Al Gores new "farenhate 9-11" type movie

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Nick M

Black Rifles Matter
Sep 9, 2005

Joel W.

Just A Jedi
Nov 7, 2005
Did you see the movie Nick? I was just wondering what he had to say on GW? From your post and what I found, it sounds like a "scare you straight" type flick.. LOL

I searched a bit but all I really found is he is possibly planning on running for President in 2008 and he released this movie and a book deal also.

That makes me question his motives..


Has cheezberger
Aug 31, 2005
ManPigBear! Im super SUPER cerial you guys!


7Ms are for Cressidas
Apr 1, 2005
Woodstock, GA
What scares me is that there are enough people who believe or agree with people like Michael Moore, that he hasn't wound up dead. I mean... he's a big enough target, it wouldn't be hard to miss. I believe in freedom of speech, but someone really needs to take care of "problem people" like him - people who twist the truth and bring it as gospel to the masses. It's really inciting rebellion and treasonous behavior. At one point in history wasn't death the penalty for treason? God forbid we should make his fat-ass a martyr, but I'd still like to never hear about him again.

Nick M

Black Rifles Matter
Sep 9, 2005
I believe in freedom of speech, but someone really needs to take care of "problem people" like him - people who twist the truth and bring it as gospel to the masses.

He is protected by the first amendment. While it isnt unrestricted, and never was, his opinion is the reason for it. You can't do like the Nazi's and Marxist's and put people in jail for politcal opinons. The first amendment isn't absolute. You can not insite a riot, yell fire in a crowded theatre, sell porn, etc...

I searched a bit but all I really found is he is possibly planning on running for President in 2008 and he relased this movie and a book deal also.
You bet your ass he is running again. I don't care what he says now. He is campaigning right now. He is solidifying his politcal base, which is the far left. Far left is national socialism, marxism, teacher unions, homosexuals, anti capitalists, and other fringe groups that make odd bed fellows. He solidifies the base, then try to run in the general election to the right of where he really stands. It worked for Bill Clinton. You can not win the presidency if you are thought to be a liberal.
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7Ms are for Cressidas
Apr 1, 2005
Woodstock, GA
Nick M said:
You bet your ass he is running again. I don't care what he says now. He is campaigning right now. He is solidifying his politcal base, which is the far left. Far left is national socialism, marxism, teacher unions, homosexuals, anti capitalists, and other fringe groups that make odd bed fellows. He solidifies the base, then try to run in the general election to the right of where he really stands. It worked for Bill Clinton. You can not win the presidency if you are thought to be a liberal.

What's scary is that many politicians will appear to change their opinions or image publicly in order to gain the popular vote. A co-worker has a semi-recent picture from the middle east with Hillary Rodham-Clinton and some politician on a military helicopter. I saw it and just about puked. Support for the troops, eh? Let's not forget the past. I'm not buying this "change of heart" B.S.
Who knows? Rodham/Gore 08? The sad thing is, they might be able to pull it off.


Apr 4, 2005
drunk_medic said:
What scares me is that there are enough people who believe or agree with people like Michael Moore[...] who twist the truth and bring it as gospel to the masses. It's really inciting rebellion and treasonous behavior. [...]death the penalty[...]

the people you are defending can be described in the exact same manner. And they are causing rebellion and treasonous behaviour aswell.

I'm guessing you voted for Bush in 2004?

it sucks to know that the poeople who didnt vote at all made a better choice than you, eh?


Has cheezberger
Aug 31, 2005
NATAN666 said:
I'm guessing you voted for Bush in 2004?

it sucks to know that the poeople who didnt vote at all made a better choice than you, eh?
2000 and 2004... That's one of the greatest things about being an AMERICAN, I can vote...

But saying that those that didnt vote made a better choice is insane... If you dont vote, or didnt vote, "you" dont have the right to say shit...


I think it was the google
Mar 30, 2005
The Farm
Reign_Maker said:
2000 and 2004... That's one of the greatest things about being an AMERICAN, I can vote...

But saying that those that didnt vote made a better choice is insane... If you dont vote, or didnt vote, "you" dont have the right to say shit...

damn right, but, both parties are full of shit.
dont matter who u vote for, they dont make the choices, lobbiest and big compainies run america.
they just say what u wanna hear.

Nick M

Black Rifles Matter
Sep 9, 2005
the people you are defending can be described in the exact same manner. And they are causing rebellion and treasonous behaviour aswell.
Are you payint attention? When did I defend anybody in this thread except Michael Moore's right to a political opinion. :stickpoke

Who can be described in what manner? That Bush is more to the left than he campaigned as? Of course that is the case. But he is still far to the right of the DNC.

lobbiest and big compainies run america.
While there is no denying the lobbyest position, it is a first amendment right, big companies do not run the US. Just ask Enron, World Com, Arthur Anderson, Tyco, etc etc, whose thieving executives John Ashcroft and Albeto Gonzalez put in jail. While Janet Reno did nothing.

Nick M

Black Rifles Matter
Sep 9, 2005
Clueless said:
Bush being a leftist? That's bull...I will not vote for Gore and/or Mrs. Clinton, they would destroy the country.
Of course not, but he is left of what he campaigned. Same as dad. Dad promised 4 more years of Reagan and raised taxes on the nations achievers. (making the rich pay their fari share lie)

Still right wing though.

p j

New Member
Mar 31, 2005
I saw the movie last night. My sister works for the ecology center in Ann Arbor and we got passes to see it before it was released here. I suggest seeing it if you have the opportunity. There's really not much (if any) politics in it, just a film pointing out the facts about global warming. Even if you think global warming is bs you should see it anyway. You might see things differently afterwards. If you don't then at least you'll have peace of mind knowing everything is okay.

EDIT: Forgot to mention - the name of the film is "An Inconvenient Truth" and it's not a fahrenheit 9-11 type movie.
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Michael Morre didn't go far enough. The Neocons knew, at the very least, what was about to transpire on 9-11, and did nothing, or, worst case scenario, they planned it to swing public opinion around to the point where the masses would support their diabolical schemes for mid east hegemony. The official story is a fairy tale, so full of holes it's laughable. Same old, same old. False flag attacks and lies are nothing new.
cheers, gary J Parker
'85 Celica GTS
'65 Norton Atlas 750
'69 Norton Mercury 650

Nick M

Black Rifles Matter
Sep 9, 2005
norton65ca said:
Michael Morre didn't go far enough. The Neocons knew, at the very least, what was about to transpire on 9-11, and did nothing, or, worst case scenario, they planned it to swing public opinion around to the point where the masses would support their diabolical schemes for mid east hegemony. The official story is a fairy tale, so full of holes it's laughable. Same old, same old. False flag attacks and lies are nothing new.
cheers, gary J Parker
'85 Celica GTS
'65 Norton Atlas 750
'69 Norton Mercury 650
That is quite possilby one of the dumber posts I have ever read on a forum.
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