1JZ starting issues


Supramania Contributor
Dec 24, 2006
Yeadon, PA
So, here's the problem. I cannot start my car. Fuel pump isn't turning on, starter does not turn, engine doesn't crank.

Here is how it started. Car has been runing perfect now for a couple weeks. While driving yesterday, the car started to act up. My wideband said everything was normal between 12.0-14.0 while cruising. So I gingerly drove back home and shut her off. Engine bay seemed to be really hot, while my water temp gauge read normal. I noticed a little smoke coming from the intake side of the engine. I don't know where exactly it was coming from, but all the wires seemed to be intact and not burnt. I let her cool down all the way, then tried to start her back up to diagnose the problem. This is when I got nothing but a click when trying to start.

Engine isn't seized, I can spin the crank by hand.
FPR says no pressure when the key is in on position.
Checked the ECU for any noticable blown caps, Nada.
Checked connections for any that were loose, Nothing.
Checked battery for correct voltage, Good.
Checked fuses, all good.
Checked codes, only O2 sensor problem, code 21.
Checked fluids, all normal levels.
I did notice a little bit of oil hanging out in the harness connector for the front Cam Position Sensor, Cleaned it out.

Ok, so I was thinking it could be the EFI relay not turning the pump on. But this wouldn't explain the starter not cranking the engine. I never had a problem with the starter, but a bad starter could explain why I only get a click when trying to start the car.

So I figure, jump the fuel pump relay to test the fuel pump turning on, jump the starter relay to test that the starter works. Should I try anything else?

I know that the ECU controls the Fuel pump, and a bad ecu would explain the issue with the fuel pump , but it seems that a bad ecu should not hinder the starting system from cranking the engine. Right?

If anyone has anymore ideas that would be great. thanks


never ending project ...
Apr 2, 2005
fuel pump, if wired stock, will only turn on after the engine turns over. so if the engine doesn't turn over, it's not going to turn on.

try this. jump the starter with a piece of thick wire (two points on the starter) with the key in the full on position. car should crank over and you should hear the fuel pump. go from there.

by the way, just because the battery voltage looks good, doesn't mean the battery is good. open circuit volts could be 12.8, but once you put a load on it, they cold drop to zero, i've seen it before, but i'll assume it's not your battery. jump the starter.


Supramania Contributor
Dec 24, 2006
Yeadon, PA
OK, well I jumped the starter, and it did nothing. Bad Starter? I checked the starter relay as well, works perfectly switching 12 volts. When I hold the key powering the starter, voltage drops to ~11 volts.

Next step to recheck the grounds again? Wouldn't the voltage not drop when trying to start if the ground to the starter was open? I recharged the battery to full to make sure the battery was good.

Anything else? I might try to bypass the starter completely and attempt to bump start it.


Classifieds Moderator
Staff member
Mar 26, 2006
Sounds kind of like what my car did about two months ago, as far as not wanting to start. Different circumstances, but mine was a combination of 15w40 Rotella, a weak ass Walmart battery, and a VERY chilly Wyoming winter afternoon (-20*f). Does your starter click once, or repeatedly? Mine clicked repeatedly, apparently the grease inside them can gum up and cause issues when it gets cold enough... Fresh new Optima redtop battery and about a minute of holding the key to 'start' solved my problem. :)

S.A. supra

New Member
Feb 15, 2009
Buda, Texas
My starter went out the other day, Just stopped working . No warning or anything when I popped the hood it smelled like something was burning. Do you have a 1jz starter in there? Or is it a 7m starter? Apparently the 1jz starters suck. The solenoid Is tiny on the 1j and is prone to die fast. If you put the 1j and the 7m starters side by side the 7m looks like it's on steroids. The 7m starter is a PITA to get in because of it's size. I had to bend the dip stick to make room. But it sure does kick the 1jz over with no problem.


Supramania Contributor
Dec 24, 2006
Yeadon, PA
Yep. Last night I checked the grounds on the starter and it was good. Bump started it and started perfectly. What got me was on my other supra, the 1jz starter showed signs of failing before I went ahead and replaced it. The whole burning smell got me worried about wiring and relays.
Thanks for all the help.

I now got to drive an hour to Pep Boys to get the starter. No one seems to have it in stock. Went with a 92 7mgte starter. Hopefully plugs match up and fits ok.

S.A. supra

New Member
Feb 15, 2009
Buda, Texas
Mine matched up fine. Let us know how much of a PITA it was to get that big bitc* in that Little hole. It took me and my bro in law 5hrs I had a fuel line and dip stick In the way and I could not get to the starter from the top because of the wiring harness and the Injector wires. from the 550cc MKIV injector upgrade. Good luck