well my first post was when i was still on batch fire and 12 fuel teeth. i did have to lean some out but that may have been from a different unrelated problem.
I then put fuel teeth to 24 which will stop batch fire since we use a 12 tooth wheel on the cam. we get 12 twice between tdc events. when i put in 24 fuel teeth the car dies. thats because it only fires the injectors once per 4 stroke cycle instead of two, so half the fuel at 24 teeth. i increased the fuel about 40 to 50% to get the car to start. the injector needs more time on to spray. you can wire in the 4,5, 6 injectors and keep 12 teeth but going to 24 fuel teeth and getting rid of multiplex timing (oem timing randomization program) makes the car drive like a mk4.
Now i have sequential at 24 fuel teeth and have tuned the car with a hybrid boost comp map. Fuel is full boost comp over 5 psi, fuel graduates down at 5 psi to 0 psi and in vacuum the numbers are the same from left to right in each vacuum area (-3,-6,-9 and -12 psi). obviously -8 psi does not have as much fuel as -4 psi but the number is the same from left to right. that means the number is the same from 500 rpm to 7500. fuel is then corrected at these rpms via the throttle inj correct table and boost comp numbers. i use a little -% in the boost comp table under zero psi (it decreases fuel from 0 to -12 psi) and some throttle inject correct table for to reduce (-% at tps) fuel at throttle ranges from 0 to about 35 or 40%. thats about -17 at 0 tps to 0 or no correction at 35 or 40% thrtle inj correct table.
boost comp is awesome way to tune WOT. it works at every boost level when its set up properly and it appears to like sequential injection. i can run good fuel at 15 psi and flick the hi boost switch to 19 psi and the only number changed is the boost comp table number that increases the fuel across the rpm range equally at that psi setting. and i get the same a/f target.
I like the throttle inj correct and a little -% on boost comp in the vacuum areas because climbing hills and different gears have different throttle %s at the same rpms. so the fuel a/f will be correct in these areas at cruise.
my af on the highway is from 15.6 to 14.7 depending on what gear i am in. at 70 in 5th it is 15.3 to 15.7 depending on outside temps. usually 15.4 a/f.