea you might want to check your fuel pump.

Also I'm a lil curious why you lowered your plug gap so much on a stock 1jz ecu? Isn't that a process only required when using an AEM version 1? And the DLI does help out alot when using a Version 1 box and having to lower the plug gap that much.

and a bit off topic but mensrea, how was the install on the walbro 400 in the factory hanger?


New Member
Feb 13, 2009
Ok guys,
Based on the suggestions, I've just placed an order for a walbro 400lph. It should be here next week. ::fingers crossed::


New Member
Sep 6, 2009
Schofield Barracks, HI
Yes, it's little bit fatter, but it fit just fine in mine. When you put the hanger back in, you gonna have to man handle it a tiny bit. If you have a hole cut out in your trunk, the whole thing is gonna take you like 15-20 mins.

Just remember to adjust your BFP once you put it in.


May 18, 2011
Fremont, CA
Just another thought, and something I have not experience with, is the possibility of the knock sensor kicking in and causing loss of power. Not sure how the knock sensor tries to protect the motor if it senses knock, whether it just pulls timing only, or cuts fuel and spark to stop revs, just not too sure, but maybe something to look into. If the car ran fine before, and the quality or type of gas you put in has changed due to seasonal fuel formulation requirements (Calif has this), perhaps this contributes. Hotter weather also could increase the knock sensor activity. Just some random thoughts.....


Sep 17, 2008
East-Central, FL
Have you re-wired you fuel pump with fresh beefy wire from your battery?

This sort of happened to me, fuel pump just couldn't get the juice it needed through the stock wiring.

Me and another 1J owner are running 500-ish whp with a high pressure 255, your setup shouldn't be an issue if the pump itself isn't going bad, which would be more far fetched than a wiring problem.