#6 cylinder is no go.


New Member
May 24, 2008
Auckland, New Zealand
I think i have an idea whats going on but thought that i would ask here if some one else has come across this also. I have searched and havent really found anything other than some one with a similar prob on SF).

Things have been running fine untill over night. sttart it up and its running rough. take each coil out at a time and find that pulling the 6th doesnt change the running at all. Test that it has spark and plugged in another injector and its pulsing. When its running rough there is a notable smell of unburnt fuel.

Took the spark plug and its coated in fuel so i guess that the injector is stuck open or something like that. Is this common at all?

Was going to swap the injector out tonight but looks like its going to be more than a 10 min job :eek:


Broke and Lovin It
Sep 13, 2007
Central Ma / Cape Cod Ma
one thing that can fix a stuck injector is put it on the battery for a second, so it smacks it open. as a last ditch effort. fixed my buddy's, and that was a year ago. and its still running fine.

but yea, getting to them on our engine is a bi*ch