7mge ACIS system questions


cure for the common rice
Nov 3, 2007
toccoa ga
so ill be honest i spend most of my time under the hood of my turbo car rather than my na, but im not sure if i even have most of my valving and solenoids and whatnot anymore, basically i just need to see if i do and if i do then i need to clean the solenoid and whatnot, correct?


New Member
Feb 1, 2006
arlington tx
:evil2: to get it to kick in early, turn ur TPS back a bit and u can realy pull on other's when haveing fun ...... but if i was turbo i think it would have a better response... If im wrong let me know but i have it done and heck yea it makes a 20mph roll race realy fun. (7MGE- R154 tranny stage 3 clutch and 4:30 diff)

p.s wait for turbo and posi

Nick M

Black Rifles Matter
Sep 9, 2005
89supramk3;1453225 said:
:evil2: to get it to kick in early, turn ur TPS back a bit and u can realy pull on other's when haveing fun

Why don't you copy and past the tech information from Toyota explaining how retarding the TPS signal makes the valve open sooner?

Opening the valve sooner will make the car accelerate slower at low engine speed.


7M-GE + MAFT Pro + T = :D
Oct 24, 2005
Denver, CO
Alright... well, I've wired up to log the ACIS VSV... couldn't get a log yet though as my laptop battery was too low. I did test out (while the car wasn't running but the key was at ON and while driving around a bit) the the VSV isn't activated until the TPS voltage is at 2.88v (that number matched on both my DMM and the MAFT Pro)... so ACIS is active a lot less of the time than I expected.

EDIT: For those of you don't know how this relates to your throttle position: the ACIS doesn't activate until you're past 80% throttle... nuts. It seems that load isn't part of the system as the ACIS activates at low loads (when the engine isn't even running) and at VERY high loads (10psi of boost).... actually, I don't really even think it merits much more investigation... I'm interested to see if it activates at the same throttle level when the air temp is different; Engine temps made no difference.

Oh, and for those who were wondering if ACIS would make a perceptible difference on a boosted GE... NO... it might as well not even be there.
Last edited:

Nick M

Black Rifles Matter
Sep 9, 2005
CRE;1457228 said:
Alright... well, I've wired up to log the ACIS VSV... couldn't get a log yet though as my laptop battery was too low. I did test out (while the car wasn't running but the key was at ON and while driving around a bit) the the VSV isn't activated until the TPS voltage is at 2.88v (that number matched on both my DMM and the MAFT Pro)... so ACIS is active a lot less of the time than I expected.

EDIT: For those of you don't know how this relates to your throttle position: the ACIS doesn't activate until you're past 80% throttle... nuts. It seems that load isn't part of the system as the ACIS activates at low loads (when the engine isn't even running) and at VERY high loads (10psi of boost).... actually, I don't really even think it merits much more investigation... I'm interested to see if it activates at the same throttle level when the air temp is different; Engine temps made no difference.

Oh, and for those who were wondering if ACIS would make a perceptible difference on a boosted GE... NO... it might as well not even be there.

My sarcastic comment wasn't too you. It was for the other comment.

I had some documentation that showed 4500 rpm. Or so I thought.

JJ has 4200 and 60% throttle. In addition, it defaults open at low speed and low throttle. That takes away cylinder pressure. Which will reduce NOx.


7M-GE + MAFT Pro + T = :D
Oct 24, 2005
Denver, CO
Sarcastic comment? No worries, I didn't think it was pointed at me.

Bah... I wasn't even thinking about the RPM... hmmm... I don't remember what position is what with the ACIS, so I'm just posting when the VSV's state changes. With the engine off but the ignition "ON" or with the car at idle the VSV1 signal is ~12v, when the TPS signal goes above 2.88v the VSV1 signal goes low (it read 1.18v).

The throttle percentage of 60 is possible if the plate's pulley/linkage system is logarithmic... but I'm going off the readings from the TPS which, AFAIK, is linear... So even if the pulley and linkage system isn't linear, the part that's measuring the throttle position is what counts. By the way, does anyone know how the differences between the pre89 and 89+ throttle bodies affect the movement of the throttle plate?

I'll have to do some detailed logging then.... sigh... do you or JJ happen to know if the VSV circuit or the VSV itself is clamped (or whatever it's called)? I don't want to risk a spike killing my Pro. If you're unsure, then I'll just put a diode across VSV1 and B+... Once I get this figured out I'll plug in the sensor line I added to the Pro and then I'll log some daily driving and such.

HEY ALEX!!!! (Waves Hands) You want to help out? You're thr only person I can think of who's running a MAFT Pro in 7M-GE electronics and still N/A.... If you're interested I can walk you through the mods to make to the MAFT Pro and where to wire everything up.


New Member
Jul 26, 2007
CRE;1457574 said:
HEY ALEX!!!! (Waves Hands) You want to help out? You're thr only person I can think of who's running a MAFT Pro in 7M-GE electronics and still N/A.... If you're interested I can walk you through the mods to make to the MAFT Pro and where to wire everything up.

Who me....wire...mods....you know how well I do that:icon_razz

I'll do what I can, mine is used as a DD now and I've been back and forth to Florida working.

I need to fix my connections to the Maft, still having problems with it wanting to die, my eyes are not as good as they used to be, are the pins on the connectors split, like can I slip a small screw driver in between and spread the pins to make a better connection?


