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  • hey i have a problem and would like some help if u dont mine the engine is completly stock when i drive it sounds like a robot jacking off sort of like if it were lifters. u only hear it when u accelerate though not when u shift down.. just seeing mainly if i can fix the engine from shutting off in second gear and it only does it in second gear lets say i floor it i go into second and then around 4 or 5 grand lets say i let off it will shut down but ignition still on thats what i run into.... if i drive soft or downshift soft it wont do it. and the sound i feel it in the pedal not too much but u hear it when idling and as rpms go up the sound speeds up with the rpm the, sounds like lifters or the best sound is as if it needed oil u know when a car needs oil that click click sound the oil is the specified manufactor oil and its synthetic. by the way its a supposively a 40-60k engine
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