90T vrs a few cars


Mar 31, 2005
Saskatoon SK, Canada
simple night in a neighboring city. It was grad night so everyone was out in there fancy cars. Me and my friends (in his 1991 honda civic SI) went cruzin around there. He got a few good races in so did I.

I happened to race a 1991 style Escort GT wich was riced to the max with a wing and exausht and shitty azzela lights and it was more rice then I have ever seen. It was a joke to race but he was a cocky ass bastard. And I raced a teal 1st gen non turbo laser RS. all 3 of us lined up at the lights and it turned green and off we went. I didn't get too good off a launch managed to stay even with the laser and the escort got a good launch and was way and front but as soon as the turbo begin to spool they got left in the dust and wayyyyy far behind too. I belive the laser and escort GT were still goign at it but i was already liek 12 cars ahead chaning into the next lane. MY friend in his civic also raced these guys beat them but not as bad as I did.

Next me and my friend go at it. We line up and the light turns green and he gets a good launch. By second gear I just fly by him and he is toasted.

All and all it was a fun night playing with some weak competion though I was trying to race a Mitusbshi VR4 3000GT the whole nigth that was driving around. HE came up beside me and started reving his engine but we could never get a good race as there was too many cars in front of us. Probaly would have gotten smoked by it but it would still be nice to c what it could do. The night ended short as I was racing a Z24 cavalier and All of the sudden I c the blue and reds go off and I got busted. Got off with a warning wich was good but decide I would call it a night.


Mr. Evergreen
Mar 30, 2005
you got caught......... and they let you go..... omg i wish people were ilke that here in the states


New Member
Apr 6, 2005
i dont think anyone in the states will be racing this weekend...there will be cops everywhere due to the holiday weekend

aye mate

Hiatus over.
Mar 30, 2005
^werd^ plus my cars not running... but yea everyone on the road here in the states thinks they're a cop so the actual cops HAVE to be dicks. One thing I noticed when I was in Germany people actually got out of the way if someone behind them was going faster than them. Not slow down even more trying to play police man(or woman).


Mr. Evergreen
Mar 30, 2005
doom26464 said:
make that caught twice and both times let off with a warning.

with all do respect man,,, i fookin hate you. you lucky SOB.

i've had to keep such a low profile just to keep myself from gettin pulled over and i have a radar/laser detect and scanner in car and when i go hit the race spots i hang behind because the cops are so hell bent on ticketing or arresting poeple for racing its sick. i live in the middle of a mountain town so i geuss the cops have nothing better to do other than bust kids for racing and find pot plantations in the mountains.