$30 for a small advertising job...


Apr 8, 2007
Toronto Ontario
Hey, I need a hand with some advertising I'm doing. I work for Re/Max and I'm putting together an ad for my business.

My problem is that I suck at ad design and I could use a hand with the written aspect as well.

So here's the deal, if someone here can design a flyer that I end up using, I'll give you $30. Paypal only.

I have a very basic one drawn up and I will send it to anyone interested by request via PM or e-mail.

Feel free to design it however you feel. The disclaimers have to stay as does the Re/Max logo and a pic of my mug.

Size is not a huge deal but it should be 8x11 or any smaller variation of size.

I'm aware that my post count on here isn't very high, but I have been a member of the Toronto Supra club for about 5 years now and I'm on the exec comittee of the club. Any of the TSC guys on here can vouch for me. I'm good for the $$$.

Mods, if there are any issues with this, let me know.

Pm me if interested.


Anthony Wade.