7M-GE + MAFT Pro + T = :D
Oct 24, 2005
Denver, CO
AJ'S 88NA;1457659 said:
Who me....wire...mods....you know how well I do that:icon_razz

Oh, I was just seeing if you were still awake. ;)

AJ'S 88NA;1457659 said:
I need to fix my connections to the Maft, still having problems with it wanting to die, my eyes are not as good as they used to be, are the pins on the connectors split, like can I slip a small screw driver in between and spread the pins to make a better connection?

The pins inside the plug on the harness are split... you actually want to press them closed tighter as they slide around the pins in the Pro's receptacle. Just insert a small sewing pin on each side of the plug's pins... it doesn't take much, so don't over do it. Use a magnifying glass to take a good look at it and you'll see what needs done. Don't over do it though, crush them and the plug may not reconnect properly.

Back to this ACIS stuff.... well, I'll go ahead and log it and see what turns up. I'm not feeling so hot today (I better not be getting sick) so it'll have to wait for some other day. I'm also going to put a diode across the VSV's coil since I don't know if there is any such protection in place. I also need to check a setting on the Pro which is used to alter the TPS signal and make sure it's disabled.


New Member
Jul 26, 2007
CRE;1457714 said:
Oh, I was just seeing if you were still awake. ;)

The pins inside the plug on the harness are split... you actually want to press them closed tighter as they slide around the pins in the Pro's receptacle. Just insert a small sewing pin on each side of the plug's pins... it doesn't take much, so don't over do it. Use a magnifying glass to take a good look at it and you'll see what needs done. Don't over do it though, crush them and the plug may not reconnect properly.

Back to this ACIS stuff.... well, I'll go ahead and log it and see what turns up. I'm not feeling so hot today (I better not be getting sick) so it'll have to wait for some other day. I'm also going to put a diode across the VSV's coil since I don't know if there is any such protection in place. I also need to check a setting on the Pro which is used to alter the TPS signal and make sure it's disabled.

Yeah, I'm still awake, sort of. I've tried to bend the female ends a little, still works loose and runs like pig shit :) I'll try again.

What are we trying to prove here with the ACIS?


7M-GE + MAFT Pro + T = :D
Oct 24, 2005
Denver, CO
Oh, just trying to log its activity.... my system isn't the best example to use for logging it though (turbo and all).

You sure the problem is still the connector? If you treak the female pins does the car behave for a while? The pins really shouldn't keep spreading unless the unit is moved around a lot. Switching to gold plated pins helps, but you need the right crimpers for the job... if you're sure your problem is the pins then new ones are probably in order.


New Member
Jul 26, 2007
CRE;1457913 said:
Oh, just trying to log its activity.... my system isn't the best example to use for logging it though (turbo and all).

You sure the problem is still the connector? If you treak the female pins does the car behave for a while? The pins really shouldn't keep spreading unless the unit is moved around a lot. Switching to gold plated pins helps, but you need the right crimpers for the job... if you're sure your problem is the pins then new ones are probably in order.
Send me a PM as to what you want me to do and I'll see what I can do, time is kind of short right now.

Yes, when I mess with the connections it runs fine for a while. I don't move the Maft too much and my wife only messes with it when it starts acting up.

10 pounds of boost hey? I'm sure it was worth the trouble:evil2:


New Member
May 31, 2005
Columbia, MO
I just thought tuning the activation would improve wot and pull at higher rpm. The engine produces it's torque at 4,800rpm. The acis would activate at 4,000rpm and there would be a little dead spot between the activation point the engine peak torque rpm. I felt like having it activate a little higher in the rpms would be more efficient and make for a more linear power band.

Nick M

Black Rifles Matter
Sep 9, 2005
Apply vacuum from an external source, forcing the valve closed, and then dyno it to see if you get peak torque at 4800 rpm. I don't think it will with that simulated long runner.

What, you don't want it to "kick in" sooner? ;)


New Member
Apr 13, 2006
My ACIS has an adjustable change over point as it is running off a shift light indicator a bit like those found on old rev counters. Mine is set at 4000rpm. To be honest changing the set point up and down a few hundred rpm makes no detectble difference. Leaving the ACIS valve open at all rpm results in no power down low. Leaving it closed results in bogging down at high rpm. No surprises here.


7M-GE + MAFT Pro + T = :D
Oct 24, 2005
Denver, CO
Thanks for the info Amichie. The only time I figure there may be a benefit to adjusting the activation point would be in engines whose volumetric efficiencies have been thoroughly changed from stock... even then, given the limitations of the 7M-GE, I seriously doubt there'd be much improvement.


New Member
May 31, 2005
Columbia, MO
I just remember that when i felt this dead spot, my camshaft timing was off. After adjusting them back to 0, the high rpm pull was much much better.
The reason why i believe it would make sense for the secondaries to open later, is to more efficiently use the torque. For example on the H22A engines, they used secondaries as well as variable valve timing with lift. The torque of the engine was generated at 5,500rpm. The secondaries open from being closed at 5,000rpm, and then the lift hits at 5,200rpm. Anyway about the 7M-GE, I'm sure Toyota engineered that way for a reason. Maybe they were looking for smooth power. Having it kick in at 4k is an unnoticeable smooth transition, but having it kick in right when the engine produces it's peak torque it would be a rougher activation. This is something I would like to test just to see what would happen for the hell of it eventually.


7M-GE + MAFT Pro + T = :D
Oct 24, 2005
Denver, CO
While I'm capable of logging this I don't feel that the reults would be entirely relevant and that it would be better if someone running a stock 7M-GE with logging capabilities were to tackle this. So I'm bowing out... perhaps Josh from Pueblo would be willing once he gets his system running.