a "how to" essay

I have to write a "how to" essay for my English-111 class. I think I might do it on the steps to ensure a police officer doesn't violate your 4th amendment rights (illegal search/seizure) during a traffic stop. but I wanted to see if I could get some input from SM. what would you write the paper on? Just curious.
WOW. amazing. I would not have even thought to search for something like that on SM. thanks poodles.
I was just asking for any other topics but this actually helped.
I think the title will read
"Exercising Your 4th by Using Your 5th."
thanks again


7Ms are for Cressidas
Apr 1, 2005
Woodstock, GA
Make sure your content is your own, or that you give proper credit. There is a post on plagiarism somewhere around here. Hunt it down and read it!